
POTUS Election '24...you heard it here first!


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I am in the Heart Jm,San Jose. 580,680,880,101,80,the list goes on and on as to the terrible freeways,very old and neglected. Our Bridges,save for Golden Gate are dropping concrete onto the road. Pot Holes so bad it can take a Truck out. Yet they have these Fucking pay express lanes to make more money. For what? The Road is Shit.
do you honestly think bad roads are unique to california?


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
How so? Tell them Brother,what is the Lifespan of a Boing Airplane? That is you’re Baliwick. Tell them where All the Airplanes go when retired.

If it is not true,where is Avy’s favorite Airplane,the beautiful L1011?

A Nuc Plant is the same,I dont know what the Fuck you are talking about?

You're the one making the claim. You're the one who needs to back it up with evidence. You're right, that was my bailiwick, which is how I know it's untrue and certainly not a factor in determining the useful life of an aircraft, but I would absolutely LOVE for you to demonstrate how I'm incorrect. I'll wait, and I'll apologize when that happens.

Edit: I'll even give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that this was intentional.
Boing Airplane
Last edited:


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
I am in CA. We have the Highest of fucking Everthing. Our State is Shit! It is run by Dems. Do not ask me about Newsom. They are a click that stay together to make money. Pelosi’s husband got the contract for the High Speed Rail. How is that possible? It is a Nightmare of being over budget and Decades late,with no real date as to when it will be done.

You can steal 950 dollars of anything and not get in trouble. The Dems said this will help our prison’s that are to crowed. Every fucking store you go to is locked up behind plastic with a lock. We have gangs of people going in to Any store and stealing everything in sight. Why? Cause they can and get away with it.

Our Roads and Highways are Shit. We pay the highest Car Reg., so why are the Roads Shit? We have motherfuckers Living on the Freeway. Starting Fires,walking onto the Freeway. Getting hit by people trying togo to work. Many,many time’s a week. We have our Homeless Fund of 24 Million that cannot account for the last three years of what they spent the money on? Newsom has said or done nothing regarding this matter. Are you kidding?

These are just off the top of my thinking,with no homework done. I am at a loss of words as to any good the Dems have done for CA Full Trucker. So,if they can’t handle the 5th largest economy in the World,then I have no Faith they can run the Country.

What’s interesting is that I visited CA recently and thought it was beautiful and exceptionally well run, and I could see why people live there. Roads are shitty everywhere, and there are homeless everywhere, especially where it stays pleasant year round. Also, locking up merchandise isn't because of democrat instituted policies, it's happening everywhere: https://www.axios.com/2024/08/11/retail-theft-cvs-walgreens-locked-cabinet and it's affecting businesses at large scale: https://whdh.com/news/dicks-sporting-goods-blames-increasingly-serious-theft-problem-for-profit-plunge/

You can't really complain about how democrats are operating things so poorly from the 5th largest economy in the world, can you? I have to eat my bias here as trolling through the states listed by GDP shows both R and D states very evenly mixed from top to bottom, so I really can't say that either party runs a better state.

Anyways, nobody here is going to convince you out of your opinion, that's the one thing I know. If you can't see the inherent evil in a person who will allow people to die so he can stay in power, or deny help to people on the other side of the aisle because they vote for the wrong team, then I don't really know if your opinion has much value at all and it's probably not worth the effort.


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
I vaguely recall something from eons ago that "local" gubmint agencies prefer building big new roads as funding for that will likely come from a central source, rather than local tax dollars funds. Whereas maintaining/fixing existing roads comes out of their local funds - so they're less likely to dedicate the required resources towards it.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Anyways, nobody here is going to convince you out of your opinion, that's the one thing I know. If you can't see the inherent evil in a person who will allow people to die so he can stay in power, or deny help to people on the other side of the aisle because they vote for the wrong team, then I don't really know if your opinion has much value at all and it's probably not worth the effort.
I'd like to raise a slightly more fundamental question. If memory serves, @Avy was not born in this country, so I'll assume that he had taken the proper steps to become a citizen. @Avy, do you vote? Do you attend the town halls of your representatives? Have you donated time and/or money to an issue or candidate important to you? Have you emailed or phoned the office of your representatives at any time to voice your concerns?

