
POTUS Election '24...you heard it here first!


Schrodinger's Immigrant
Jul 29, 2008
Apparently, I ruined Colorado (being an immigrant), sorry everyone in CO, moreso the Cheyenne, Arapaho, Kiowa, Ute, Navajo, Apache, Shoshone, Comanche and Pueblo Indians who were here first.


Also, he's still lying about Aurora being under the control of Venezuelan gangs, while being in (just about) Aurora.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Also, he's still lying about Aurora being under the control of Venezuelan gangs, while being in (just about) Aurora.
technically the Gaylord's address is in Aurora. the tiny sliver of Denver that extends along Peña to DIA does not encompass it


Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2006
And there it is, the “well obviously you’re an antisemite” retort, like clockwork. It might be more impactful if you weren’t such a flagrant Islamophobe.

Edit to add: but I think it’s a good thing you pop by every now and then. Between your troll posts and Avy’s ESL ramblings, it gives the fact checkers and grammar nazis around here something to do.
What is ESL Brother?



Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2006
I wonder what Trump knows about the age of airplanes, and by extension, how the nuclear works? His uncle was in it, after all.
If Avy is not mistaken,it is a 767/757 Pesqueeb? I am not sure who works on his Plane,or what Model it is? It is one of the two,of that I am sure. Still Bitter I see Brother.



Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2006
Extra Special Libtards
So Full Trucker you are calling me that?


You know what Trucker,I shall bail out. I am a Lost Soul Brother. I am so hurt,I Feel Nothing but Shame as an American. This matter in Israel has taken its toll. With our History,I try and try to feel normal,but I just come up empty, I am not going to speak on these matters any more,you all have it figured out. I do not want tobe a joke For All Yo All anymore. Sorry,I tried.

This Forum Here,reminds Avy of a Clan. Not Open to other thought’s. Gang up on a Motherfucker. You All Speak like a High School Snatch Match App. Not like a Grown Up.

Just Type a Fucking Sentence and Tell Avy/everyone what the Fuck you mean!

But the World has sped up Avy,stay with the Time’s you numb cunt.

I can still ask for a respectful conversation Lad’s? I reckon I will just wait until Trump Win’s,the Fury that you will Spit out of you’re Mouth will be Nothing to the Shame I feel Now.

He will win IMHO because the Dem’s are not in Touch with this War. The Arabs and Youth are going to make the Difference in the End. We will know soon.

It is Tragic for me. I can not even understand how our choice has come to this?

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Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
So Full Trucker you are calling me that?

I can still ask for a respectful conversation Lad’s?
weren’t you the one calling somebody a gay slur a few pages ago?

I’d love a respectful Conversation, but here’s what happens- some idiot comes in here and says something stupid. We debate with facts and reason. Idiot says “Nuh uh” and complains that this isn’t an even battleground. Saying “immigration increased under Biden” is factually correct and an interesting topic of debate. Saying “…because comrade comma-law, the failed border czar, opened the border to everybody” is factually incorrect. Such a debate isn’t worth the conversation, so we resort to making fun of the idiots who run away.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Such a debate isn’t worth the conversation, so we resort to making fun of the idiots who run away.
Especially, when such claims are so easily disproven and the idiot in question just doubles or triples down and uses that claim as the foundation for entire lines of argument. Between this obviously untrue claim:
An airplane,just like a Plant,has a Liftime. We know what that is. Airplane is 32 years. A Plant? The same or less. We are well past that now. Yet,let’s go ahead and keep ruining it.
And the 9/11 truther stuff, it's pretty clear that Avy is not a person that can be taken seriously.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Ugh so donnie 2 scoops is gonna be giving some kind of a town hall at the expo center 10 minutes from me on Monday.

It's very fitting, because it's right next to a sewage treatment plant, and *always* smells like shit.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2006
Especially, when such claims are so easily disproven and the idiot in question just doubles or triples down and uses that claim as the foundation for entire lines of argument. Between this obviously untrue claim:

And the 9/11 truther stuff, it's pretty clear that Avy is not a person that can be taken seriously.
The LifeSpan of Nuclear Plant is 20 to 40 years.
The LifeSpan of an AirPlane(say a 737) is 36 years,that’s pushing it.

You Pesqueeb,can not be taken seriously. You refuse to answer Any of my questions I ask you on this Topic. Yet you make these outlandish comments.

You told me,if you don’t like the State of CA,I can leave. True,I can Brother. A childish comment to make,but allow me to retort.

If you don’t like Trump Homeboy,you can leave the United States.



Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
weren’t you the one calling somebody a gay slur a few pages ago?

