

Aug 21, 2002
Rochester NY
Did it cross anyone's mind that this thread might be inappropriate soley because young kid's are members of Ridemonkey as well?

:confused: :angry:


Swift, Silent, Deadly!
Aug 16, 2001
Y'all can't see me...

Text by my friend Peter Barclay. He did the research and webbed it - I am shamelessly reproducing it here without his expressed permission.

Hops were first used in beer in Asia 10,000 years ago

It appears that hops were used in Babylon before 200 AD. Hops Latin name appears in records of Jews’ captivity in Babylon. They mention sicera (strong drink) ex luplis confectam (made from hops).

Hops spread into Europe from Asia through Eastern Europe. The most consistent fact about the spread of hops is that in almost every country, the use of hops was resisted.

Hops are a distant relative of stinging nettle and cannabis. This is a major reason for the relaxing effect of hops. They have been used for insomnia since their earliest mention in literature.

Pliny (61-113 AD) discusses hops in his study of natural history. To the Romans, it was Lupus Salictartius, from the way they originally grew. As the ancients said, hops grew "wild among willows, like a wolf among sheep," hence the name Humulus Lupulus.

The hop has its place in folklore. Along with the animals who are supposed to receive the gift of speech late on Christmas Eve, the hop is supposed to turn green in the same night.
The first mention of hops is in reference to a hop garden in the Hallertau district in 736 AD.

The first EUROPEAN mention of hops being added to beer was in 1079 by Abbess Hildegarde of St. Ruprechtsberg. "If one intends to make beer from oats, it is prepared with hops.

Brewing was traditionally a monastic task, and much mention is made of hops gardens in monasteries.

In Germany which was the center from which hops conquered all Europe, it was not until the 13th century that the traditional flavoring of gruit was seriously threatened.

In some places, like Cologne, monopolistic rights were associated with gruit, generally the Church’s. The Archbishop of Cologne possessed the "Grutrecht" (gruit rights) and tried to suppress the use of hops, which of course the brewers saw as a commercial as well as technical advance.

While the composition of gruit was subject to local variations, it commonly contained bog myrtle, rosemary, yarrow, alecost, and many others. The herbs were not chosen only for their flavor, but for their reputed medicinal properties as well.

The hopped beer of the Middle Ages was extremely heavily hopped. 7 lb. to the hogshead, or 5 lb. to the barrel were not uncommon.

Records reflect the use of hops in beer in France in 1268 during the reign of Louis IX. the law stated that beer should only contain good malt and hops.

In Holland, by the 14th century, the Netherlanders had already developed a taste for Hamburg beer, which was hopped beer, in contrast to the normal Dutch beer, which was still based on gruit.

The Dutch nobility tried to exclude foreign beers by prohibition and high import duties, but the reputation of Hamburg beer as so great, that it all came to naught. In 1376 there were no less than 126 ‘braxatores de Almsetlredamme’ (Amsterdam breweries).

The Dutch were apt pupils and by 1517, Antonio de Beatis stated the "the beer in these regions is better than in Germany and brewed in larger quantity."

The English developed a taste for hopped Dutch beer while soldiering in the Low Countries. Hopped beer, or beer (as opposed to ale) was imported into Winchelsea as early as 1400, with the first hops being planted in England in 1428.

In 1524, hops were condemned as an adulteration by Henry VIII, and an injunction against their use was issued. However, in 1536, Edward VI (Henry’s successor) commended hopped beer as "notable, healthy, and temperate."

The Brewer’s Company, formed in 1437 and made up of ale brewers, concerned about the spread of beer petitioned the Lord Mayor of London in 1484 that "no hops, herbs, or other like thing be put into any ale or liquore wherof ale shall be made--but only liquor, malt, and yeast." This was intended to keep clear the demarcation between ale and beer.

In 1493, the beer brewers themselves became a definite craft (guild) and ale and beer were to remain quite distance for over 100 years.

Although unhopped ale had ceased to be brewed in England by the sixteenth century, it could still be found in Scotland. We read of Jerome Cardan, a French physician, who traveled to Scotland in 1552. He frequently mentions food and approves of Scotch ale and says that it "it differs from beer in the omission of hops."


Beer was the one drink that had been sterilized and was safe to drink.

Prior to hops, the stronger (more alcoholic) beer was, the longer it kept. The addition of hops is a preservative, thus allowing beer to be weaker and still keep longer.