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
So I'm going to chime in, so let the insults fly! Anyways, Newsom has singlehandedly destroyed this beautiful state. Over taxation, energy restrictions, homeless crisis, overall cost of living, crime on the rise, yes as mentioned above our roads are absolute shit! We are now $68+ Billion in debit. Newsom alone last year spent $22B on illegal immigration. He has chased large companies out of the state. Recently Space X and Chevron, so before you say fuck Musk by losing those 2 companies alone, the state will lose approx. $200M in tax revenue, not to mention local business losing money due to customers leaving. On average my monthly bills have increased an extra $800-$1000 a month. The average car registration on a 3-5 year old car can range from $300-$800+ a year. That with our gas tax & fees which average about $1.62 a gallon is also supposed to go to our roads etc. and it doesn't. Newsom ran San Francisco into the ground and has done the same with Ca. Yes, we are the 5th largest economy, but it was tech that got us to that threshold and its new money which is only 35+/- years old. HP has left, Oracle is mostly gone, Google is downsizing. Newsom shut down the state and schools during and now we're paying the price. FYI while public schools were shut down during Covid, his children were still attending private school, he shut down restaurants and hair solons but Newsom was at the French Laundry (it does kick ass, been there three times so I get why he went) Aunt Nancy Pelosi got busted getting her hair done and I can go on & on.

Biden is partially responsible for our high inflation. He kept handing out $$$$ even though people were getting back to work, people were still being paid to stay home. My wife & I were fortunate enough not to take a dime of it. Biden was warned what the continued printing money would do to the economy, but he didn't listen. He said it was transitory, financial experts saw differently. The docks were shut down and well as trucking from the "mandatory" vaccine as many didn't want to get it. That hurt the supply chain. Inflation is up all around the world, but it could have been more contained with the right leadership. My mortgage interest rate is a 2.5%, we'll most likely never see rates like that in our lifetime again. End of the day, people are hurting from the huge inflation, Harris will follow the same path as Biden because she had 3.5 years to fix it and didn't. We all lived though Trumps economy and my cost of living was far better. Unfortunately his tax cuts hurt me a bit, but made it up with lower overall costs. So I rather live through another 4 years of Trumps mean tweets and lower cost of living than Harris's "joy" and high cost of living.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
I vaguely recall something from eons ago that "local" gubmint agencies prefer building big new roads as funding for that will likely come from a central source, rather than local tax dollars funds. Whereas maintaining/fixing existing roads comes out of their local funds - so they're less likely to dedicate the required resources towards it.
I attended a neighborhood meeting where some local district officials explained road maintenance. They stated roads are graded A-F like in school. i forgot the exact splits but it was roughly: A was new. B needed some work soon, C needed slury to get it back to B status, D needed major work, F was a hazardous disaster. They told us the roads that needed slury were the ones that got addressed. It was quick and cheap and fast. The goal was to keep those from sliding down to the next level D because once they did they'd stay there untouched until they became an F, and an F wasn't a guaranty of being addressed. It was triage and probably related to funding sources.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Recently Space X and Chevron, so before you say fuck Musk by losing those 2 companies alone, the state will lose approx. $200M in tax revenue, not to mention local business losing money due to customers leaving.
Brian, good lord man....
Do you realize that SpaceX received over $3B in subsidies from the State while they were there? Three. BILLION. Dollars. They're a fucking money pit to the state, not a tax revenue cash-cow.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
I attended a neighborhood meeting where some local district officials explained road maintenance. They stated roads are graded A-F like in school. i forgot the exact splits but it was roughly: A was new. B needed some work soon, C needed slury to get it back to B status, D needed major work, F was a hazardous disaster. They told us the roads that needed slury were the ones that got addressed. It was quick and cheap and fast. The goal was to keep those from sliding down to the next level D because once they did they'd stay there untouched until they became an F, and an F wasn't a guaranty of being addressed. It was triage and probably related to funding sources.
fun fact - there are roads in my state where the surface is over 75% pothole patches.


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
Brian, are you aware that the inflation issue is completely global?

And has been since (basically) the start of the pandemic?

The only (desirable?) places I can think of where housing prices are coming down, which is ironic, as their labor force is being paid much more that before the pandemic.
In the west, any place that has even a single remotely attractive reason to live has gone up astronomically.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Brian, are you aware that the inflation issue is completely global?

And has been since (basically) the start of the pandemic?
and that we have lower inflation and higher employment/GDP growth than any of the other G7 nations over this period to boot. our government threaded the needle pretty damn well.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Brian, good lord man....
Do you realize that SpaceX received over $3B in subsidies from the State while they were there? Three. BILLION. Dollars. They're a fucking money pit to the state, not a tax revenue cash-cow.
I double dog dare ya to ask him if he understands how much in subsidies the oil and gas industry gets in the state. :rofl:


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Brian, are you aware that the inflation issue is completely global?

And has been since (basically) the start of the pandemic?
Srsly, tho. He's one of the ones I was talking about. Trying to explain the causes of this latest round of inflation (which, I'll add, is back down to a "normal" level now) to Brain is like arguing with your cat. Biden is in office while it happened, therefore, Biden's fault.

Reminds of this oldie:
