
POTUS Election '24...you heard it here first!


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
I wouldn't mind a trip to france but I'm not going to eat fricken boar in the culinary capital of the world.
Wild boar is a bit of a classic delicacy in France. It’s pretty damn good the few times I had it, roasted I think every time. I’ve also had horse meat; cooked like a steak with frites in France, and raw in Japan, chopped into fine little cubes and served IIRC with lettuce and some sort of vinegar-spectrum dressing. When I had it cooked I thought it was like a mild steak and when I had it raw I remember thinking it was fairly light and flavourless. For context it was at a wedding as part of a buffet type situation so it was eaten amongst/with a bunch of other yummy bits and bobs.
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Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2006

This would’ve been impressive if I said this with my original phone call post. I had heard/read it somewhere, but could not remember where, so I just went with, “it can be done”. Sorry,should have done more homework.

1982 Israel attack’s Lebanon(where I was born). The War as you remember was on TV. This was an embarrassment to the United States and its Allies. President Reagan “literally makes a phone call,and ends the war”.

Source: Professor Rashid Khalidi speaking on KPFA this morning as I was driving my work Truck.

He also had an Uncle who was the Mayor of Israel.

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Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210

Pope Francis on Friday described the choice US voters must make in the presidential election as one between the “lesser of two evils,” deeming former President Donald Trump’s anti-migrant policies and Vice President Kamala Harris’ support of abortion rights as both being “against life.”

“One must choose the lesser of two evils. Who is the lesser of two evils? That lady or that gentleman? I don’t know,” Francis said during a press conference on the papal plane, referring to Harris and Trump. “Everyone with a conscience should think on this and do it.”


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons

This would’ve been impressive if I said this with my original phone call post. I had heard/read it somewhere, but could not remember where, so I just went with, “it can be done”. Sorry,should have done more homework.

1982 Israel attack’s Lebanon(where I was born). The War as you remember was on TV. This was an embarrassment to the United States and its Allies. President Reagan “literally makes a phone call,and ends the war”.

Source: Professor Rashid Khalidi speaking on KPFA this morning as I was driving my work Truck.

He also had an Uncle who was the Mayor of Israel.


This would’ve been impressive if I said this with my original phone call post. I had heard/read it somewhere, but could not remember where, so I just went with, “it can be done”. Sorry,should have done more homework.

1982 Israel attack’s Lebanon(where I was born). The War as you remember was on TV. This was an embarrassment to the United States and its Allies. President Reagan “literally makes a phone call,and ends the war”.

Source: Professor Rashid Khalidi speaking on KPFA this morning as I was driving my work Truck.

He also had an Uncle who was the Mayor of Israel.

HUZZAH, We have found common ground!
We shall share Kafta and Pita, Hummus and Shawirma, Braised Lamb Shanks, buxom women, heady wine…and there will be peace in Ridemonkeyland.
(Good lord, do I love Lebanese and Persian food)




Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
View attachment 218352
Pope Francis on Friday described the choice US voters must make in the presidential election as one between the “lesser of two evils,” deeming former President Donald Trump’s anti-migrant policies and Vice President Kamala Harris’ support of abortion rights as both being “against life.”

“One must choose the lesser of two evils. Who is the lesser of two evils? That lady or that gentleman? I don’t know,” Francis said during a press conference on the papal plane, referring to Harris and Trump. “Everyone with a conscience should think on this and do it.”
Respect the state reference. Not sure how I feel about the church though- I thought they were trying to swing “normal”


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
View attachment 218352
Pope Francis on Friday described the choice US voters must make in the presidential election as one between the “lesser of two evils,” deeming former President Donald Trump’s anti-migrant policies and Vice President Kamala Harris’ support of abortion rights as both being “against life.”

“One must choose the lesser of two evils. Who is the lesser of two evils? That lady or that gentleman? I don’t know,” Francis said during a press conference on the papal plane, referring to Harris and Trump. “Everyone with a conscience should think on this and do it.”
Fuck me.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
Respect the state reference. Not sure how I feel about the church though- I thought they were trying to swing “normal”
Seriously. Way to shit on each of the possible outcomes as a way to remove yourself from the battle. Hope the pope squirms a little when he inevitably finds himself in a room with either candidate and has to shrug and soft-pedal that statement. Also, way to make abortion the issue a cross for Harris to bear when Trump won’t say he’s for or against, only that the states should decide. That doesn’t sound like a pro-life position unless there’s some wink wink stuff being dog whistled or discussed in private.


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Seriously. Way to shit on each of the possible outcomes as a way to remove yourself from the battle. Hope the pope squirms a little when he inevitably finds himself in a room with either candidate and has to shrug and soft-pedal that statement. Also, way to make abortion the issue a cross for Harris to bear when Trump won’t say he’s for or against, only that the states should decide. That doesn’t sound like a pro-life position unless there’s some wink wink stuff being dog whistled or discussed in private.
Let’s be clear who stacked the supreme court with the people who repealed Roe.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
Let’s be clear who stacked the supreme court with the people who repealed Roe.
Totally. But Teflon Dong doesn't want to say he's pro life. This way he can wink at the conservatives and bait the undecided middle.
And we all know he isn't pro-anything except "what can I get away with?"


Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
Totally. But Teflon Dong doesn't want to say he's pro life. This way he can wink at the conservatives and bait the undecided middle.
And we all know he isn't pro-anything except "what can I get away with?"
Yes, opportunism would seem to be his overriding MO.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Seriously. Way to shit on each of the possible outcomes as a way to remove yourself from the battle. Hope the pope squirms a little when he inevitably finds himself in a room with either candidate and has to shrug and soft-pedal that statement. Also, way to make abortion the issue a cross for Harris to bear when Trump won’t say he’s for or against, only that the states should decide. That doesn’t sound like a pro-life position unless there’s some wink wink stuff being dog whistled or discussed in private.
Yeah I just have a hard time with this line of thought. I’m not having an abortion- that’s for others to decide. Just like guns, interracial marriage, divorce, and assisted suicide, to name a few. America has this neat option where you are free to do things but aren’t forced- so it remains pro- and anti- choice, not “life” in my view.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
Yeah I just have a hard time with this line of thought. I’m not having an abortion- that’s for others to decide. Just like guns, interracial marriage, divorce, and assisted suicide, to name a few. America has this neat option where you are free to do things but aren’t forced- so it remains pro- and anti- choice, not “life” in my view.
Some people can’t differentiate legal from moral/healthy/safe.

Some people also think that illegal means you will be protected and the violators will absolutely be caught and punished 100% of the time. You know, like speeding.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
At least he's getting to experience the gun problem first hand.