
POTENTIALLY HUGE: Possible Saddam-Al Qaeda Link Seen in U.N. Oil-for-Food Program

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Not the sharpest tool in the shed
Oct 18, 2002
The Cleft of Venus
Possible Saddam-Al Qaeda Link Seen in U.N. Oil-for-Food Program
FOX News | Sept. 17, 2004 | Claudia Rosett and George Russell

Did Saddam Hussein use any of his ill-gotten billions filched from the United Nations oil-for-food program to help fund Al Qaeda?

Investigations have shown that the former Iraqi dictator grafted and smuggled more than $10 billion from the program that for seven years prior to Saddam’s overthrow was meant to bring humanitarian aid to ordinary Iraqis. And the Sept. 11 Commission has shown a tracery of contacts between Saddam and Al Qaeda that continued after billions of oil-for-food dollars began pouring into Saddam’s coffers and Usama bin Laden declared his famous war on the U.S.

Next to that door, a festive sign spells out in gold letters under a green flag that this is the office of MIGA, the Malaysian Swiss Gulf and African Chamber (search). Registered here 20 years ago as a society to promote business between the Gulf States and Asia, Europe and Africa, MIGA is a company that the United Nations and the U.S. government says has served as a hub of Al Qaeda finance: A terrorist chamber of commerce.

In a recent interview, U.S. Assistant Treasury Secretary Juan Zarate described MIGA as "a very good example of an investment company that is used as a shell to hide and move money."



Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
valve bouncer said:
Fox News.....bwahahahahahahaha, you keep upping the standards for toolness. Bravo.
also on foxnews:
- coverage of hurricane ivan (we see it's now a tropical depression - BUSTED!)
- various sports scores (we all know numbers are used to LIE)
- stock reports (THAT story's ALWAYS changing)

is your problem that foxnews put this together, or that they had the gall to cite the 9-11 commission, UN documents, US Defense Contract Audit Agency, etc.?

i'm still poring over this now, but i will eagerly entertain your rebuffing of their story. Yes, this is red meat for the right, but i believe this has been internally vetted before going to print. If not, this will be fox's equvalent to the CBS docu-drama.


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
Having read that all I can say is it's easier to link Rumsfeld to Saddam and Bush to Bin Laden.

If there were any more ifs in that story there'd be a world shortage of 'i's and 'f's.

Come back when any of the conjecture has been substantiated.

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
$tinkle said:
also on foxnews:
- coverage of hurricane ivan (we see it's now a tropical depression - BUSTED!)
- various sports scores (we all know numbers are used to LIE)
- stock reports (THAT story's ALWAYS changing)

is your problem that foxnews put this together, or that they had the gall to cite the 9-11 commission, UN documents, US Defense Contract Audit Agency, etc.?

i'm still poring over this now, but i will eagerly entertain your rebuffing of their story. Yes, this is red meat for the right, but i believe this has been internally vetted before going to print. If not, this will be fox's equvalent to the CBS docu-drama.
This isn't rocket science twinkle, everyone knows what a festering pile of crap Fox News is, what did the tool expect posting it here. The credibility of Fox News is shot to sh*t which automatically makes stories of this nature questionable. I suppose it could be true but that'd be a first for Fox News. Nice non-seqitirs about the hurricane too, that's frothers at their best right there. :thumb:


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
valve bouncer said:
This isn't rocket science twinkle, everyone knows what a festering pile of crap Fox News is, what did the tool expect posting it here. The credibility of Fox News is shot to sh*t which automatically makes stories of this nature questionable. I suppose it could be true but that'd be a first for Fox News. Nice non-seqitirs about the hurricane too, that's frothers at their best right there. :thumb:
"everyone knows"??? that's it???

just what articles (or articles) has discredited foxnews? Old-york times has a full correction section every day, but not foxnews. Maybe you prefer stories that start off like this one:

Gray Lady said:
Memos on Bush Are Fake but Accurate, Typist Says

Correction Appended
Correction: Sept. 17, 2004, Friday

An article on Wednesday about disputed memos obtained by CBS News that cast doubt on aspects of President Bush's service in the Texas Air National Guard truncated a quotation from David Van Os, a lawyer for Bill Burkett, a retired National Guard officer whom Newsweek called a source of the memos. Asked what role Mr. Burkett had in raising questions about Mr. Bush's military service, Mr. Van Os posed a hypothetical chain of events in which someone - not Mr. Burkett, he said - reconstructed documents that the preparer believed existed in 1972 or 1973. Mr. Van Os then asked "what difference would even that make'' to the "factual reality of where was George W. Bush at the times in question and what was he doing?''

The article also misidentified the position held by Mr. Bush's father in the early 1970's. (That error also occurred on Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday in articles about the memos.) The elder Mr. Bush was ambassador to the United Nations from 1971 to January 1973, and chairman of the Republican National Committee from 1973 to 1974. He was no longer a Texas congressman.

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
Keep stretching twinkie, I'm sure you'll find a kernel of truth somewhere in the Fox turd. More non-seqitirs as well I note. I don't recall in this thread holding other media outlets up to being the bastions of truth and honesty. Where did the "Old" York Times (stunning wordplay) reference come from?
Good point about the "everyone knows" comment though....I should really have said "everyone with a brain knows".......


