

Feb 26, 2002
Port Washington, NY
Well beer has tons of threads, and now cigars have there own thread, so what the hell. How many of you guys smoke pot? Whats your prefered method of smoking? (blun,t joint, bong.. ect)
Also anyone know any good recipes with pot?


Feb 26, 2003
i used to smoke a lot...but havent now in over a year. Id say my favorite method was blunts, than bongs. and the only recipe i can think of are brownies, but im pretty sure everyone knows that.


Jun 8, 2002
Asheville, North Carolina
Being a dirty hippy (j/k), I eat a lot of hemp seed containing foods.
(Omega-3 fatty acids, dude!....actually the perfect fuel for cyclists)

I've only had one experiance eating pot...had an 1/8 straight out of the bag. It hit me so hard that I never wanted to try eating it again.


Feb 26, 2002
Port Washington, NY
Wow eating it straight mustve been pretty nasty. It seems as if alot of mountain bikers smoke pot, especially ones the ride at plattekill. Not once have i been there without seeing atleast 1 person smoking pot in the parking lot or on the lift


Jan 31, 2003
I smoke chronic. Not that often though, maybe a few times a month. My preferred method is definitely a bong. I don't get high very easily, so I need to smoke a lot if I want to get high from other methods. But bongs get the job done quickly. Hookas can be fun too :D.

*packs a bowl*


Jun 8, 2002
Asheville, North Carolina
Originally posted by SHWA
Wow eating it straight mustve been pretty nasty. It seems as if alot of mountain bikers smoke pot, especially ones the ride at plattekill. Not once have i been there without seeing atleast 1 person smoking pot in the parking lot or on the lift
I don't care what the square's on this board have to say about the matter.
Mountain bikeing is and has always been a pot-head sport.
Anyone saying otherwise knows absolutely nothing about the riding scene. Sorry y'all.

Oh yeah, eating it raw was nasty: never again.
I prefer a glass bowl.

BTW: Risse Racing makes some steller bar end plugs.:evil:


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Personally I can't ride as well when I'm baked, so I don't do it anymore. I've spent quite a bit of time high in my life but not in the past year or so, job situation's just too sketchy now. I think they should just legalize the stuff, everyone who wants to smoke it does. National debt problem solved, jail crowding problem solved, tainted drugs problem solved...


Strangely intrigued by Echo
Oct 30, 2001
Charlotte, NC
I get stoned maybe 4 times a year. I just don't have the time to sit around and get stupid anymore. If it were legal, I'd probably do it more often.

However, I followed the Dead, so we got stoned once a year........:p.........we just stayed that way all year.

My buddy in San Diego makes some killer brownies from scratch, I'll see if I can get the recipe from him. Those have a cycle that goes as follows......eat brownie, get stoned, get muchnies, eat brownie, get stoned, get munchies, eat brownie.......


Feb 26, 2002
Port Washington, NY
Originally posted by Echo
Personally I can't ride as well when I'm baked, so I don't do it anymore. I've spent quite a bit of time high in my life but not in the past year or so, job situation's just too sketchy now. I think they should just legalize the stuff, everyone who wants to smoke it does. National debt problem solved, jail crowding problem solved, tainted drugs problem solved...

Yeah ive never even tried riding stoned, i think id just crash and die, unlike many people im not close to as coordinated when high.


Hhaha. When me an hubby were engaged, we went to visit his mom (who at the time smoked weed and grew her own), and she had a bunch of seeds and stems saved up that she ground up and put into some couscous, which we ate. Man, I have never been so stoned in my life! Me and hubby were arguing over who was going to drive home cuz we were both so stoned. :dead: Don't mess with the stuff anymore, but if it was legal.... who knows. Maybe, maybe not.


Jun 8, 2002
Asheville, North Carolina
Originally posted by Brian HCM#1
This is kind of the wrong place for this topic.
And this is the right place for a thread titled "cigars", in which you were the third to post?

What exactly makes this the wrong place?
Where would you suggest? 24hr racing?
Pot smoking and mountain biking go hand in hand.
A forum titled "beer and food"on a mountian biking message board seems to be a great place for this topic.



the teste
Nov 22, 2002
I am not an avid pot advocate, but I will say this. From my experience pot should have more of a place here than beer or tobacco. I am not against beer either, drinking one now.

I have known several people who have died as the result of drinking. My mother is currently fighting lung cancer even though she quit smoking years ago. It just pisses me off when people diss pot but support things that are worse, like alcahol. People need to stop listening to Nancy Reagan and start thinking for themselves.

This is starting to look more like a political forum thread though.:rolleyes:
May 24, 2002
Boulder CO
Disagree...pot and mountain biking do NOT go hand in hand...stop living in the past.

I am not against it, I just dont think its fair to make stereotypes like that. I highly doubt you'll see Roland Green getting high before the next XC race or Chris Kovarik smoking on the chairlift. If you want to smoke lots of weed and ride I really think your just giving an advantage to the rest of us though...as robin williams says, its definitly NOT a performance enhancing drug.


Dec 13, 2002
Construction in Subterfuge
Originally posted by Sideways
And this is the right place for a thread titled "cigars", in which you were the third to post?

What exactly makes this the wrong place?
Where would you suggest? 24hr racing?
Pot smoking and mountain biking go hand in hand.
A forum titled "beer and food"on a mountian biking message board seems to be a great place for this topic.

Amen Brother!

Remember, weed wasn't always illegal, and acohol used to be. If you don't burn cool, but don't tell me there is a difference.

melt a cube of butter on low w/ about an 1/8 for about 30 minutes, strain, and chill for whatever baking you choose. I like chocolate chip cookies.

www.vriptech.com another healthy way to burn (steam) trees.:D


Mar 13, 2002
man, that vriptech shiot is real expensive. i prefer the glass bowl at the moment, though never smoke and ride, that would be sudden death, i think. though lots of couriers in boston work while stoned, how the hell would you be able to manage that?
i really want a bong though, i don't smoke anything enough to really get used to it, bongs are just so much smoother.



Feb 26, 2002
Port Washington, NY
If people can talk about smoking cigars, I dont see whats wrong with talking about smoking pot but thats just my oppinion.

In response to neversummersnow, your right in that cross country mountain biking and smoking pot do not go hand in hand... or atleast not as much as freeride and downhill.

I dont get why people think pot is so much worse for you than tobbacco or alcohol. Sure its not good for your lungs, but if you smoke in moderation its not that bad. They love airing commercials saying that one joint has as much tar as four ciggeretes, but they dont give you the whole truth. Ciggeretes have so many more harmful additeves in them.... and even if pot does have more tar, people who smoke ciggeretes smoke so many more ciggerets than people do pot.

Brian HCM#1

Don’t feed the troll
Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Originally posted by Sideways
And this is the right place for a thread titled "cigars", in which you were the third to post?

What exactly makes this the wrong place?
Where would you suggest? 24hr racing?
Pot smoking and mountain biking go hand in hand.
A forum titled "beer and food"on a mountian biking message board seems to be a great place for this topic.

Pot is a drug and is illegal in this country, thats why I say its not the right place. Last I looked cigars were still legal to buy. Or just rephrase it................What do you LIKE to eat when your stoned?


Jun 8, 2002
Asheville, North Carolina
Originally posted by Brian HCM#1
Pot is a drug and is illegal in this country, thats why I say its not the right place. Last I looked cigars were still legal to buy. Or just rephrase it................What do you LIKE to eat when your stoned?
Don't worry dude, nobody here plans to use the ridemonkey as a distribution channel for marijuana.
It's still 100% A-O-K to talk about using illigal drugs.

Has anyone here cooked with Hemp oil?
Seems like a logical cooking oil for us athletic types.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 25, 2002
Hangin' with Riggs and Mertah
I am not sure that there are many professions out there that enable a person to get high and work daily. Bicycle courier work would be one of them. I never smoked pot at all when I was riding courier.

As for getting high and cycling? Part of getting high is the escape. Same for mountain biking. With all of those endorphins going it is easy to confuse the desire to cycle and the need to get high.

I ride straight edge mostly, however some of my past best bicycle rides involved meeting people on the trail who brought a little somethin..

I hope they decriminalize pot in canada for a couple of reasons. First so that those damn people I went to high school with have to open a legitimate place of business to sell the stuff instead of living like hippies. They either deserve the respect they earn for their persistance or the rest of us deserve that they pay income taxes instead of just living in the country off of the rest of us. These people have no right to claim that they are not a part of society and therefore do not deserve to have to pay taxes.

The other reason that pot should be decriminalized?

The bottom line? The first country in North America to decriminalize will become incredibly wealthy as a result and will set a new precedent. It isn't right that a fella should have to serve time for smoking a plant. I see how obnoxious ciggarette smoke is and I can't stand going to the local bars often because of it. If there was weed smoke in the air it wouldn't be quite so bad. Pot would take the focus off of alcohol which can be very destructive.

I am always angry to think of the millions of taxdollars that go to putting a roof over the head of some potsmoker that got 'caught'. My taxdollar put the same drughead in drug wonderland prison-network where that guy gets fed housed and high while not having to do a thing. Even the welfare system here isn't that good!

