Maybe I have................Heath Sherratt said:I don't follow you. It seems like you misunderstood everything I wrote.
Maybe I have................Heath Sherratt said:I don't follow you. It seems like you misunderstood everything I wrote.
[/QUOTE]Heath Sherratt said:Define "looking down".
Looking down is a commmon turn of phrase. I surprised you don't know it. Thinking you are better/higher than other people. looking down on them from on high.
When a so called "Christian", why "so called"
Because most of them know nothing of charity, forgiveness, or most other true christian values. Most of them haven't truely accepted your god, they just pretend to as a way of terrorizing other people.
(why would I fear the Father of light? the creator? He is love manifest).
I am buddhist, I don't believe, in your god at all. As love is his manifest, you've never read the old testiment have you?
(what if their version of enlightenment has to do with child sacrifice?)
No body here believes in that right? That's totally tangental.
When I hear churlish ignorant people call them selves "Christian" and tell me I'm going to hell (you keep saying this but no one here has said that to you), I'm speaking of life experiences. You are more and more looking to fall into this category.
Jesus said "spread the word" not "jam it down their throats".(I guess you are just venting on Christians as a whole? I don't see how this fits in to this thread.)
Did you read this:
Originally Posted by Changleen
So all Muslims, Jews, Bhuddists, Hindus, and all those other millions of people are all going to Hell?
Quote: drb, replying to changleen
Its all BS so what do you care? Right?
Quote: Ohio.
To be fair, it's pretty much implied when one starts making statements that the path to heaven means accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Counterpoint to that would be that Heath just mentioned accepting and submitted to "God," not Jesus specifically.
There are MANY though that would say accepting Jesus is necessary, but then also say you're "okay" (as in "going to heaven") as long as you believe in God. Those people don't think very hard about what they're saying.
You are one of the most level headed and fair people on this forum. I just wanted to complement you for your well thought out contributions.Andyman_1970 said:Which interstingly enough Jesus never frames the Gospel in this kind of language. Also, I have a problem with the whole presentation of the Gospel in such a manner where a person could substitute "vacuum cleaner" for "Jesus" in the presentation - I'm not called to be a salesman, I'm called to be a disciple of Jesus and live my life as best I can like my rabbi and Messiah did.
Heath Sherratt said:The best lie is 99% true...
Reactor said:As for the other comments...the old testament is full of grace, mercy, and longsuffering on the part of our Father. It's easy to generalize things we don't understand.
Your comment "Our Father" could be taken as offensive, If you "Our" you yours and mine. He's not my father. As for generalizing, it's obvious you don't understand anything beyond your own sect.
If you read the posts you would see that I was not always a Christian. I was anti-Christ for the majority of my life. It's not my sect and sects at all are non-point. Your relationship (not yours just figuritivly) with Christ is personal and shared only by the Holy Ghost with other believers. Doctrines are not relevant to your salvation nor your brotherhood with other believers.
I also studied Buddihsm to great lengths along with many of the worlds religions and practices. If you would like to start pm'ing or start another thread along the lines of "religions" or the belief in God I would be down for that.
Heath, who is this post directed at, this might take a step towards mitigating the confusion of this dialogue.Heath Sherratt said:I was just thrown off by your post. It seemed to me out of place with the dialogue.
I hope to never fall into your"category " but I suppose that's for you to decide. As for the other comments...the old testament is full of grace, mercy, and longsuffering on the part of our Father. It's easy to generalize things we don't understand. As for the child sacrifice thing, I am sure there are some who sacrifice their children everyday to the money God and in ways too difficult to describe. It was a response to your suggestion that we can be right in our own eyes. I was just stating that there are those of us who have the same belief as you and they may have different morals but feel justified in their own minds for whatever behaviour they conduct. This is common. not a tangent.
Heath, I know that post was not intended for me, but you're going to have to help me with the whole "shared only by the Holy Ghost with other believers" deal - where is that coming from, chapter and verse would be helpful as well.Heath Sherratt said:Your relationship with Christ is personal and shared only by the Holy Ghost with other believers.
He already responded to it.Andyman_1970 said:Heath, who is this post directed at, this might take a step towards mitigating the confusion of this dialogue.
Thanks for the clarification.Heath Sherratt said:He already responded to it.
Melchizedek. Old testament. when Abraham returns from retrieveing all that was stolen Melchizedek greets and blesses him. Melchizedek is a non-hebrew that came to the knowledge of God without direct contact like Abe. He knew Him without knowing His name. This relationship is an example as to how the church of God is made up of believers that are filled with His Spirit. Scripture also clearly explains that the church should be left for God to sort out who is who and that the believers and non should be allowed to co-exists within it's "walls". Thus meaning that those who are truly united in Christ are done so by His spirit not by going to church or by saying i am a christian.Andyman_1970 said:Heath, I know that post was not intended for me, but you're going to have to help me with the whole "shared only by the Holy Ghost with other believers" deal - where is that coming from, chapter and verse would be helpful as well.
Thanks brotha...........
Andyman_1970 said:Thanks for the clarification.
Heath Sherratt said:as for the color of the dog...that truly is subjective. Color is percieved by reflection of light and therefore can be percieved differently by many.
Read page nine. I explained what i said. It had nothing to do with you personally. You asked what i meant and I explained.Reactor said:Yes and it was insinuated I was propagating the devils lies.
