Trying to get location data from an image file. Latitude and longitude are returned as tables. How can I programmatically get at that data and use it?
I'm not only interested in image files. I would like to know generically how to use data that PowerPoint returns in tabular format.View attachment 167626
Wouldn't an EXIF viewer/editor like this be an easier way? No idea what you are trying to accomplish
Hack Like a Pro: Digital Forensics for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 16 (Extracting EXIF Data from Image Files)
Welcome back, my greenhorn hackers!In many cases when a computer, phone, or mobile device is seized for evidence, t
The code above works. What had not penetrated my knothead skull is that structured data as presented in tabular form and that one needs to store initial results as a variable prior to digging deeper.I'm no programmer, but it looks like you're reading the data. Now you need to select what you want to use.
No, I haven't gotten too far into it. We keep changing our minds what direction we want to take stuff. My C# is also crap, but I'm also old and lazy, so we will see how far I get with it.@jimmydean did some Powershell stuff recently too, from what I read.
Do you ever check out ?
I've used that site a bunch in the past, it's a great resource.@jimmydean did some Powershell stuff recently too, from what I read.
Do you ever check out ?
I had a similar fight a few weeks ago with wanting to email the output from a sqlcmd query. Annoying.Windows and its permissions is frustrating sometimes...
I created a little powershell script today to grab the members of a group in AD, write it to a text file, print that text file to a pdf and then email said pdf.
You'd think writing the script would be the hard part. Nope, its allowing whatever account the script is running as to create the printer and port. Even when running the script with Task Scheduler, set to run with highest priveleges, shit still doesn't work.
What worked was adding that account to the local admin group on the server the script is on. Not ideal.
Out-Printer -Name "Microsoft print to PDF"
in a Windows environment, as long as the user has access to that printer, without elevation.True, it wasn't printing the file that was the problem, it was creating the port and printer itself - and allowing a non-interactive account to do so.@canadmos weird, you should be about to pipe things toOut-Printer -Name "Microsoft print to PDF"
in a Windows environment, as long as the user has access to that printer, without elevation.
That said, things get funky when you're trying to do userworld processes (like printing) from non-interactive service accounts. In my experience, you don't typically need to actually make the user an admin but you do need to figure out what that user needs access to and delegate it.
But converting raw Powershell text to PDF is wasteful anyway. PDFs are for formatted documents. Just send the text file
Our internal auditors are a picky bunch and would 100% question the validity of a plain text file.
Get-FileHash -Algorithm SHA384
Did anyone notice?Anyways, hopefully I finish this by Monday and no one will notice.
Only the one guy I told about it.Did anyone notice?