I’d love a respectful Conversation, but here’s what happens- some idiot comes in here and says something stupid. We debate with facts and reason. Idiot says “Nuh uh” and complains that this isn’t an even battleground. Saying “immigration increased under Biden” is factually correct and an interesting topic of debate. Saying “…because comrade comma-law, the failed border czar, opened the border to everybody” is factually incorrect. Such a debate isn’t worth the conversation, so we resort to making fun of the idiots who run away.
Well I for one appreciate Brian’s contributions to the forum. As someone with anger issues I still need to occasionally tell asshats to fuck off. And he excels at his position.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2006
The current average age of a functioning nuclear power plant in the United States is 42 years. Average.
Oh here we go. I’ll Bite.

42 years,Average. You say Average as if you have a point? The Key word in this sentence,is Lifespan,or Age as you wrote. Meaning,it is Over,Shut it Down. Thank You for allowing that comment of mine to be true.

Now,the Plant I speak of,and what keeps me up at night,is as I said before,On Top Of Death. A Fault that at anytime now,can go. A Very Large EarthQuake.

It is a Long story,but it was going tobe shutdown,she is the Last Plant in CA,and we do have a Serious Problem with Power,however,this Plant is not the answer.



Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
42 years,Average. You say Average as if you have a point? The Key word in this sentence,is Lifespan,or Age as you wrote. Meaning,it is Over,Shut it Down. Thank You for allowing that comment of mine to be true.
lifespan / age in the context of a nuclear power plant doesn't mean what you seem to think. these facilities don't operate in a vacuum, they are subject to heavy regulatory oversight and safety inspection on an on-going basis.

i used the average age in order to convey the point that there are in fact nuclear power plants that have been operating much longer than this. currently, the oldest still operating plant has been producing commercial grid power for 55 years. there is a plant less than 15 miles from where I live that has been putting power into the grid for 38 years, and has been certified to continue operating until it is 60 years old.

which gets to the real point - the 20-40 year duration isn't their "lifespan", its the originating operating certification provided by a given country's nuclear regulatory body (eg the NRC in the US). Many plants have been certified beyond this (hence why the average age is important), because many of them were very well designed, engineered, and constructed. not all of them. if you have an issue with a single particular facility - then it is important to distinguish this aspect vs the nuclear power industry as a whole (there are currently over 400 such facilities currently operating globally).

your point is still not true, and i was trying to keep it simple enough for you to easily understand (which you are still obviously struggling with). that gets to my other point, that even when presented with easily verifiable information, you instead choose to ignore it or misconstrue it when it contradicts your statements. this is the textbook definition of ignorance and is why people here are berating you and insulting you and disrespecting you.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 24, 2006
lifespan / age in the context of a nuclear power plant doesn't mean what you seem to think. these facilities don't operate in a vacuum, they are subject to heavy regulatory oversight and safety inspection on an on-going basis.

i used the average age in order to convey the point that there are in fact nuclear power plants that have been operating much longer than this. currently, the oldest still operating plant has been producing commercial grid power for 55 years. there is a plant less than 15 miles from where I live that has been putting power into the grid for 38 years, and has been certified to continue operating until it is 60 years old.

which gets to the real point - the 20-40 year duration isn't their "lifespan", its the originating operating certification provided by a given country's nuclear regulatory body (eg the NRC in the US). Many plants have been certified beyond this (hence why the average age is important), because many of them were very well designed, engineered, and constructed. not all of them. if you have an issue with a single particular facility - then it is important to distinguish this aspect vs the nuclear power industry as a whole (there are currently over 400 such facilities currently operating globally).

your point is still not true, and i was trying to keep it simple enough for you to easily understand (which you are still obviously struggling with). that gets to my other point, that even when presented with easily verifiable information, you instead choose to ignore it or misconstrue it when it contradicts your statements. this is the textbook definition of ignorance and is why people here are berating you and insulting you and disrespecting you.
I see,I know all that dribble Brother.

As you just said,“some of them were not designed well”. This One is on Top of Fault.

I do have a particular Issue,and I did distinguish what that is vs “The Nuclear Power” Industry! That being it is on a Fault and is 40 years old. Now I don’t give a Fuck about how the Industry can have a Plant Longer than the Average! This Plant is on a Fault! Are those Plants on a Fucking Fault Brother? Jesus Christ,you All aint never felt an EarthQuake have you? Yes or No? Tell Avy. No? You want to pick me apart over a very simple fucking comment? Looking at everything expect what I said. Trying to break me down and call me a clown. Telling me that is why people don’t respect me? You are on Fucking Crack.



My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
I see,I know all that dribble Brother.

As you just said,“some of them were not designed well”. This One is on Top of Fault.

