
POTUS Election '24...you heard it here first!


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
What's bonkers to me, even given that I understand that there are a not insignificant number of Americans who don't "follow politics" is how anyone at this point is "undecided".

Like, if you've been in a fucking coma for 30 years, and just woke up at 7 this morning, by 8 it should be pretty god damned clear that Donnie is a fascist, and in all likelihood, a traitor. What the fuck is there to even think about?
The Jon Stewart video I linked above recently commented on the undecided, kicked in the head by a horse contingent.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
What I can’t understand is what the undecided voter is trying to decide on. This is probably a rhetorical question that won’t get answered in this thread, but what are the pros and cons of each candidate that have them as closely balanced options, and what are the issues that would be deal makers/breakers?
It appears that inflation is the one that is really sticking for the GOP...

Can you imagine trying to have a substantive discussion with an "average" voter on how inflation is a trailing indicator and most of the aberrant inflation we saw could be a result of the pandemic shitshow? Supply chain disaster, COVID policies to distribute large quantities of cash so the economy had a *chance* of not going straight into the shitter.

I get the impression that there are a not-insignificant number of people who place the blame for this squarely on Biden's shoulders. Which is probably not where the vast majority of the "blame" lies.

But the average voter doesn't give a shit - they just know that eggs are $7/doz and Biden's the president... so it must be Biden's fault (not the avian flu issue, which is the culprit for most of this particular one).

Just wait until they get a load of the price of bananas over the next 2-3 weeks. :panic:


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
The democrats are causing hurricanes to stop the vote. I do believe we are past talking.

Repubs need to step up their own weather attacks.
Remember when Kushner decided to let blue state voters die of COVID?



Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
It appears that inflation is the one that is really sticking for the GOP...

Can you imagine trying to have a substantive discussion with an "average" voter on how inflation is a trailing indicator and most of the aberrant inflation we saw could be a result of the pandemic shitshow? Supply chain disaster, COVID policies to distribute large quantities of cash so the economy had a *chance* of not going straight into the shitter.

I get the impression that there are a not-insignificant number of people who place the blame for this squarely on Biden's shoulders. Which is probably not where the vast majority of the "blame" lies.

But the average voter doesn't give a shit - they just know that eggs are $7/doz and Biden's the president... so it must be Biden's fault (not the avian flu issue, which is the culprit for most of this particular one).

Just wait until they get a load of the price of bananas over the next 2-3 weeks. :panic:
Seriously. inflation is dropping which means that the controls and policy that are in place are working and are largely successful. We wish it was more of a *snap* and things are fixed, but the insanity of 4 years of 0% interest rates and the COVID disaster was a pretty obvious storm we were headed for.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Seriously. inflation is dropping which means that the controls and policy that are in place are working and are largely successful. We wish it was more of a *snap* and things are fixed, but the insanity of 4 years of 0% interest rates and the COVID disaster was a pretty obvious storm we were headed for.
Average voter doesn't understand and doesn't care. They just know that their usual cheap beef isn't as cheap any more.

They also don't understand that just because the *rate* of inflation is now back down under control, the price of shit is *not* going to go down to previous levels. That's not how inflation works. But they don't care. It's Biden's fault.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
While I can understand that prices don’t move across the board in the same direction and amount as a single inflation number, I also understand that there are a significant number of people who believe in some form of supernatural supreme being or force and if those people can believe that some such entity controls the universe, then they guy in the White House should at least be able to control the price of eggs.

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Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
While I can understand that prices don’t move across the board in the same direction and amount as a single inflation number, I also understand that there are a significant number of people who believe in some form of supernatural supreme being or force and if those people can believe that some such entity controls the universe, then they guy in the White House should at least be able to control the price of eggs.
Not even God can control inflation.



Turbo Monkey
Sep 9, 2001
I think an 'undecided voter' is more of a characterization for an individual that traditionally doesn't vote at all or is unmotivated to vote. Hence why politicians speak to the same old shit year after year... fracking, abortion rights, some war, energy independence, housing, health care, the outsiders, etc. They are merely trying to mobilize the unmotivated (perhaps not the best descriptor but lets just role with it) within the swing states.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
I think an 'undecided voter' is more of a characterization for an individual that traditionally doesn't vote at all or is unmotivated to vote. Hence why politicians speak to the same old shit year after year... fracking, abortion rights, some war, energy independence, housing, health care, the outsiders, etc. They are merely trying to mobilize the unmotivated (perhaps not the best descriptor but lets just role with it) within the swing states.
Fair point. The indecision is about if they will vote at all, not who to vote for.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
While I can understand that prices don’t move across the board in the same direction and amount as a single inflation number, I also understand that there are a significant number of people who believe in some form of supernatural supreme being or force and if those people can believe that some such entity controls the universe, then they guy in the White House should at least be able to control the price of eggs.