Hops allowed you to produce more beer from the same amount of malt. Reynold Scot, in A Perfite Platforme for a Hoppe Garden, states "whereas you cannot make above 8-9 gallons of a very indifferent ale from a bushel of malt, you may draw 18-20 gallons of very good beer."

Hops also aid in clarification as well as head retention.


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Originally posted by Mtbkngrl
Did it cross anyone's mind that this thread might be inappropriate soley because young kid's are members of Ridemonkey as well?

:confused: :angry:
They are all pot heads.
The info in this thread is very tame to what a kid who wanted to know more could find on other websites like, stoned.org, high times, etc...

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Originally posted by mrbigisbudgood
But feel free to talk about beer and cigars all you like. :rolleyes:
I can legally walk into ANY store to purchase them, last I remember with pot you can't. If you can show me a store in the USA where they sell it legally, I will appolgize.


Strangely intrigued by Echo
Oct 30, 2001
Charlotte, NC
Originally posted by Brian HCM#1
I can legally walk into ANY store to purchase them, last I remember with pot you can't. If you can show me a store in the USA where they sell it legally, I will appolgize.
Those under the age of 21 and 18, respectively, cannot walk into any store and make a legal purchase.........but it's cool if we glamorize beer and cigars to them right?

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Originally posted by mrbigisbudgood
Those under the age of 21 and 18, respectively, cannot walk into any store and make a legal purchase.........but it's cool if we glamorize beer and cigars to them right?
I said "I". This is a BEER & FOOD FORUM, not an illegal drug fourm.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
Originally posted by Brian HCM#1
I said "I". This is a BEER & FOOD FORUM, not an illegal drug fourm.

i say moderate away if you feel the thread is inapropriate. i for one had no intention of stepping on anyones toes.


Jul 17, 2002
Ok, marijuana is illegal. I would always encourage kids to stay away from anything that is illegal. That being said, no one has ever chimed in and given me a valid reason why alchohol is legal and marijuana isn't. They say that pot leads to harder drugs. The same could be said about alchohol, no?


Hey baby, want a hot dog?
Jul 9, 2002
Jimtown, CO
Originally posted by Jetski
Ok, marijuana is illegal. I would always encourage kids to stay away from anything that is illegal. That being said, no one has ever chimed in and given me a valid reason why alchohol is legal and marijuana isn't. They say that pot leads to harder drugs. The same could be said about alchohol, no?

here we go....


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
Originally posted by Jetski
Ok, marijuana is illegal. I would always encourage kids to stay away from anything that is illegal. That being said, no one has ever chimed in and given me a valid reason why alchohol is legal and marijuana isn't. They say that pot leads to harder drugs. The same could be said about alchohol, no?

you should do a search of the political debate forum. this argument is never ending.


Strangely intrigued by Echo
Oct 30, 2001
Charlotte, NC
Originally posted by LoboDelFuego
I think it's funny that you are concerned that kids might find this thread and be convinced to participate in illegal actvities when the thread starter is a 16-year old. I know because I go to school and ride with him.


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Originally posted by mrbigisbudgood

Suffice it to say that cannabis will not be decriminalized much less legalized any time in the near future. Too bad, really. Now that I'm married, have a kid and a career, I cannot do such anymore. The only times I get to partake now are "with a little help from my friends". Good thing I made a few along the way!

My relationship with the plant has almost come full circle. I started off just drinking and and fearing the sweetleaf. Then after a keg party I threw in sophmore year of high school, I ended up trying it with some friends that smoked. I started only getting high with friends that "had" because I lacked the money, incentive and contacts to purchase it. By freshman year of college, I smoked regularly and sold it to my fraternity brothers to support my own usage. After sophmore year of college, I made the pilgimage to Amsterdam and arranged for the import of many legendary strains(SK1, NL2, NL5, AF1, Jamaican Sativa, Haze, Hindu Kush, Bubbleberry, Big Bud, Hash Plant, White Widow, Hawaiian Indica, Cali Orange, etc.). I smoked on a daily basis by now and experimented with consuming it in any way imaginable.