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
valve swallower said:
Keep stretching twinkie, I'm sure you'll find a kernel of truth somewhere in the Fox turd. More non-seqitirs as well I note. I don't recall in this thread holding other media outlets up to being the bastions of truth and honesty. Where did the "Old" York Times (stunning wordplay) reference come from?
are you referring to the hyperlink? What you need to do is "click" your mouse button (left for most, just one for apple users) while the "cursor" is atop the link.

in sum, it seems that foxnews is unfair & unbalanced just by saying so. If that's the case, then you *must* be a well-endowed gentleman.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Look, we could play "6 degrees of Saddam Hussein," or ANY billionare for that matter, and we're going to find out his money made it to some wierd places. Wait! Stop the presses. You mean money that a billionare in the middle east spent eventually made it bad people?

Trickle down economics does actually exist (it just won't support an economy).

The question is, did Saddam actively and purposefully support Al Qaeda? Of course not. We all know he didn't. He supported plenty of other terrorists. This is not hidden information... he's not trying to sneak this one by us. But Al Qaeda is NOT on that list.

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
I see we are having comprehension problems today cream puff. What has the NYT got to do with the credibility of Fox. And yeah Fox is unfair and unbalanced and yeah it's probably bigger than yours.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
NYT has much more credibility problems than FOXNews does. If that's not plain & simple, then you are both.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
I'm pleasantly surprised that Fox didn't get Ann Coulter on the air screeching like a harpy that Hurricane Ivan was another example of how those communist storms are hiding around every corner, out to get us.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
hahahaha 10 billion bucks in 7 years????

dude, get real, that much money in poor countries would be waaaaaaay to noticeable for them to realize just now.

thats more than what iraq spent in military during 10 years!!!! do you truly think nobody will notice iraqs spending more in al-qaeda than in int own military????
Do you really think that you cant hide that much money? If you do, I have beach front property to sell you in Utah.

If you can make the money, it's easy to hide from anyone. ESPECIALLY if you dont put it in a financial institution. Iraqis are known to hide money in flower sacks in their houses. When the 101st raided the house where the sons of Saddam were killed they found a bit over 500K in One hundred dollar bills.

But I do agree with you about Fox, it is a pretty crappy news station...


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
2 things:

1) I have posted at least two threads with detailed disections of the sham that is Fox news. Look them up if you want examples of that ****.

2) Could we all stop calling each other names, misquoting each other etc? It's pretty annoying after a while and just ends up making this place less interesting. 'Just the facts (and opinions), Ma'am.'
1. Pro Israeli: Yes it is.
2. Right wing: Yes it is.
3. Facist: I could see it, but I think it kinda sit's right on the fence kinda like Kerry.

But I've asked this question in other threads, and I'll ask it agian here:


Nothing they do at this point effects me or my family. We dont import anything from Israel thats crucial for economic stability. They have their problems, we have ours. Once in awhile they mix in. Let them do their own thing and forget about them.

One more thing, just out of curiosity... Why do you hate Israel so much?


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Actually, due to the US's uncritical support of Israel, Israel does affect the US considerably. It's the main reason why the US is so hated in the Arab world. I've also gon over this several times before - The US - especially under Bush - gives a green light to all Israel's actions dealing with Palestinians. Despite what the US media might like you to think, these arn't all exactly friendly.

As far as I am concerned, Israel is one of the worst 'terrorist' states. It oppresses and routinely kills and maims hundreds of Palestinians and the US says that's OK. For Bush to have an 'axis of evil' and for Israel not to be included in it is the worst type of hypocracy. It's OK for whitey to kill the Arab, but the Arab can't kill anyone, even other Arabs. The situation there is fvcked up and your President condones, and even encourages it.

I don't hate Israelis per say, I used to be friends with a few when I lived in London, but I have also met quite a few who are hateful, shortsighted, evil bastards. I DO hate Ariel Sharon (especially) and most Israeli politicians. There also exists a certain type of Jew who is utterly convinced of his supremacy to all other peoples, and his right to **** on everyone because of it. That is intollerable and a bunch of BS. I'm not saying that all Palestinians are peace loving hippies, but as part of the 'developed' world, Israel is behaving like a fascist state, always hiding behind their self perpetuated media shield as a victim of Palestinian terror. It's crap, it's hypocritical beyond belief and I hate it.
OK, there are a few flaws in youre argument:

1. The US has always been hated in the middle east, and will continue to be hated till the "infidel" is dead and all our lands belong to "the people of Allah"

2. You never hear where the Israeli military attacked, all you hear is crap like the Israelis attacked the west bank today inresponse to a suicide bombing of an Israeli bus". Mossad is very careful on targets they select. It isnt a random missle attack, I can assure you.

3. You got me on Ariel Sharon, he's a d*ck.

4. Your average Palestinian doesnt want peace, they want Jerusalem. They want ALL Israelis gone from "their" land. They are convinced that Israel belonged to them all along and all through out history.