View attachment 219452
The same people who are terrified of Harry Potter because they also believe another book with talking snakes is direct transcript of God's will.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2006
This goes both ways, Avy. What are YOUR concerns about Harris? About the Democrats? You want us to talk about those problems, then talk about them. Not just saying that Harris "broke your heart" in California, but talk details. What did she do?

You've mentioned her ambiguous stance on the Israel/Hamas war, which is a valid concern. Personally, I don't think there'd be any difference in U.S. policy/involvement in the middle east, regardless of who's president. Whether Harris wins or Trump wins, the U.S. military-industrial complex is still gonna do what they gonna do. Don't get me wrong here, I don't mean to condone those actions—I think the U.S. is fucking up. I just don't think that's gonna change no matter who's in the White House, and I don't see a viable candidate that would enact any such change. Maybe (and it's a pretty big maybe) there's some subtle nuance between how a Democrat vs. a Republican president would influence U.S. relations in the Middle East, but I don't think Trump or Harris or Obama or even Johnny Carson (R.I.P.) would have the power to "make a call" and stop the conflict. So mostly for me, it's a non-issue because there's no clear path, no difference.

@Sandwich when you say that "we know so little about her" do you mean her platform? I'm currently reading through the New Way Forward for the Middle Class plan document and so far, it seems pretty damn reasonable.
I am in CA. We have the Highest of fucking Everthing. Our State is Shit! It is run by Dems. Do not ask me about Newsom. They are a click that stay together to make money. Pelosi’s husband got the contract for the High Speed Rail. How is that possible? It is a Nightmare of being over budget and Decades late,with no real date as to when it will be done.

You can steal 950 dollars of anything and not get in trouble. The Dems said this will help our prison’s that are to crowed. Every fucking store you go to is locked up behind plastic with a lock. We have gangs of people going in to Any store and stealing everything in sight. Why? Cause they can and get away with it.

Our Roads and Highways are Shit. We pay the highest Car Reg., so why are the Roads Shit? We have motherfuckers Living on the Freeway. Starting Fires,walking onto the Freeway. Getting hit by people trying togo to work. Many,many time’s a week. We have our Homeless Fund of 24 Million that cannot account for the last three years of what they spent the money on? Newsom has said or done nothing regarding this matter. Are you kidding?

These are just off the top of my thinking,with no homework done. I am at a loss of words as to any good the Dems have done for CA Full Trucker. So,if they can’t handle the 5th largest economy in the World,then I have no Faith they can run the Country.



Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2006
And you think ANY of that would be better under a Republican regime? Especially one with a massive population, and good weather?

I mean…Florida, anyone? (Good weather…heh)
You talking to me rideit?

You need to understand what you are talking about. With that response to me,you do not. You want to throw sand in my Face.

Full Trucker said “it goes both ways Avy”. Tell us what is wrong with them. So I did.

Then You jump to the conclusion that I am speaking For the Republicans. Wrong.



bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
I'm going to do something that's bound to be controversial, with the :monkey: crew, and defend California as a 4th generation Coloradoan, because I spent two of the best years of my life living on the coast between Santa Barbara and Lompoc and my formative years in what would become the congressional district to one Devin Nunes. There are still many areas of the state that hold special meaning to me, and should I ever accidentally become independently wealthy, I might consider moving back to.

California is both the most populous state in the union, and the 5th largest economy, in the world . It is in essence, its own country. Surely they are doing something right to have come upon these sorts of numbers.


The state also produces 1/3 of all the vegetables consumed in the US, and 2/3 of the fruit. Fake Fucking Farmer Devin Nunes, obviously excluded.


Of course it is not without it's flaws. It's gigantic, in terms of area, populace, and economy. It is expensive, even in the backwoods parts. It is as much if not more of the "American Melting Pot" than possibly any other state in the Union. It also has one of the most unique systems of government. Early in the 19th century the good people of the state decided that it was a great idea to make themselves, essentially, a fourth branch of government.


While initially successful, the initiative system depends on an active, engaged, and informed populace and could never have seen the flood of money that would come with a modernized state. Unfortunately as is so often demonstrated, both on this forum and in the world in general, the populace is compromised mostly, of fucking morons. This has made modern California almost completely ungovernable. To act as if the governor is some sort of King, granted with the powers of the Almighty, to wave his royal scepter and make magic happen is as ridiculous as expecting the president to have the same sorts of powers. Especially in California.