Sex, Pot, Music, Bicycles & computers are a lifestyle choice that a person makes. I am sure that there is nothing wrong with this decision. By comparison to the harder drugs out there I should say that some have dodged a serious bullet by averting the 'sexual drugs' and f'd up cocaine crack and heroin addictions.

What if someone hadn't said that you do not need anything more than shrooms pot and beer? The explanation that the others just do the same thing while disturbing the chemical balance in their brain because of hard drugs and are 100 times more at risk when it comes to becoming clinically insane.

In regards to mixing drugs and professional jobs? This is what triggers the most debate. Firstly one questions moderation around pot because there are so many people who smoke it daily for years on years. My understanding is that one must learn their occupation in sobriety or become browbeaten and weened out from the rest. Secondly once one understands their chosen career or occupation there is little to look forward to in the workplace besides a tougher workload and alot of repetition.

Not all careers are rewarding enough that people would want to give up marijuana smoking in exchange for a larger paycheck. At some point attention to detail and work ethics become more important that the ability to light up a green smoke on the weekend. Family is supposed to be the reward, seeing our children grow and our love for one another is all we need in fact not pot.

I don't believe it. I could become domesticated...but I'd rather not. Being alone is hard on people, it could be a drive. It could be a codependancy we experience as humans. Pot could be just replacing the codependancy of a sexual relationship. I don't think that people are forced to chose between sex and pot.

You only live once right? I have heard people use this excuse to do many stupid things. One should be able to live and experience the best that the world has to offer. Sometimes numbing the effects of how tedious real life can be is the only pro life answer.

The 'i don't care what other people think' factor is so huge that no one is going to stop altogether. Few may (rarely) because of priorities and obligations and a rewarding career. It depends on the journey that the experience called 'life' takes you on. sometimes.

My college professors unilaterally said the same thing that I tend to agree with. You can do whatever you want in life and turn away from it. No one needs to know about it. Also it was added that in the case of marijuana no one like to talk about it because it is illegal and all great and such. Eventually for those who persist in their education they will find that their career will become so rewarding that one loses time for those other things and even family.


Jul 17, 2002
I would much rather be around a bunch of pot smoking hippies that just "sit around in trees" than a bunch of beer drinkin hicks that just end up getting in fights, then go get in there car and run over a family of 4 (I realize that there are responsible drinkers). I just want someone to give me one good reason why alchohol should be legal and marijuana should be illegal. Just one!!!
Originally posted by Sideways
Mountain bikeing is and has always been a pot-head sport.
Anyone saying otherwise knows absolutely nothing about the riding scene. Sorry y'all.
Stoner logic , and rebellious sounding, but not more than wishful thinking. It's cool, bro: if that's your bag and it makes your ride better, then Hakuna Matata and all that. A friend with weed is a friend indeed.

Just don't keep thinking that the rest of us (the squares, man) either share your exuberant belief in the magical qualities pot brings to everything or fail to see how freakin' stupid claims like that are. Trust me, the part of your brain that would have been able to convince we squares otherwise has been paralyzed by the secret Paraquat enzymes the CIA put in all the marijuana genomes in the 1970's.

Relax. Float downstream.



Jan 31, 2003
Originally posted by Jetski
I would much rather be around a bunch of pot smoking hippies that just "sit around in trees" than a bunch of beer drinkin hicks that just end up getting in fights, then go get in there car and run over a family of 4 (I realize that there are responsible drinkers). I just want someone to give me one good reason why alchohol should be legal and marijuana should be illegal. Just one!!!
You're absolutely right. No one can.
Originally posted by Jetski
I just want someone to give me one good reason why alchohol should be legal and marijuana should be illegal. Just one!!!
(sure we can, Tenchiro, but "good" may be subjective.)

Reason 1: Because BEER has alcohol in it.

Bonus Reasons
--...because the Rosetta Stone contains an ale recipe, but nothing about devil-weed.
--...because Jesus drank beer ("wine" is thought to be a European "insert" to many of the parables, where beer would have been more likely) but swore off the loco weed.
--...because alcohol cleans wounds.
--...because Rooster Cogburn liked it.
--...because beer is the oldest prepared beverage in the history of mankind.
--...because those in power like alcohol and the devil-weed has robbed all the motivatiuon that even the most energetic members of NORML needed to get anything done in 30 years of trying...proving the point, really!



Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
If you wanna smoke & can get it, fine...If you dont like it & dont want to, then don't.

