
Post Turkey Day Reunion Ride at the lake


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Huge turnout, ran into a lot of riders to include a few college kids home for the holiday :thumb:

i think we ended the day with a pinch flat, toast rear wheel and clunking marz 66 (the latter two were from my bikes :twitch: )

anyhoo, i managed to snap some pics so enjoy.

best pic of the day...i'm so stoked on this one and i think aaron is too :thumb:

aaron was on fire! i love it when the natives show up (ahahaha...excellent use of pun 10pts)

trying to whip the tree

daniel moser even made it in although he had to ride my bikes (and make me look bad by doing it :twitch: )
he's back (signature style)

even alex was kind enough to leave the high life in bwawston to join us lowly souther folk

matt skeen showed up with his girl pants and flowy hair

the flying frenchman...steven trottier pimped his racerboy style

the mall lifeguard, jon, even made it

of course, noah rocked it out like superman w/ his jacket flowing behind him

steven even snagged a pic of me :thumb:

just part of the crowd