Rumsfeld and the rest of the gang have been dealing with Saddam in the past, there is no question. Also the U.S. turned a blind eye when he gased the Kurds because the U.S. was doing so much business with Iraq, and let's not forget were he got the chemical weapons.... he basically got them form the U.S. Just watch Frontline on PBS, all this got reported by Frontline, and many other services.Originally posted by Spud
Gotta love the guy.
The problem with Rumsfeld was that him and Richard Perle wanted to go into Iraq with a minimal force. Why? to prove that can take over a country cheaply and swiftly, so they can maybe repeat the senario. They both ignored warning from the CIA telling them they will not get the welcome that they wanted, from the Iraqi people. Let's not forget what was being seaid before the war started, "the troups might be even welcomed with flowers in the streets from the Iraqis"