5. The fact you use the phrase "its ok for whitey to kill arabs..." shows just how closed minded you are.


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
genpowell71 said:
OK, there are a few flaws in youre argument:

1. The US has always been hated in the middle east, and will continue to be hated till the "infidel" is dead and all our lands belong to "the people of Allah"
The US has not always been hated in the US, prior to around 1950 the US was seen as a beacon of freedom and democracy. It is their subsequent support of unpopular Arabic regimes, support of Israel against Arab regimes and attacks on Arabic states that have generated the hatred.

genpowell71 said:
2. You never hear where the Israeli military attacked, all you hear is crap like the Israelis attacked the west bank today inresponse to a suicide bombing of an Israeli bus". Mossad is very careful on targets they select. It isnt a random missle attack, I can assure you.
I suggest you try a different news source. It does get reported.
genpowell71 said:
3. You got me on Ariel Sharon, he's a d*ck.
genpowell71 said:
4. Your average Palestinian doesnt want peace, they want Jerusalem. They want ALL Israelis gone from "their" land. They are convinced that Israel belonged to them all along and all through out history.
The 'average' Palestinian does want peace. Its the politicos that don't. The average Palestinian also wants the ability and opportunity to live a life no worse than ayone else. Why is their claim to the land they lived on peacefully for generations next to Jews and Christians less valid than that of Jews who came from generations of living in Europe? The Bible?
genpowell71 said:
5. The fact you use the phrase "its ok for whitey to kill arabs..." shows just how closed minded you are.
He was being sarcastic...


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
genpowell71 said:
OK, there are a few flaws in youre argument:

1. The US has always been hated in the middle east, and will continue to be hated till the "infidel" is dead and all our lands belong to "the people of Allah"
Sorry, but you're really wrong about this. Islam is not inherantly hedgemonistic - this is just a lie spun by GW and latched onto by certain factions of your media to ensure your support of the war on terror. I can only suggest that you have a look a decent look at Islam for yourself and don't accept the one-line answers you are being spoonfed. I mean, I could just as easily make any number of sweeping generalisations about the US. It wouldn't mean they are true...
2. You never hear where the Israeli military attacked, all you hear is crap like the Israelis attacked the west bank today inresponse to a suicide bombing of an Israeli bus". Mossad is very careful on targets they select. It isnt a random missle attack, I can assure you.
Again, this shows the weakness of your news sources. There are many independant and partisan sources of news for the middle east. You should try looking at some of them. Start with Google news rather than a US based source.
3. You got me on Ariel Sharon, he's a d*ck.
4. Your average Palestinian doesnt want peace, they want Jerusalem. They want ALL Israelis gone from "their" land. They are convinced that Israel belonged to them all along and all through out history.
Again, this is a sweeping generalization that is simply not true. Please read more about the subject and people involved before making such statements. Sure, there are people like this, but this just isn't the case. It's not even the policy of the major resistance groups.
5. The fact you use the phrase "its ok for whitey to kill arabs..." shows just how closed minded you are.
I'm afraid that even if you don't mean to be, you are the one being closed minded here, and it's probably the fault of the Media you choose for the most part.

Finally, none of those points are really anything to do with the thrust of my argument, which was: "Israel does affect the US considerably. It's the main reason why the US is so hated in the Arab world."


Aug 16, 2002
"It was a funny angle!"
Again I will state that in the Middle Eastern region are NOT the only region that hates US FOREIGN POLICY.......There are many other regions in the world that have felt the wrath of the US Government's manipulative, unfair, unbalanced, abusive ways of gaining what they want throughout the world. Does the rest of the world want the "infadel" to be dead and all the US land to belong to "the people of Allah"? No. Because the rest of the regions are mostly christian regions....

If you look at the past actions of the US Gov. throughout the world in the last 50 years, it is irrefutable that it has one goal. That is the rule the world by the way of the dollar. And I am not talking about the warm fuzzy stories you hear on your local news where the US gave "insert empovarished third world country" XXX millions of dollars in aide. I am talking about the overthrowing of elected officials, funding of repressive para-military groups, policies in the name of "The War on Drugs", the raping of agricultural economies, etc.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Changleen said:
Sorry, but you're really wrong about this. Islam is not inherantly hedgemonistic - this is just a lie spun by GW and latched onto by certain factions of your media to ensure your support of the war on terror. I can only suggest that you have a look a decent look at Islam for yourself and don't accept the one-line answers you are being spoonfed. I mean, I could just as easily make any number of sweeping generalisations about the US. It wouldn't mean they are true...
then kindly help me with the following "spin":

Islam is an anti-civilization cult par excellence. It destroyed every civilization it touched and brought misery, poverty, ignorance and war in every country that it invaded!

~%90 of all violent conflict in the world today involve muslims fighting either the infidel/kuffars, or each other

1.4 BILLION Muslims in the World (that's about 1 in 4)
280 Million Americans
5½ Million Israelis Surrounded by 350 Million Arab Muslims!!!

and since fluff wanted to talk about the last 50 years...