I do have a particular Issue,and I did distinguish what that is vs “The Nuclear Power” Industry! That being it is on a Fault and is 40 years old. Now I don’t give a Fuck about how the Industry can have a Plant Longer than the Average! This Plant is on a Fault! Are those Plants on a Fucking Fault Brother? Jesus Christ,you All aint never felt an EarthQuake have you? Yes or No? Tell Avy. No? You want to pick me apart over a very simple fucking comment? Looking at everything expect what I said. Trying to break me down and call me a clown. Telling me that is why people don’t respect me? You are on Fucking Crack.

Avy, chill man. Try to debate without getting so angry.

You made comments about the lifespan of an airplane, and people ask you to back up your argument with some facts. So, WHERE are you getting your information that an airplane has an XX year lifespan and is no longer safe beyond that?

The nuclear power plant on a seismic fault. Yes, obviously concerning. But, it seems the age of the plant is irrelevant if it's the location that has you concerned. Agreed? Same as with the airplane, where are you getting your information that a nuke plant has a lifespan of xx years, and it's unsafe to operate beyond that?

I'm not saying your concerns aren't valid, but when you put opinions out into public discussion you should be prepared to back them up with some facts to those who might disagree.

For the record I've felt 3 earthquakes. 2 in So Cal when my Mom lived down there, and one in way upstate NH (even though I think the actual quake was in New York). Wild stuff.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Avy, chill man. Try to debate without getting so angry.

You made comments about the lifespan of an airplane, and people ask you to back up your argument with some facts. So, WHERE are you getting your information that an airplane has an XX year lifespan and is no longer safe beyond that?

The nuclear power plant on a seismic fault. Yes, obviously concerning. But, it seems the age of the plant is irrelevant if it's the location that has you concerned. Agreed? Same as with the airplane, where are you getting your information that a nuke plant has a lifespan of xx years, and it's unsafe to operate beyond that?

I'm not saying your concerns aren't valid, but when you put opinions out into public discussion you should be prepared to back them up with some facts to those who might disagree.

For the record I've felt 3 earthquakes. 2 in So Cal when my Mom lived down there, and one in way upstate NH (even though I think the actual quake was in New York). Wild stuff.
Jesus, thats like how many earthquakes I feel a week.


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
Avy, chill man. Try to debate without getting so angry.

You made comments about the lifespan of an airplane, and people ask you to back up your argument with some facts. So, WHERE are you getting your information that an airplane has an XX year lifespan and is no longer safe beyond that?

The nuclear power plant on a seismic fault. Yes, obviously concerning. But, it seems the age of the plant is irrelevant if it's the location that has you concerned. Agreed? Same as with the airplane, where are you getting your information that a nuke plant has a lifespan of xx years, and it's unsafe to operate beyond that?

I'm not saying your concerns aren't valid, but when you put opinions out into public discussion you should be prepared to back them up with some facts to those who might disagree.

For the record I've felt 3 earthquakes. 2 in So Cal when my Mom lived down there, and one in way upstate NH (even though I think the actual quake was in New York). Wild stuff.
Haha, I felt an earthquake once in New York when I was skateboarding down a huge hill. Which was interesting enough…but I happened to be tripping on some acid. It was...indescribable? Not a huge quake, of course, but pretty unique experience.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
I was performing in a piano recital when a minor (4.5? 4.7?) earthquake hit around Seattle. So the camera was rolling. I got up, got to one knee, waited until things stopped shaking, then played the rest of the piece.

Said footage made its way to the local NBC affiliate and thus to the national news that night. /me was famous


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
I was performing in a piano recital when a minor (4.5? 4.7?) earthquake hit around Seattle. So the camera was rolling. I got up, got to one knee, waited until things stopped shaking, then played the rest of the piece.

Said footage made its way to the local NBC affiliate and thus to the national news that night. /me was famous
The dropping to one knee thing sounds like what they do in kids hockey when there’s an injury!


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
I was performing in a piano recital when a minor (4.5? 4.7?) earthquake hit around Seattle. So the camera was rolling. I got up, got to one knee, waited until things stopped shaking, then played the rest of the piece.

Said footage made its way to the local NBC affiliate and thus to the national news that night. /me was famous
2000-ish? I was in troutdale about that time and there was a quake in Seattle that shook the shit out of the hangar I was in. We all scrambled like roaches out on to the ramp. :rofl:

Was my 6th or 7th quake, didn't make it any less panic inducing.


Bob the Builder
Aug 24, 2004
In the cleavage of the Tetons
Ok, kids, I have told this before, but I was just getting off the goddamn Bay Bridge during the Loma Prieta quake in 89‘. Terrifying. Our apartment in Oakland had cracks through the walls that you could put a cassette through. They gave us 1/2 an hour to grab everything we could and get out. I left California that day.