But if you do, don't be an idiot & ruin it for the rest of us.

As for recipes, try some green rice krispy treats.

My old roomate & I put a 1/4 oz. (that was run through a coffee grinder) in with some butter, melted it, then added marshmalows & melted it then added Rice Kripsies (Snap! Crackle! Pop!) until it was the consistency we wanted. We split the green hunk after it cooled & I was gone, it was very heady & narcotic. I even laughed outloud to myself for no apparent reason ( i haven't done that since high school). And it was just some schwiggy.

Give it some time to kick in, then it will kick your ass.

I still prefer J's over anything else. But I moslty use one of my glass pieces.

And as for working & chiefing.....If you smoke regularly (once every 1 or 2 days) pot has a total different effect on you...compared to if you occasionaly smoke. So a regular smoker mostly has an easier time handling everyday tasks (at work or not). I used to drive a forklift ( I was an OSHA nightmare :evil: ) & often we would hit a bowl before work & I had a very clean record, no damage to inventory, the building, the lift, co-workers, etc... It just made the monotanus (sp?) work a little more easy to deal with.

And as for the pot vs. alcohol debate....who cares.....my first love was beer then pot.....now it is both.

As for riding & smoking I love it both ways. It is 2 totally different experiences.
Feb 3, 2002
mile high
I blazed a few in my day. Now about 4 times a year, maybe.

I've never ridden and smoked, don't think i could either. However, I do think it wiould be nice to finish a massive reclusive uphill with a big fat L. Then relax for a while at the top and enjoy the scenery. Descend when the buzz starts wearing off. Then drink 24 beers each upon return to the trailhead. :devil: :D


Turbo Monkey
Aug 25, 2002
Hangin' with Riggs and Mertah
There were a few issues that need clarification.

Beer and Pot are made from almost the same damn plant. The alcoholic qualites in beer happen to be from the hopps. The barley water and yeast are important but don't give the kick. Hopps is geonetically a derivitave of marijuana, a hybrid form of the plant. Hopps is very wild and has very wild effects some of which have not been discovered. Do not try eating this plant directly or you will get high. The effects are uniquely close between the two plants. My local brewery announced that the hopps could be replaced with something more lively if the right circumstances were available...if marijuana were legal it would be considered.

Next issue that I have to bring up are the actual side effects of pot. People often curse at this drug. Not many have been able to isolate the reasons. Pot often induces these effects on people, sometimes in a very scuttle manner and sometimes directly. Pot is not a physically addictive drug however it is mentally addictive.

Even one or two of these symptoms may be prevalent however all may be present by varying degrees: paranoia, short term memory loss, long term memory loss, motivational loss, co-dependency, the need to share things with others, loss of self esteem, speech and vocabulary loss or slurring and impairment of thought or reasoning (delusions) and lastly (ADD) Attention Deficit Disorder. These effects can be temporary as the effects of thc are known to be processed by the fatty tissues of the brain in approximately 3 months after use. People with added body fat can have a re-occurence upon extreme weight loss when these brain 'fats' are forced to break down rather suddenly. The effects of marijuana could be felt a second time without warning.

Mental delusions are also known to occur with mixing marijuana with other hard drugs. Marijuana has been known to retrigger the effects of lsd up to three months after lsd was originally ingested often causing flashbacks.

Driving High. This is my last subject of interest, something that has caught my attention in the news lately. Driving high is just as dangerous as drinking and driving. There are currently new tests being done in Ontario to test drivers for driving intoxicated from pot. Currently the best methods involve blood sampling and labratory tests though the media has hinted that money and research are being done that would indicate the effective level of thc in the blood stream in a similar test to the breathalizer. Instantaneous test results so that law enforcement officials may ensure that the roads are safe for everyone. Upon successful completion of these tests these new methods will be put into place in advance of the official decriminalization of marijuana so that people can be tested while driving on their way home from the bars. Decriminalization of pot is currently being delayed due to the ability to develop reasonable driver testing is still in progress. The canadian government will not allow blood sampling due to privacy invasion, a fundamental infringement of human rights.

One added note:
Birth defects are possible causing permanent mental retardation to the infant if consumed by the childbearer during pregnancy.


Jul 17, 2002
Reason 1: Because BEER has alcohol in it.
"good" is definetely a subjective word. How about valid.

No, really, just one REAL good (valid) reason. Oh, wait, I got it.....because there are too many ignorant people in this world.
Originally posted by Drunken_Ninja
I know that my previous post involves alot of ramblings. My studies on the pot subject have been very intense as I have searched for reasons to justify its use and reasons to justify not using it.

There were a few issues that need clarification.