The world population of Christians increased by 47%
The world population of Buddhists increased by 63%
The world population of Muslims increased by 235%
the world Jewish population has DECREASED by 4%

check out the last 50 years for the muslim population of antwerp, rotterdam, amsterdam, denmark, spain, france, indonesia...you may be starting to get the idea.

but, this may be all just spin. Let's see what their holy scriptures say about what a follower of muhammed should faithfully *cough* execute:

O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for friends. [al-Ma'idah 5:51.11]

But did you know that there are 123 verses in the Quran concerning fighting and killing for the cause of Allah? Here are but a few passages:

-Muslims are encouraged to be wholly occupied (Sura 2:273) with fighting for Allah's cause.

- Allah will give "a far richer recompense to those who fight for him" (Sura 4:96).

- Regarding infidels (unbelievers), they are the Muslim's "inveterate enemies" (Sura 4:101). Muslims are to "arrest them, besiege them and lie in ambush everywhere" (Sura 9:5) for them. They are to "seize them and put them to death wherever you find them, kill them wherever you find them, seek out the enemies of Islam relentlessly" (Sura 4:90). "Fight them until Islam reigns supreme" (Sura 2:193). "Cut off their heads, and cut off the tips of their fingers" (Sura 8:12).

- If a Muslim does not go to war, Allah will kill him (Sura 9:39). He is to be told, "the heat of war is fierce, but more fierce is the heat of Hell-fire" (Sura 9:81).

- A Muslim must "fight for the cause of Allah with the devotion due to him" (Sura 22:78)

- Muslims must make war on the infidels (unbelievers) who live around them (Sura 9:123).

- Muslims are to be "ruthless to unbelievers" (Sura 48:29).

- A Muslim should "enjoy the good things" he has gained by fighting (Sura 8:69).

- A Muslim can kill any person he wishes if it be a "just cause" (Sura 6:152).

- Allah loves those who "fight for his cause" (Sura 61:3).
Anyone who fights against Allah or renounces Islam in favor of another religion shall be "put to death or crucified or have their hands and feet cut off alternative sides" (Sura 5:34).

- Whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill him. Sahih Al-Bukhari (9:57)

- Slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush. (Koran 9:5)

- Take him and fetter him and expose him to hell fire. (Koran 69:30-37)

- I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers, Smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger tips of them. (Koran 8:12)

- They should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides. (Koran 5:33)

...but maybe i just took all of this out of context. Tell me: in what context would this be ok?


Aug 16, 2002
"It was a funny angle!"
This will be a little off topic but I think that it is worth a look in order to see what US Foriegn policy has done JUST in the Americas over the last 50 years. Here is the source: http://www.zompist.com/latam.html

The source maybe not be from the desk of the top media groups but I can assure you that all of these events are well documented and well known in Latin America.

Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán, elected president of Guatemala, introduces land reform and seizes some idle lands of United Fruit-- proposing to pay for them the value United Fruit claimed on its tax returns. The CIA organizes a small force to overthrow him and begins training it in Honduras. When Arbenz naively asks for U.S. military help to meet this threat, he is refused; when he buys arms from Czechoslovakia it only proves he's a Red.
Guatemala is "openly and diligently toiling to create a Communist state in Central America... only two hours' bombing time from the Panama Canal." --Life
The CIA broadcasts reports detailing the imaginary advance of the "rebel army," and provides planes to strafe the capital. The army refuses to defend Arbenz, who resigns. The U.S.'s hand-picked dictator, Carlos Castillo Armas, outlaws political parties, reduces the franchise, and establishes the death penalty for strikers, as well as undoing Arbenz's land reform. Over 100,000 citizens are killed in the next 30 years of military rule.
"This is the first instance in history where a Communist government has been replaced by a free one." --Richard Nixon
Eisenhower establishes Office of Public Safety to train Latin American police forces.
! 1959
Fidel Castro takes power in Cuba. Several months earlier he had undertaken a triumphal tour through the U.S., which included a CIA briefing on the Red menace.
"Castro's continued tawdry little melodrama of invasion." --Time, of Castro's warnings of an imminent U.S. invasion
Eisenhower authorizes covert actions to get rid of Castro. Among other things, the CIA tries assassinating him with exploding cigars and poisoned milkshakes. Other covert actions against Cuba include burning sugar fields, blowing up boats in Cuban harbors, and sabotaging industrial equipment.
The Canal Zone becomes the focus of U.S. counterinsurgency training.
A new junta in El Salvador promises free elections; Eisenhower, fearing leftist tendencies, withholds recognition. A more attractive right-wing counter-coup comes along in three months.
"Governments of the civil-military type of El Salvador are the most effective in containing communist penetration in Latin America." --John F. Kennedy, after the coup
Guatemalan officers attempt to overthrow the regime of Presidente Fuentes; Eisenhower stations warships and 2000 Marines offshore while Fuentes puts down the revolt. [Another source says that the U.S. provided air support for Fuentes.]
U.S. Green Berets train Guatemalan army in counterinsurgency techniques. Guatemalan efforts against its insurgents include aerial bombing, scorched-earth assaults on towns suspected of aiding the rebels, and death squads, which killed 20,000 people between 1966 and 1976. U.S. Army Col. John Webber claims that it was at his instigation that "the technique of counter-terror had been implemented by the army."
"If it is necessary to turn the country into a cemetary in order to pacify it, I will not hesitate to do so." --President Carlos Arana Osorio
U.S. organizes force of 1400 anti-Castro Cubans, ships it to the Bahía de los Cochinos. Castro's army routs it.
CIA-backed coup overthrows elected Pres. J. M. Velasco Ibarra of Ecuador, who has been too friendly with Cuba.
CIA engages in campaign in Brazil to keep João Goulart from achieving control of Congress.
CIA-backed coup overthrows elected social democrat Juan Bosch in the Dominican Republic.
A far-right-wing coup in Guatemala, apparently U.S.-supported, forestalls elections in which "extreme leftist" Juan José Arévalo was favored to win.
"It is difficult to develop stable and democratic government [in Guatemala], because so many of the nation's Indians are illiterate and superstitious." --School textbook, 1964
João Goulart of Brazil proposes agrarian reform, nationalization of oil. Ousted by U.S.-supported military coup.
! 1964
The free market in Nicaragua:
The Somoza family controls "about one-tenth of the cultivable land in Nicaragua, and just about everything else worth owning, the country's only airline, one television station, a newspaper, a cement plant, textile mill, several sugar refineries, half-a-dozen breweries and distilleries, and a Mercedes-Benz agency." --Life World Library
A coup in the Dominican Republic attempts to restore Bosch's government. The U.S. invades and occupies the country to stop this "Communist rebellion," with the help of the dictators of Brazil, Paraguay, Honduras, and Nicaragua.
"Representative democracy cannot work in a country such as the Dominican Republic," Bosch declares later. Now why would he say that?
U.S. sends arms, advisors, and Green Berets to Guatemala to implement a counterinsurgency campaign.
"To eliminate a few hundred guerrillas, the government killed perhaps 10,000 Guatemalan peasants." --State Dept. report on the program
A team of Green Berets is sent to Bolivia to help find and assassinate Che Guevara.
Gen. José Alberto Medrano, who is on the payroll of the CIA, organizes the ORDEN paramilitary force, considered the precursor of El Salvador's death squads.
! 1970
In this year (just as an example), U.S. investments in Latin America earn $1.3 billion; while new investments total $302 million.
Salvador Allende Gossens elected in Chile. Suspends foreign loans, nationalizes foreign companies. For the phone system, pays ITT the company's minimized valuation for tax purposes. The CIA provides covert financial support for Allende's opponents, both during and after his election.
U.S. stands by as military suspends an election in El Salvador in which centrist José Napoleón Duarte was favored to win. (Compare with the emphasis placed on the 1982 elections.)
U.S.-supported military coup kills Allende and brings Augusto Pinochet Ugarte to power. Pinochet imprisons well over a hundred thousand Chileans (torture and rape are the usual methods of interrogation), terminates civil liberties, abolishes unions, extends the work week to 48 hours, and reverses Allende's land reforms.
Military takes power in Uruguay, supported by U.S. The subsequent repression reportedly features the world's highest percentage of the population imprisoned for political reasons.
Office of Public Safety is abolished when it is revealed that police are being taught torture techniques.
! 1976
Election of Jimmy Carter leads to a new emphasis on human rights in Central America. Carter cuts off aid to the Guatemalan military (or tries to; some slips through) and reduces aid to El Salvador.
! 1979
Ratification of the Panama Canal treaty which is to return the Canal to Panama by 1999.
"Once again, Uncle Sam put his tail between his legs and crept away rather than face trouble." --Ronald Reagan
A right-wing junta takes over in El Salvador. U.S. begins massively supporting El Salvador, assisting the military in its fight against FMLN guerrillas. Death squads proliferate; Archbishop Romero is assassinated by right-wing terrorists; 35,000 civilians are killed in 1978-81. The rape and murder of four U.S. churchwomen results in the suspension of U.S. military aid for one month.
The U.S. demands that the junta undertake land reform. Within 3 years, however, the reform program is halted by the oligarchy.
"The Soviet Union underlies all the unrest that is going on." --Ronald Reagan
U.S., seeking a stable base for its actions in El Salvador and Nicaragua, tells the Honduran military to clean up its act and hold elections. The U.S. starts pouring in $100 million of aid a year and basing the contras on Honduran territory.
Death squads are also active in Honduras, and the contras tend to act as a state within a state.
The CIA steps in to organize the contras in Nicaragua, who started the previous year as a group of 60 ex-National Guardsmen; by 1985 there are about 12,000 of them. 46 of the 48 top military leaders are ex-Guardsmen. The U.S. also sets up an economic embargo of Nicaragua and pressures the IMF and the World Bank to limit or halt loans to Nicaragua.
Gen. Torrijos of Panama is killed in a plane crash. There is a suspicion of CIA involvement, due to Torrijos' nationalism and friendly relations with Cuba.
A coup brings Gen. Efraín Ríos Montt to power in Guatemala, and gives the Reagan administration the opportunity to increase military aid. Ríos Montt's evangelical beliefs do not prevent him from accelerating the counterinsurgency campaign.
Another coup in Guatemala replaces Ríos Montt. The new President, Oscar Mejía Víctores, was trained by the U.S. and seems to have cleared his coup beforehand with U.S. authorities.
U.S. troops take over tiny Granada. Rather oddly, it intervenes shortly after a coup has overthrown the previous, socialist leader. One of the justifications for the action is the building of a new airport with Cuban help, which Granada claimed was for tourism and Reagan argued was for Soviet use. Later the U.S. announces plans to finish the airport... to develop tourism.
Boland Amendment prohibits CIA and Defense Dept. from spending money to overthrow the government of Nicaragua-- a law the Reagan administration cheerfully violates.
CIA mines three Nicaraguan harbors. Nicaragua takes this action to the World Court, which brings an $18 billion judgment against the U.S. The U.S. refuses to recognize the Court's jurisdiction in the case.
U.S. spends $10 million to orchestrate elections in El Salvador-- something of a farce, since left-wing parties are under heavy repression, and the military has already declared that it will not answer to the elected president.
U.S. invades Panama to dislodge CIA boy gone wrong Manuel Noriega, an event which marks the evolution of the U.S.'s favorite excuse from Communism to drugs.
The U.S. battles global Communism by extending most-favored-nation trading status for China, and tightening the trade embargo on Castro's Cuba.


