
Potato Guns?



supppppppppppppp. does anybody have potato guns? pnumatic, combustion, etc? i just built one. its so awesome.


i had hairspray cuz my friend was 2 cheap 2 buy axe and it gets all nasty around the ignitor. wat do u use 2 ignite? i use cheap bbq igniter


I like bagels and turkey sandwiches
Sep 9, 2001
Oh yes... I use PVC with Aquanet hairspray as the propellant. 5' 3" diameter PVC barrel glues into a 3" to 6" diameter cone, with a foot long 6" diameter combustion chamber. The end of the combustion chamber is threaded for a 6" pipe cap, with a gass grill ignitor epoxied to the end. Oh yeah. we're talkin 3-400 yards of glowing potato.

But unfortunatley I dont know what yer talking about, since they are illegal here in GA


nice nice. my dads from ga. hairspray ****ed up myne i thnk so i wanna use some deorderant. i got a 3 foot barrel w/ 1'x3" barrel w/ bbq ignite.


Jun 14, 2003
Cambria, CA
d-sop said:
nice nice. my dads from ga. hairspray ****ed up myne i thnk so i wanna use some deorderant. i got a 3 foot barrel w/ 1'x3" barrel w/ bbq ignite.
Honestly, I don't think you should be anywhere near pressurized combustibles.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Buit a variation of a pneumatic potato gun for a senior design contest. Our team had to build a robot that played golf. I was responsible for building the long distance "driver". The gun had a turned aluminum barrel and a PVC pressure chamber. I was originally going to used a solenoid valve to fire it but after tearing one appart I made the whole pressure chamber into a pressure assisted valve. To actually fire the thing a valve was opened up to let air out of the back. This thing was super efficient and a menace to society. I used a small C02 bottle and a pressure regulator from a beer tap system. At 60psi I could lanch a golf ball 500 yards. At 70 psi the ear splitting boom noted the golf ball passing the sound barrier. At 100 psi I could shoot golf balls through plywood;)

The golf robot won the contest, even beating the course golf pro by a stroke. We were able to get the ball on the green the first shot almost every time. The cannon is stored away at the school somewhere but I have built a much larger version of it with a regular PVC barrel. But since my yard is only a half acre and I dont have a cO2 source anymore I havent really tested it yet

Buck Fever

Jul 12, 2004
Hipsterville USA
Westy said:
At 60psi I could lanch a golf ball 500 yards. At 70 psi the ear splitting boom noted the golf ball passing the sound barrier. At 100 psi I could shoot golf balls through plywood;)

The golf robot won the contest, even beating the course golf pro by a stroke. We were able to get the ball on the green the first shot almost every time. The cannon is stored away at the school somewhere but I have built a much larger version of it with a regular PVC barrel. But since my yard is only a half acre and I dont have a cO2 source anymore I havent really tested it yet
Did you do anything to impart backspin on the ball? If you could hit a green from 500 yards, how could you have controlled the landing? Most well designed courses have traps or water in front of greens on par 5 holes, preventing the ball from rolling onto the green.

Interesting though.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Buck Fever said:
Did you do anything to impart backspin on the ball? If you could hit a green from 500 yards, how could you have controlled the landing? Most well designed courses have traps or water in front of greens on par 5 holes, preventing the ball from rolling onto the green.

Interesting though.
When levelled properly and low winds the thing was extremely accurate and repeatable. Could easily put 5 balls in a 20 ft radius, the ground was very soft so there was little to no rolling. We also got lucky except for 1 out of 9 holes when the wind took the ball wide.


Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
Here's my comment from the last time we talked about this:

Bevel the inside edge rather than the outside edge so it compresses the ammo.

basic design that works well -- 2" diameter 4' barrel joined to a 4" diameter 2' chamber. Piezo sparker to trigger. Engine starter makes a good propellant; you know, when gasoline isn't good enough :devil:
Jul 28, 2003
Eat, ME
=[Stinky]= said:
Oh yes... I use PVC with Aquanet hairspray as the propellant. 5' 3" diameter PVC barrel glues into a 3" to 6" diameter cone, with a foot long 6" diameter combustion chamber. The end of the combustion chamber is threaded for a 6" pipe cap, with a gass grill ignitor epoxied to the end. Oh yeah. we're talkin 3-400 yards of glowing potato.

But unfortunatley I dont know what yer talking about, since they are illegal here in GA
That sounds like the one we built a couple of years ago. We can sit in our yard in WMA and lob taters across the river! Yeeeeee Ha!

The Cheese


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
Mine melted the other day. Well, it started to smell like the sweet burn of plastic. So we shoved some snow down the barrel to clean it out.

How does butance work? will it blow my cannon up? I have a 2 inch barel at 3 feet to a 3 inch chamber at 2 feet.


Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
blue said:
Did you trash the gun? I'd be scared to fire it if it's half melted...PVC shrapnel is baaad ;)
We were quite worried about the ultimate tensile strength of PVC after repeated firings. Esp since it turns translucent orange when it goes in the dark. A friend feels that ABS is a stronger and safer plastic to use.

I also had a friend in HS who built a racketball gun but he was using oxy-acetylene torch fuel so he needed 1/2" steel. He shot one 2 miles. It had a ripple blast wave pattern melted into it when he found it. It was cool.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Barbaton said:
I also had a friend in HS who built a racketball gun but he was using oxy-acetylene torch fuel so he needed 1/2" steel. He shot one 2 miles. It had a ripple blast wave pattern melted into it when he found it. It was cool.
That kid wins the "Lucky to Still Have Fingers and Face" award.