During college and shortly afterwards, I made several more trips to Holland, Germany, and British Columbia to arrange the shipment of more primo genetics(Jack Herer, Ice Crystal, White Rhino, Shiva Shanti, UBC Chemo, Cotton Candy, Romulan, Hawaiian Sativa, Shiskaberry, etc.), which I grew, crossed, back-crossed and otherwise produced both hydroponically and organically, indoors and out. I continued growing and smoking the plant regularly until I met my wife. She didn't tell me to quit or anything, but I couldn't risk getting her into trouble and didn't want my daughter exposed to such things...so I up and quit. I sold all my growing supplies to a guy I met in college who was similarly inclined and haven't looked back since. Well, I guess I do miss the beauty of the growing plant a bit and wish it wasn't illegal, because it's such a fun thing to do even if you don't smoke it. You develop a kind of spritual relationship with cannabis that just smoking it simply cannot provide. Anyhow, now I'm back to smoking only on rare occasions and make sure to never possess any. I'll probably stop altogether one of these days, especially as my daughter gets older. If you see me out on the trails, though, feel free to burn it up in front of me. I'll probably even partake if you pass it my way, but not before looking twice over each shoulder first. ;) :sneaky: :evil:


Oct 17, 2001
williamsburg, va

It's okay for us to glamorize beer in full view of 16 year olds, but not weed?

What's the difference? They're both illegal as far as the impressionable youth are concerned.

And I'd guess drunk driving accounts for more death and destruction than stoned driving, just a guess though.:rolleyes:


Jul 17, 2002
you should do a search of the political debate forum. this argument is never ending.
I don't think I started the debate in this thread, and the ones in the political forum are a little older, thats no fun.

If you believe that you should not put foreign substances into your body, and you do not drink, etc, etc, then I understand how you would feel adversely towards not only pot, but anything else that affects your mind. If you respect your right to consume alchohol, and think that marijuana is some kind of devil drug, you should really open up your mind. Do you not think that if marijuana was legal, that consumption could take place responsibly just as you are given the right to consume alchohol responsibly? Is there not irresponsible consumption of alchohol? Please, someone enlighten me.


the artist formerly known as OldDickDynamite
Oct 4, 2001
Austin, TEXAS
Alcohol and weed are both detrimental in their own ways. Both can mess your life up. Not saying they will; but they can.
Here's an idea
try Finding a way to live your life so that you don't have to get high or drunk to enjoy it.....
just an idea....


Mar 5, 2002
Originally posted by llkoolkeg

many legendary strains(SK1, NL2, NL5, AF1, Jamaican Sativa, Haze, Hindu Kush, Bubbleberry, Big Bud, Hash Plant, White Widow, Hawaiian Indica, Cali Orange, etc.). more primo genetics(Jack Herer, Ice Crystal, White Rhino, Shiva Shanti, UBC Chemo, Cotton Candy, Romulan, Hawaiian Sativa, Shiskaberry, etc.), which I grew, crossed, back-crossed and otherwise produced both hydroponically and organically, indoors and out.
Who the hell are you, the Gregor Mendel of crime?;)


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
Originally posted by LoboDelFuego
Who the hell are you, the Gregor Mendel of crime?;)
...of his pea experiments. Robert Connell Clarke was actually my teacher with regards to the study of hybridization in cannabis. It is a must-read for anyone with a basic understanding of genetics who wants to create improved strains of herb that exhibit the secondary characteristics that are most pleasing to the grower.

It is a scientific book written as such and not like an "Ask Ed" column in High Times.



Nov 27, 2001
yea i cant say ive touched the stuff in my life, but ive certainly been around when people are smokin. alchohol is a different story though, but im definitly not an alchoholic. im 1/2 belgian and have spent quite some time over there with my family, and alchohol and weed are a totally diferent story over there. i think that i was exposed to alchohol and stuff way before most, and i think that its really stupid to have super concerned parents outlawing "pleasures" from their kids, because the kids whose parents do that turn out worse anyways. kids are educated in europe, and from my experience nobodies as stupid as some of people i see here in the states. my 2 cents.


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
Originally posted by Drunken_Ninja
There were a few issues that need clarification.

The alcoholic qualites in beer happen to be from the hopps. The barley water and yeast are important but don't give the kick. .
Sorry man... As a Brewer and smoker, I think I know what I'm talking about here.

Take a Mead or wine.... the alcohol comes from sugars being eaten by yeast. The hops are a preservative and the bitterness offer a counterbalaance to the sweatness of the un-eaten sugars..


Jan 16, 2002
nor cal
Originally posted by Brian HCM#1
I can legally walk into ANY store to purchase them, last I remember with pot you can't. If you can show me a store in the USA where they sell it legally, I will appolgize.