Aug 16, 2002
"It was a funny angle!"
then kindly help me with the following "spin":

Islam is an anti-civilization cult par excellence. It destroyed every civilization it touched and brought misery, poverty, ignorance and war in every country that it invaded!
My grandmother is from Lebanon and migrated to Venezuela in the mid '40s. She was also a Christian in Lebanon where she lived in a Christian community amongst Muslims. She was openly Christian, wears a cross on a necklace and carries a bibble everywhere she goes. In Venezuela there is a large Arab population that is Muslim. They migrated when there were great opportunities in Venezuel and the economy was booming. They were accepted into the society along with many Europeans and they thrived in small businesses they started. They assimilated into the society but kept their culture. There are no car bomb in Venezuela by Muslims, no suicide bombers on public buses or trains. They were treated as citizens and were given the same opportunities everyone else was given.

Maybe the leaders that the US has hand chosen to govern countries in the middle east should be looked at and there you will find why you can make this statement:

"Islam is an anti-civilization cult par excellence. It destroyed every civilization it touched and brought misery, poverty, ignorance and war in every country that it invaded!

If the US wants to stop terrorism, they need to stop investing in it.


Aug 16, 2002
"It was a funny angle!"
Does it state in the Bibble that those who do not believe in Jesus Christ will live have a long happy existance and their souls will guarded and respected even though they are not believers?

Does the Bibble not talk about death, war, and destruction?


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
i understand venezuela has lots of oil & lots of money woes.

here, let us "help"


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
john's revelation is scary as hell; it covers the trifecta of fear you listed.

"If you see Buddha on the street, kill him; for he is not the true Buddha; the true
Buddha is within." this was posted recently on Internet Infidel Discussion Forums.

i wish i were convinced that my assertion of islam was out of line. I want to believe it's a religion of peace, education, & prosperity. They aren't a mecca of anything but just Mecca. No breakthrough technologies of late, they aren't a beacon of human achievement & freedom. The only prosperity you see is due to the oil, & we are the #1 enabler. You catch history channel yesterday? The had an expose on the house of saud & the abject poverty juxtaposed with the 9,000 obscenly rich princes.

we need a shower.


Sep 20, 2003
Clayton, NC
None of the news media is accurate and all of it is biased. The Bush family owns part of Fox "noise" CNN is so far on the left side that I am not even sure if they know what the truth is anymore. I just got back from Iraq a few months ago and had the opprotunity if not misfortune to work around both news agencies. I saw them bating there subjects answers, and turning away from anyone that might say something a little bit politicaly incorrect for their point of veiw. I was washing one of my friends out of the inside of a tank one morning when CNN walked up and started asking me what had happened the night before. I began to tell them about a young boy that asked us for food and water, and how we refused to give him any because it is against the rules because it endagers the children and us. Well while he was creating a destraction another local came up along side the Bradley and dropped a block of c-4 and an anit personell mine inside of the open driver hatch. The c-4 was wrapped in tape and inside of coke can and the mine was affixed to the bottom. As soon as the c-4's fuse detonated the mine did as well. My buddy, (who I will not name out of respect) was turned into peices. I told CNN this they tried to say that we were in a fire fight,and that is when one of them shot us with a rocket propelled grenade. We were only running a checkpoint out side of a village because there was a funeral going on for a tribal leader and they wanted us to pull security so the insurgents would not interfere. CNN did not like the truth it was too brutal. America is all wrapped up in a hell of a mess. If it was right or wrong I don't know. If the end is near I don't know that either. I do feel more people are anti war now that some of these so called patriotic types are seeing there kids come home in boxes. I do know that we as soldiers are starting to get tired, and fed up with the whole mess. Bush or Kerry does not much matter who gets in. Neither one of them is gonna bring a quick end to the whole quagmire. I am just glad to be home and able to ride again. I am sure some of you will rip my post to shreds, and say things that are not so nice. You have to understand, I just did my job.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
$tinkle said:
then kindly help me with the following "spin":

Islam is an anti-civilization cult par excellence. It destroyed every civilization it touched and brought misery, poverty, ignorance and war in every country that it invaded!