The beauty of the system though, is that you, @Avy are free to leave it, any time you wish. The world is large, explore other countries. There are 49 other mostly amazing states to see and live in just in this country alone. (Except Nebraska, fuck that place.). Gavin Newsom isn't holding you hostage. Kamala Harris won't know if you leave.

Viva La Republic!


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
My brother lives in Sac and loves it.

where you at Avy? Id argue that any of the giant metros can be pretty shitty…but thats true of any metro across the US


Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2006
You talking to me rideit?

You need to understand what you are talking about. With that response to me,you do not. You want to throw sand in my Face.

Full Trucker said “it goes both ways Avy”. Tell us what is wrong with them. So I did.

Then You jump to the conclusion that I am speaking For the Republicans. Wrong.


Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO

Good on you for airing your grievances. I thought you’d talk more about your opinions on Harris, but I guess I kinda understand your view here: that California is shit and it’s run by Democrats, so how can a Democrat be trusted to be president. Do I have that right?

I don’t live in CA, so I don’t know what’s going on from a first person perspective. But I have a few thoughts, some may be pulled out of my ass:
  • I don’t buy into the “Democrats have fucked up my state, so they’ll probably fuck up the country” argument. I’m not convinced that everything in your rant can be blamed on Dems–at least some of it is a symptom of living somewhere with just too many fucking people. For example: the roads and the homeless. Also, based on what @Pesqueeb is saying about the initiative system it sounds to me that CA has a similar problem as CO TABOR bullshit: the people vote directly on bills and laws as a sort of 4th branch of govt. And people are Morans.
  • A couple points you make (your state is shit, the dems are a clique that stays together to make money) are either your perspective, opinion, or belief–but not necessarily fact. You’re completely entitled to believing those things, just understand that’s what they are and that just believing something doesn’t make it fact.
  • I did start looking up info about the stealing $950 thing you mentioned. There’s a lot to unpack with Proposition 47. On paper, this prop looks pretty good: raise the dollar amount limit for petty theft being prosecuted as a felony from $400 to $950, put some guardrails for prior offenders in there, use the money saved on school truancy, drug programs, and other things that should help reduce crime in the long term. And because of the initiative system @Pesqueeb talked about, it was the people of California voted for this–not the Democrats or CA congress or the governor. It also seems that there’s good effects and bad from this prop–and that right now there’s a bipartisan amendment to prop 47 set to be on the ballot: 2024 California Proposition 36. Sounds like you should read up on it and probably vote for it.
  • I’ll recuse myself from commenting on anything else you ranted on. Mostly because… honestly I don’t know why. Other than I just don’t want to respond to your post any further.
As for the response from @rideit, you’ll need to understand that you’ll get other opinions than yours, and you’ll get people who are going to challenge your assumptions and assertions. He was more confrontational than needed, but I didn’t read it as him throwing sand in your face or jumping to a conclusion. He asked you a question, do you think CA would be better under Republicans? I think the point he was trying to make is similar to what I said above: that CA would still have these problems no matter who’s in charge. And I’ll ask you to examine your own statement that he doesn’t understand what he’s talking about. Does that response foster further discussion? Or does it shut down the avenue for meaningful discourse by dismissing someone challenging your own thinking?
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Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
where you at Avy? Id argue that any of the giant metros can be pretty shitty…but thats true of any metro across the US
The issues in CA are the quantity and density of people, not the governing party affiliation. The major metro areas are representative of this issue but the state as a whole is not.

There's a history of Democratic and Republican Governors if you look back over the last 50 years (and then some).

Only 50% of the state is registered to vote. 46% of voters are Democrats, 24% are republicans, and 30% are other or no party preference. If people voted party lines and a republican candidate or 3rd part candidate of interest was an option, Republicans can (and have) taken the state, and a 3rd party theoretically could have a chance.

46/7 is the House split

Senate has leaned Dem for decades.
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Full Trucker

Frikkin newb!!!
Feb 26, 2003
Exit, CO
Oh and @rideit – I’m gonna similarly suggest that you have a look at the words and “tone” of your responses and posts. Are you actually promoting meaningful discourse? Or are you just being combative?

Actually, that goes for a lot of you. I get it with Brian to a point, he has a long history of bad faith “discussion” practices. But sometimes some of y’all just get more nasty than needed.
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