You're right, I'll just go wait on the Santa Cruz Courthouse steps & wait for the mayor to distribute his next batch...:p


Jul 21, 2002
i smoke MJ when i can. used to be chronic, yet the gf got prego and whammo, she 180'd. so long as i'm responsible (like don't drive for a while after toking) then i kinda have a choice to do it when i have the opportunity.

i've tried pot cookies (using the butter method). i've also used shrooms with pizza.... whatta ride yo.

i can't remember what the ideal temp for releasing the the THC from POT in the butter method.... 185 F? try grinding it well first to ensure the maximum movement from the plant material to the butter solution



May 20, 2003
to stay somewhat on topic this is food related:

THC is released at 175 F
1/8 oz of pot takes about 1 stick of butter
clarify the butter before you saute your herbs so that it doesn't burn and taste nasty
use the butter in anything you want (think morning toast)
brownies are a good bet because they allow you to consume a larger quantity of butter than just eating it straight.

the main piece of equiptment needed for vaporizing pot is a heat gun. find one that can be adjusted in small increments to achieve the perfect temp. no smoke, no joke, just some nice aroma-therapy. THC is also destroyed when heated by something as hot as a flame. So vaporizing or eating are much more efficient.

Just thought I'd mention that the last time I checked, any person, regardless of age, can walk into a store and purchase nutmeg. Don't diss it until you've tried it.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
he wants recipes? huh?

i'll give him some...


take 8 saltine crackers, spread peanut butter liberally all over them. Take about a joints worth of weed and break it up evenly on each cracker. Put the crackers together for 4 sandwiches. Place in an preheated oven at 320 degrees for 22 minutes. pull out, cool, eat a couple. get high!

Cannabis milk

Put milk (soy or dairy) and cannabis into a double boiler
Cook on medium heat for half an hour, stirring often
Strain cannabis from milk and discard
Store milk in an air tight container in the fridge

Marijuana butter~ for use in anything that requires cooking with butter

1) Using a double boiler or two pots, melt the butter on low heat. When using two pots, fill the larger (bottom) pot with water and the top pot with butter.

2) Once the butter has melted, add the weed. The amount of weed will determine the potency. For example, a "light" batch may use 3/4 of an ounce of weed to 5 sticks of butter.

3) Simmer for 20-30 minutes stirring every 5 minutes.

4) Let sit for 5 minutes then strain the pot butter (using cheesecloth) into a small bowl.

5) Once cool enough to handle, pick up the cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice.

6) Cover and refrigerate until semi-solid.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
vaporizers do kick ass, but theres something to be said about eating a cookie and getting belligerently high. Plus its a totally different high than from a vap or smoke. It doesnt set in for an hour and lasts between 4-8 hours.....

but i understand your point, vaporizers are much better than a bowl or joint. quick, easy, healthy. an economical way to get high compared eating too. But check out that firecracker recipe, only a joints worth of weed and your gone ghandi from eating it. :cool:


Dec 13, 2002
Construction in Subterfuge
Originally posted by boostindoubles
vaporizers do kick ass, but theres something to be said about eating a cookie and getting belligerently high. Plus its a totally different high than from a vap or smoke. It doesnt set in for an hour and lasts between 4-8 hours.....

but i understand your point, vaporizers are much better than a bowl or joint. quick, easy, healthy. an economical way to get high compared eating too. But check out that firecracker recipe, only a joints worth of weed and your gone ghandi from eating it. :cool:
... word...

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Originally posted by ATXjimATX
Alcohol and weed are both detrimental in their own ways. Both can mess your life up. Not saying they will; but they can.
Here's an idea
try Finding a way to live your life so that you don't have to get high or drunk to enjoy it.....
just an idea....
Here's an idea
all things in moderation can lead to both an enjoyment of life outside of alcohol and weed, as well as enjoying it with said substances.

Some people "have" to get high or drunk to enjoy life, but don't assume that anyone using alcohol or weed is using either of them as a crutch to enjoy their life.

These are some great recipes. :thumb:


Feb 9, 2004
Mill Creek, WA
Its not hard to see why beer and tobacco are legal while pot is not. If you've been too stoned to notice we live in a democracy. We govern ourselves. Look back in history when this nation started. What were we? A bunch of tobacco pipe smoking drunks. Most people in the US see alcohol and tobacco as less harmful than marijuana so thats exactly why they're legal. Why do they see them as less harmful?? Because way more people are addicted to those things and they were way more prevalent than pot early on in our history. If pot had the same user base as tobacco you could be damn sure it would be legal. Theres no way the US Government is going to miss out on all those profits from taxes. Stop with the "Oh but pot is less harmful than beer" bull**** already. It's getting old, and honestly I don't think anybody cares!?