~%90 of all violent conflict in the world today involve muslims fighting either the infidel/kuffars, or each other

1.4 BILLION Muslims in the World (that's about 1 in 4)
280 Million Americans
5½ Million Israelis Surrounded by 350 Million Arab Muslims!!!

and since fluff wanted to talk about the last 50 years...

The world population of Christians increased by 47%
The world population of Buddhists increased by 63%
The world population of Muslims increased by 235%
the world Jewish population has DECREASED by 4%

check out the last 50 years for the muslim population of antwerp, rotterdam, amsterdam, denmark, spain, france, indonesia...you may be starting to get the idea.

but, this may be all just spin. Let's see what their holy scriptures say about what a follower of muhammed should faithfully *cough* execute:

O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for friends. [al-Ma'idah 5:51.11]

But did you know that there are 123 verses in the Quran concerning fighting and killing for the cause of Allah? Here are but a few passages:

-Muslims are encouraged to be wholly occupied (Sura 2:273) with fighting for Allah's cause.

- Allah will give "a far richer recompense to those who fight for him" (Sura 4:96).

- Regarding infidels (unbelievers), they are the Muslim's "inveterate enemies" (Sura 4:101). Muslims are to "arrest them, besiege them and lie in ambush everywhere" (Sura 9:5) for them. They are to "seize them and put them to death wherever you find them, kill them wherever you find them, seek out the enemies of Islam relentlessly" (Sura 4:90). "Fight them until Islam reigns supreme" (Sura 2:193). "Cut off their heads, and cut off the tips of their fingers" (Sura 8:12).

- If a Muslim does not go to war, Allah will kill him (Sura 9:39). He is to be told, "the heat of war is fierce, but more fierce is the heat of Hell-fire" (Sura 9:81).

- A Muslim must "fight for the cause of Allah with the devotion due to him" (Sura 22:78)

- Muslims must make war on the infidels (unbelievers) who live around them (Sura 9:123).

- Muslims are to be "ruthless to unbelievers" (Sura 48:29).

- A Muslim should "enjoy the good things" he has gained by fighting (Sura 8:69).

- A Muslim can kill any person he wishes if it be a "just cause" (Sura 6:152).

- Allah loves those who "fight for his cause" (Sura 61:3).
Anyone who fights against Allah or renounces Islam in favor of another religion shall be "put to death or crucified or have their hands and feet cut off alternative sides" (Sura 5:34).

- Whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill him. Sahih Al-Bukhari (9:57)

- Slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush. (Koran 9:5)

- Take him and fetter him and expose him to hell fire. (Koran 69:30-37)

- I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers, Smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger tips of them. (Koran 8:12)

- They should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides. (Koran 5:33)

...but maybe i just took all of this out of context. Tell me: in what context would this be ok?
Damn! I need to check out the Koran, sounds uplifting :rolleyes:
No wonder they are such a voilent people.


Aug 16, 2002
"It was a funny angle!"
Stinkle, you are using some quote from an internet discussion to base your position that the Muslim religion is not a peacefull one? I am sure that this is not what you base your position on but you are really stretching it with that quote.

Again, look at the conditions in which Middle Eastern countries have been in for the past 50 years. Look at who does business and is buddy buddy with the 9,000 obscenly rich princess. THere will be no breakthrough in technology in a country that does not let women vote, be educated or even leave their house without their husband. Who instated most the leaders that brought about this poverty and repression? The only prosperity you will see is due to oil, and the only people that enjoy that prosperity are the 9,000 princes and their pals. The middle easts' curse is that they have oil.....if they didn't have it, maybe then the US and the Europeans would meddle somewhere else and the Muslim religion would prosper and thrive like it did above any other religion centuries ago.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
ok, i'll take after the NYT w/ yet another correction/revision:

islam, if you want to "find god", probably not so bad. It's obviously being exploited & the core message has been grossly distorted - kindly like the DNC - it's been hijacked by lesser, albeit powerful, people.

if i'm going to take a guess (if this forum will allow for such abuse), i'd say < %1 of those who claim to be followers are sharpening their fangs. So, that leaves a mere 14 million. Still a stark number, so it's (hopefully) south of that, too.

Pedalist: i'll never have any idea of what your last year has been like, and I thank God for your patriotism & service to our fine land. Your anecdotes are welcome anytime.

I agree w/ your assessment of the media. LordOpie & I subscribe to factcheck.org to help keep balance. Their article last week on bush & kerry & misinforming voters from the stump is nothing new but sobering: check it


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Pedalist said:
I am just glad to be home and able to ride again. I am sure some of you will rip my post to shreds, and say things that are not so nice. You have to understand, I just did my job.