Beer and Pot are made from almost the same damn plant. The alcoholic qualites in beer happen to be from the hopps. The barley water and yeast are important but don't give the kick.

Hopps is geonetically a derivitave of marijuana, a hybrid form of the plant. Hopps is very wild and has very wild effects some of which have not been discovered. Do not try eating this plant directly or you will get high. The effects are uniquely close between the two plants.

My local brewery announced that the hopps could be replaced with something more lively if the right circumstances were available...if marijuana were legal it would be considered.
No, no and no. Here are some freebies:

--The alcohol in beer comes from the yeast fermentation of sugars in the water, and the sugars come from the malt. Hops are a flavoring, only, and beer was made for thousands of years without it before it became popular. Hops does not make alcohol, absent some perverse circumstances.

--"Hops" and "hophead" are old slang terms for stoners and other such consumers of the devil weed, but the Hops used in beer are less related to Marijuana than even hemp is, and most notably, have ZERO Tetrahydrocannabinol ("THC"), which is the magic in your bowl. Eat all the Hops you like, and although you will get the runs, you won't get high. Hops also cost about the same as dope, FYI.

--Hemp and Pot ales are nothing new, but pot does not have either the aromatic or bittering oils that have been bred into hops, and you would not like the resulting product, unless it also contained regular hops, as all popular Stoner Beers do. Remember that hops is a flavoring agent, and that pot has a different flavor. The two are not interchangeable in the production of beer, although there's nothing to stop you from getting a homebrew kit and doing it anyway. One thing for sure, if you get cotton-mouth, relief is just a sip away.



Turbo Monkey
Aug 25, 2002
Hangin' with Riggs and Mertah
Originally posted by EBasil
No, no and no. Here are some freebies:

--The alcohol in beer comes from the yeast fermentation of sugars in the water, and the sugars come from the malt. Hops are a flavoring, only, and beer was made for thousands of years without it before it became popular. Hops does not make alcohol, absent some perverse circumstances.

--"Hops" and "hophead" are old slang terms for stoners and other such consumers of the devil weed, but the Hops used in beer are less related to Marijuana than even hemp is, and most notably, have ZERO Tetrahydrocannabinol ("THC"), which is the magic in your bowl. Eat all the Hops you like, and although you will get the runs, you won't get high. Hops also cost about the same as dope, FYI.

--Hemp and Pot ales are nothing new, but pot does not have either the aromatic or bittering oils that have been bred into hops, and you would not like the resulting product, unless it also contained regular hops, as all popular Stoner Beers do. Remember that hops is a flavoring agent, and that pot has a different flavor. The two are not interchangeable in the production of beer, although there's nothing to stop you from getting a homebrew kit and doing it anyway. One thing for sure, if you get cotton-mouth, relief is just a sip away.

i recognize that the brewery tour may have been 90% sales pitch and false advertising. They did not make malt however. The barley was ground up to produce sugars (wort) which was then sent to the water and and mixed. It did not have any alcoholic qualities at this stage. I had been told by the pilsener brewery that it was the hopps that added alot of texture and flavor to the beer and the wild qualities. The alcoholic qualities take time to ferment of course with the yeast and water added. I do admit that I have absolutely no education background to validate their argument. They did mention that hopps were their first choice though it was important to note that pot and hopps were just generations apart as a plant.

Someone had asked the question on the tour regarding replacing hopps with weed. If it works they would consider it under legal cirumstances. I do not have any further background information on the subject.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Even one or two of these symptoms may be prevalent however all may be present by varying degrees: the need to share things with others,

Originally posted by Drunken_Ninja
The barley was ground up to produce sugars (wort) which was then sent to the water and and mixed.
DJ, it was malted barley. My bad in just calling it the slang, "malt". It's the malting process (think moistened toasting) that creates the sugars in the barley. The cracked (hopefully not crushed) malted barley is added into water, hops, etc... to make a soup that's called the "wort" (say, "wert"). When you add the yeast, things start to happen, primarily the production of alcohol and CO-2. Magic!

Surf the 'net on homebrewing basics and, in an hour, you'll know more than the tour guides at large breweries. :monkey:


Mar 16, 2003
I haven't seen a flapjack recipe yet. Make a pancake batter, add the jolly greens, and cook as normal! This provides a great body stone, and satisfies the sweet cravings!:cool:

I stopped using that stuff years ago. Sure fun while it lasted, though.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
i didnt read all of the posts because it sort of got off topic for a while but my favorite is rice crispy treats. all you need is mallows, rice crispies, the goods, and a coffee grinder and you are in business.