
POTUS Election '24...you heard it here first!


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
wife filled out her ballot last night

I will drop them off via bike (or maybe my underused e-motorcycle hmmm) at our permanent neighborhood ballot drop-box :)

and then sidle on over to 7-11 to buy a powerball and a mega millions ticket, because hope springs eternal


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
Planning on doing some voting soon. Still reading up on local issues. I hate when there are lesser known offices on the ballot. I don’t know anyone on the list of judges or school board directors or dog catchers.


closer to Periwinkle
Apr 19, 2013
sw ontario canada
If it does go down that way, I do hope she puts an absolute beating on him in the popular vote.

I just can't get over how this is even a choice. One guy's brain is soup and he can not put together a coherent articulate on topic answer and is backed by actual Nazi's and the other is insightful and well spoken but has a weird laugh (oh and psst - she is mixed race).

Apparently it was not the commies you had to watch out for. :boss: :phone:

Seriously, this is where we are?