I don't know what else to say except thank you for posting that, and welcome home.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
$tinkle said:
then kindly help me with the following "spin":
Islam is an anti-civilization cult par excellence. It destroyed every civilization it touched and brought misery, poverty, ignorance and war in every country that it invaded!
Rubbish. Islamic nations were part of the foundation of Civilization.
Read up on the Ottoman empire.
~%90 of all violent conflict in the world today involve muslims fighting either the infidel/kuffars, or each other
Can't argue against that in terms of numbers of individual conflicts, but the current major conflicts involve the US as well.
1.4 BILLION Muslims in the World (that's about 1 in 4)
280 Million Americans
5½ Million Israelis Surrounded by 350 Million Arab Muslims!!!

and since fluff wanted to talk about the last 50 years...

The world population of Christians increased by 47%
The world population of Buddhists increased by 63%
The world population of Muslims increased by 235%
the world Jewish population has DECREASED by 4%

check out the last 50 years for the muslim population of antwerp, rotterdam, amsterdam, denmark, spain, france, indonesia...you may be starting to get the idea.
So what? It's not like they pull others off the street and forcibly convert them like the Borg or something, they simply have a higher birthrate right now. I think what's more worrying is the general increase in religiousity.
but, this may be all just spin. Let's see what their holy scriptures say about what a follower of muhammed should faithfully *cough* execute:

O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for friends. [al-Ma'idah 5:51.11]

But did you know that there are 123 verses in the Quran concerning fighting and killing for the cause of Allah? Here are but a few passages:

-Muslims are encouraged to be wholly occupied (Sura 2:273) with fighting for Allah's cause.

- Allah will give "a far richer recompense to those who fight for him" (Sura 4:96).

- Regarding infidels (unbelievers), they are the Muslim's "inveterate enemies" (Sura 4:101). Muslims are to "arrest them, besiege them and lie in ambush everywhere" (Sura 9:5) for them. They are to "seize them and put them to death wherever you find them, kill them wherever you find them, seek out the enemies of Islam relentlessly" (Sura 4:90). "Fight them until Islam reigns supreme" (Sura 2:193). "Cut off their heads, and cut off the tips of their fingers" (Sura 8:12).

- If a Muslim does not go to war, Allah will kill him (Sura 9:39). He is to be told, "the heat of war is fierce, but more fierce is the heat of Hell-fire" (Sura 9:81).

- A Muslim must "fight for the cause of Allah with the devotion due to him" (Sura 22:78)

- Muslims must make war on the infidels (unbelievers) who live around them (Sura 9:123).

- Muslims are to be "ruthless to unbelievers" (Sura 48:29).

- A Muslim should "enjoy the good things" he has gained by fighting (Sura 8:69).

- A Muslim can kill any person he wishes if it be a "just cause" (Sura 6:152).

- Allah loves those who "fight for his cause" (Sura 61:3).
Anyone who fights against Allah or renounces Islam in favor of another religion shall be "put to death or crucified or have their hands and feet cut off alternative sides" (Sura 5:34).

- Whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill him. Sahih Al-Bukhari (9:57)

- Slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush. (Koran 9:5)

- Take him and fetter him and expose him to hell fire. (Koran 69:30-37)

- I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers, Smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger tips of them. (Koran 8:12)

- They should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides. (Koran 5:33)

...but maybe i just took all of this out of context. Tell me: in what context would this be ok?
The same context as it is in the Bible? The Koran is a book of stories, same as the bible - during times of war in their past there are plenty of passages in which leaders call on their followers to smite the sh1t out of their enemy - the Jericho walls thing, various little wars all have similar pasages in the bible.

'And I will strike down with great anger and furious vengence those who attempt to poison and destry my brothers, and you will know my name is the lord when I lay my vengence upon thee' (excuse the misquote if there is one) - The Koran is no different to any other stupid religious book.

Islam is no different to any other religion. It just happens to be widespread in a few countries that GW's hedgemonistic imperialist ambitions have their eyes on. Hence it's demonisation by your media and leadership.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
I actually think the fact we're discussing Islam vs. You/USA/Christianity is a sign of the victory of GW's spin campaign and demonisation tactics.


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
Changleen said:
Islamic nations were part of the foundation of Civilization.
true; my point is more of a "what have you done lately"?
Changleen said:
The same context as it is in the Bible? The Koran is a book of stories, same as the bible - during times of war in their past there are plenty of passages in which leaders call on their followers to smite the sh1t out of their enemy - the Jericho walls thing, various little wars all have similar pasages in the bible.
there is a level of abstraction to which this can be true. The differences i see are relevant to me, but not to you. Moving on...
Changleen said:
'And I will strike down with great anger and furious vengence those who attempt to poison and destry my brothers, and you will know my name is the lord when I lay my vengence upon thee' (excuse the misquote if there is one)
jules? is that you?
Changleen said:
- The Koran is no different to any other stupid religious book.
i feel guilty laughing at this one...
Changleen said:
Islam is no different to any other religion.
i will take this to be the stock agnostic response