Ok, Im with you so farHeath Sherratt said:Melchizedek. Old testament. when Abraham returns from retrieving all that was stolen Melchizedek greets and blesses him.
With all due respect, please cite your evidence that Mel, a high priest of the Most High God, did not have direct contact with God. The book of Hebrews explains how Jesus was a high priest on the order of Melchizedek, not on the order of Aaron thus it would seem from your interpretation, that if Jesus is from that order of priests He did not have direct contact with God???? (which the Bible tells us is not true) Your assertion being that Mel did not have direct contact with God like the Aaronic priests did is, with all due respect a bit of a stretch, but if you have some evidence that says otherwise, Im all ears.Heath Sherratt said:Melchizedek is a non-Hebrew that came to the knowledge of God without direct contact like Abe.
Technically neither did Abraham. God only reveals His Name to Moses in Exodus 3, His Name being YHWH.Heath Sherratt said:He knew Him without knowing His name.
Heath, while I admire your passion to share your faith with others, which is commendable, your eisegesis of this passage and application to the church is a bit of a stretch with all due respect. The New Testament is commentary on the Old Testament, not the other way around if we are going to be historically and culturally correct with regards to context.Heath Sherratt said:This relationship is an example as to how the church of God is made up of believers that are filled with His Spirit.
Kind of like calling yourself a car because youre standing in a garage. Im with you on that part.Heath Sherratt said:Scripture also clearly explains that the church should be left for God to sort out who is who and that the believers and non should be allowed to co-exists within it's "walls". Thus meaning that those who are truly united in Christ are done so by His spirit not by going to church or by saying i am a christian.
For a Jew, His proper Name is YHWH granted He is referred to with different names so one would not risk saying The Name inadvertently or misuse it. I wasnt aware that Abraham was told Gods Name was YHWH.Heath Sherratt said:Yes He does tell Abe His name and also tells moses His name is Iam also. Our Father has many names and I can clear this up for you tonight.
No problem, feel free to PM me as we are way off topic. Im sure youve studied this extensively, but for me unless a passage can be placed in its Hebraic (Hebrew) context I tend to view any interpretation otherwise with suspicion. Which is why I said that the New Testament is commentary on the Old Testament the OT was the Scriptures for those in the NT, they were Jews and thus what is recorded in the NT is what they did in response to the stuff they grew up with from the OT (if that at all made sense).Heath Sherratt said:Sorry for the wait. As for the eisegsis statement I don't follow you. What is not scriptural or culturally incorrect?
I alluded to that in a previous post, I agree. You and I seem to be having some sort of disconnect of understanding.Heath Sherratt said:He was not like Aaronic priesthood at all and there were no others but Him and Christ.
Paul didn't write Hebrews, although that's the typical fundamentalist Christian understanding of that, there is scant evidence to prove such...........again way off topic, but anyway. That nitpick aside, I agree with your point regarding the the relationship between Jesus and God.Heath Sherratt said:I believe that when Paul talks about this order in hebrews He is making a point about the organic relationship Yeshua had with the Father.
If Ive been unclear my apologies, but I agree weve been circling the same thing for several posts now.Heath Sherratt said:Hey Andy, I think we are saying many of the same things with different filters on. I agree with all of the things you have said about the contemporary church and it misunderstandings of the Word.
Im certainly not going to question your intentions or accuracy, but when I see the word revelation used in the context of understanding of interpreting the Scriptures I cant help but have one of those TV evangelist come to mind [not that you are one mind you] but that word revelation has been so misused to twist the Text to make is say whatever someone wants it to say [not that you are in this case].Heath Sherratt said:. by His revelation have come to know what I know.
As long as that does not contradict the Hebraic context of the Scriptures I would have no qualms considering such understanding.Heath Sherratt said:but most understanding has come directly from Him.
Written in Greek yes, but Jesus didnt speak Greek so for me Greek is very mush secondary with regards to Jesus and His ministry, which is why Ive directed my energies towards learning Hebrew.Heath Sherratt said:The Hebrew roots are of course essential but the actual new testament was written primarily in Greek and this was no accident.
Aramaic, Im impressed. Youll have to PM me these surprises.Heath Sherratt said:I have studied the greek and the aramaic texts as well as the Hebrew. They all line up but there are some surprises in there when you do some digging.
Heres where Im coming from when I use the word commentary. Everything Jesus says and teaches is commentary on the OT and the Torah. The OT and the Torah were the Scriptures for Jesus, as a rabbi with Smikah (authority) He had them memorized. Jesus didnt come to start a new religion, which is a misunderstanding many Christians make, and there is no Biblical basis for.Heath Sherratt said:As for commentary, I don't understand the connection with that word. The Old Testament was the prologue and in every word points to the coming messiah down to .. So commentary is a word I have not used to describe the New testament.
Thank you for the suggestion to study Gods Name, Ive been spending some time with a local rabbi studying Hebrew, and about YHWH and His Name.Heath Sherratt said:Oh, and you should check into the many names of the Lord God. He has many. Alpha, Omega, The messiah, Christ, Yeshua, Yhwh, IAM, Jirah, Elohim, and they all have tremendous significance to understanding Him better. I'll try to get you those exact scriptures tonight about Mel. Elijah was another non-hebrew by the way.