
POTUS Election '24...you heard it here first!

Montana rider

Turbo Monkey
Mar 14, 2005
After 8 years of Bush 2 and 4 of Drumpf, I am having a hard time believing in karma* at least in my lifetime.

BUT if the FSM saved the Orange Cheto's life so he could get boat raced by an African American Indian broad from California then I could get back on board.

Too while I think donating $ to political campaigns so they can run negative TV ads is the epitome of free-dumb, my heart grew three sizes seeing LosBozAngeles or Boulder-with-a-Z was cutting checks last night.

Act Blue donations in 24 hours:


*Pepperidge Farms remembers Valarie Plame and Fitzmas
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bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
I don't have a problem with Kamala, if anything she is quite the middle of the road candidate that should appeal to many. I just really, really want her to take D2s to task in a debate or at least in garbage rhetoric from the podium. For the love of god, it's time to stop with the "when they go low, we go high" crap. It's time to call them out for what they are- a bunch of pedophile enabling racists who lost the plot back when obama was in office. Call dondald out on his various felonies and lawsuits. Just put it out there and let him have it. Call him a stupid name back. Don't just keep taking it
Praise Jesus, hallelujah!


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
no matter who wins

given both their track records

cabinet staffing will probably be handled by manpower


Turbo Monkey
Sep 2, 2004
McMinnville, OR
Well, her voice notwithstanding, Kamala fucking crushed that first campaign speech.
Interesting comment on her voice. Check out her Instagram.

Listen to her speach patterns in the speach posted two hours ago versus those in the previous post from “Chief to Chief.” Sounds like two different people.

eric strt6

Resident Curmudgeon
Sep 8, 2001
directly above the center of the earth
he gets it

Vinod Khosla, the billionaire venture capitalist co-founder of the bygone Sun Microsystems, called for an open Democratic convention on X following Biden’s announcement, saying he wanted to get a “more moderate candidate who can easily beat” Trump. Musk, replying to Khosla’s post, urged him to instead back Trump and his running mate, Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, saying “LFG!!”
“Hard for me to support someone with no values, lies, cheats, rapes, demeans women, hates immigrants like me,” Khosla replied. “He may cut my taxes or reduce some regulation but that is no reason to accept depravity in his personal values. Do you want President who will set back climate by a decade in his first year? Do you want his example for your kids as values?”


Turbo Monkey
Sep 2, 2004
McMinnville, OR
I wonder if the “thank god it’s not a choice between two old white guys” demographic is big enough to get her elected.

As a card carrying old white guy myself, I consider myself to be part of the above demographic…


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
How to express our racism and prejudice against a black woman and mask it behind a slogan or theme?


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
They called Obama "arrogant", and then never recognized the irony of their euphemism describing their new golden calf.
Well whatever it is, we are patiently awaiting Fox News to let us know what it is. I'm sure they will be busy covering how old Trump is and every single mistake he makes...right?


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Well whatever it is, we are patiently awaiting Fox News to let us know what it is. I'm sure they will be busy covering how old Trump is and every single mistake he makes...right?
There are bigger issues to talk about, like satantic immigrant trans athletes and the oppression of billionaires.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 2, 2004
McMinnville, OR
It would be quite nice if this turns into a huge fuckin' landslide. Just so the GOP realizes that they are fucking doomed in their current form.
I agree…but the far left doesn’t seem to like her much. Where’s @kidwoo to tell us how horrible she is?

To that point, no matter how much one dislikes her for her past as a DA / prosecutor, she is absolutely unquestionably a superior alternative to Orange Foolius.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
It would be quite nice if this turns into a huge fuckin' landslide. Just so the GOP realizes that they are fucking doomed in their current form.
They've known they are doomed for a while. Every post-mortem from prior election losses has made it abundantly clear that their base is shrinking, yet every time they've continued eeking out wins through a combination of voter restrictions, better engagement, and gerrymandering.

At some point, the tide will turn and they'll no longer be able to finagle their way to victory. That time isn't now, of course. Who knows, may not ever come if they can sufficiently remake the judiciary to act as their legal cudgel for the coming decades, even as their base further erodes.

Delusional me hopes the downfall brings the return of a functioning two party system. Which is still not an ideal setup, mind you, but a far cry from the nonsense we are subjected to today.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
It would be quite nice if this turns into a huge fuckin' landslide. Just so the GOP realizes that they are fucking doomed in their current form.
But they aren’t though. The Senate has been a point of concern for a while. The checks and balances of giving each state an equal allotment of power at this level has created a situation that allows the GOP to retain significant and disproportionate interest. In theory this could be used to keep low population states from being trampled by the decisions of high population states. However, it also allows them to wield that power to influence the direction of the country as a whole.
For example…


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
But they aren’t though. The Senate has been a point of concern for a while. The checks and balances of giving each state an equal allotment of power at this level has created a situation that allows the GOP to retain significant and disproportionate interest. In theory this could be used to keep low population states from being trampled by the decisions of high population states. However, it also allows them to wield that power to influence the direction of the country as a whole.
For example…
View attachment 215482
Yep - the Senate, as well as the Electoral College, are rather anachronistic institutions.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
so.... now that dark brandon has dropped out of the race, some repubs are calling for him to resign. i'm guessing that they conveniently forgot that as the current VP Harris would become president now if biden resigned. that would technically make her the incumbent, and historically that would improve her chances for re-election.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
so.... now that dark brandon has dropped out of the race, some repubs are calling for him to resign. i'm guessing that they conveniently forgot that as the current VP Harris would become president now if biden resigned. that would technically make her the incumbent, and historically that would improve her chances for re-election.
Yes. Admitting another 4 year term of being President is not a good idea means you can’t finish the last 6 months of the current term.

And if we bring age in as an issue, that disqualifies their guy as he’s right behind Joe and would hit this phantom “too old threshold” in his term… Not to mention the age issue has been on the table as a talking point since Biden was younger than Trump is now.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
Yes. Admitting another 4 year term of being President is not a good idea means you can’t finish the last 6 months of the current term.

And if we bring age in as an issue, that disqualifies their guy as he’s right behind Joe and would hit this phantom “too old threshold” in his term… Not to mention the age issue has been on the table as a talking point since Biden was younger than Trump is now.
i've seen/read rumors that trump wants to get a refund for the money he spent campaigning against biden
