My father-in-law is a first generation Mexican American. His father came across the border during the war as part of the Bracero Program, married a gal in Pasadena, and never left. FIL literally used to pick oranges and grapes in the fields with all the other migrants as a kid. And he's pretty hard GOP as are a good portion of his MANY brothers. Im certain he voted Trump first term, but he seems to have come around to the idea that Trump might be a loon, and possibly, a compromised person. There is hope I suppose, but still it's crazy to me that he ever got there in the first place, and I absolutely blame all the AM radio he listened too commuting long distances and at his job. A job, with California's biggest union, that gave him a life long pension after 25 years and life time health care. But government is bad and nobody wants to work anymore.This is amazing to me.
Peak amazing are inmigrant citizens voting for Trump. They are vocal.