O/A is not a toy.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
H8R said:
That kid wins the "Lucky to Still Have Fingers and Face" award.

O/A is not a toy.
Isnt that just butane? Or am i thinking of those torches used for copper pipes.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
blue said:
Did you trash the gun? I'd be scared to fire it if it's half melted...PVC shrapnel is baaad ;)
Plastic shrapnel is bad. I tried building a dual chamber potato gun, Essentially a regular gun with another one spliced about 3 foot down the barrel with the pressure chamber off at 90 degrees. The thing blew up on the first firing. I figure I had two pressure waves collide making one big bang. Luckily the thing was soo long I had to support it in the middle by turning a patio table on its side and balancing the middle of the gun on the table. There was pieces of plastic stuck into the deck and the table. I walked away with ringing ears.


I like bagels and turkey sandwiches
Sep 9, 2001
Barbaton said:
since it turns translucent orange when it goes in the dark. .

This is an awesome fact. If you peel them, and shoot them at night, they glow... Kinda like tracers. its great. We experimented with hollowing out the end of a potato, and spraying starter fluid into it. Try it.... They make a huge boom, and the gun turns yellow and the glowing orange potato soars into the night..... Wouldnt reccomend doing it often tho


quadricolour said:
Honestly, I don't think you should be anywhere near pressurized combustibles.
that's what my mom thinks. im so safe w/ it i swear. i just use axe now. works like a charm, delivering a sonic boom to the 3 kids that live behind me


Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
H8R said:
That kid wins the "Lucky to Still Have Fingers and Face" award.

O/A is not a toy.
meh, that kid was pretty competent and knew what he was doing. I think he has a physics degree now. on the other hand, my other friend who was making dry ice bombs in glass bottles and had one blow up in his hand in front of his face. Got glass in his nose, forehead, cheek, but not his eye. lucky ****


Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
mack said:
Isnt that just butane? Or am i thinking of those torches used for copper pipes.
nope. acetylene is C2H2, with a triple bond between the C's, and hence has a lot of energy so it's a good building block for other chemicals.

butane is C4H10, all single bonded. Acetylene is how the germans ran the war, making gasoline, etc from it, since there aren't too many oil wells in Germany, or so an old chem boss told me...

can you guess who's studying Orgo for the MCATs? :think:


Barbaton said:
nope. acetylene is C2H2, with a triple bond between the C's, and hence has a lot of energy so it's a good building block for other chemicals.

butane is C4H10, all single bonded. Acetylene is how the germans ran the war, making gasoline, etc from it, since there aren't too many oil wells in Germany, or so an old chem boss told me...

can you guess who's studying Orgo for the MCATs? :think:
thats hella big words. too many for me. im in intro to chem/phys.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
mack said:
Isnt that just butane? Or am i thinking of those torches used for copper pipes.
Acetylene, a fuel gas, mixed w/ oxygen, which adds a s**tload of



Turbo Monkey
May 11, 2002
suburban hell
d-sop said:
thats hella big words. too many for me. im in intro to chem/phys.

you'll get to that stuff eventually. chem is cool. i kinda wish i'd stuck with it. i made lidocaine and aspirin and banana flavoring in class the other day...


Old Bastard Mike
Feb 26, 2003
Richmond, VA
Back in the day when beer cans with pop tops were made like soup cans with a crimped top and bottom we used to make cannons from them. The magic number was 7 cans. Cut the top and bottom of six, the seventh had a couple of extra punches in the top with a can opener and a hole punched in the center of the bottom all were duct taped together. Add a squirt of lighter fluid in the bottom hole and swing the thing up and down to mix air with the fuel. Then touch off the carb hole with a lighter or hold in a campfire...Boom!! It would shoot a burning tennis ball (soaked in lighter fluid of course!) about 100 ft into the air. It was hell trying to put out the neighbors hedges when the burning ball bounced into them. :sneaky:

This could be reproduced with small Campbells soup cans today. Just use a "broth" can for the seventh so you can pour out the contents easily. Bigger is not better, my brother-in-law tried to make one out of large tomato juice cans once and didn't get more than a "foomp" out of it.



The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
H8R said:
Acetylene, a fuel gas, mixed w/ oxygen, which adds a s**tload of


We mixed a little bit ( very little) of O/A in a balloon and lit a match on a stick and BOOM!

It was freakin' sweet.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
chicodude01 said:
We mixed a little bit ( very little) of O/A in a balloon and lit a match on a stick and BOOM!

It was freakin' sweet.
I dunno, O/A is just simply not to be f***ed with.

Acetylene is very unstable. At delivery pressures higher than 15 psi it can spontaneously combust.

Add oxygen to this and you have a flame hot enough to melt mild steel quite easily.

And that balloon trick? I've heard of that. A dude in my welding class sent himself to the hospital with that trick. Just a tad too much and you will blow out people's windows for half a block. He did it once and was too close, luckily his back was turned when it exploded and there was a friend there to drive him to the emergency room.

They had to replace 10 different windows in the buildings next door.


Sep 2, 2003
We used to do the O/A thing in shop class just to show people how dangerous it was. Kinda ironic.

On to my potato gun though. Back in high school physics class me and a couple buddies built a Propane/Oxygen Potato gun. It used an old lawn mower capacitor, six C cell batteries, and a spark plug for the ignitor.