Gee mate, if you believe that then you believe in the tooth fairy.Originally posted by Stellite
Well we all know that most media leans to the left in this country, like cnn and msnbc. Fox leans to the right giving a little balance to the other two. However, none of these stations outright lie or leave out news to make Saddam look bad.
I think the problem with al Jezeera is that neither of us can watch it to make up our own minds so we have to rely on others to tell us about it, not the ideal situation.
As an aside, I've been watching mainly the BBC and CNN coverage (I can get Fox but don't, though I have watched it quite a bit in the past). I'm much preferring the BBC's coverage as the "froth and bubble" content is much less than on CNN. That Paula Zahn, f*ck me, she redefines the word bimbo.
Don't know if you guys in America saw it but the BBC footage of the latest friendly fire incident was pretty damn hardcore. John Simpson (BBC reporter of "first man into Kabul" fame) is a bit of a grandstander but there is no denying his gonad dimensions. The footage of him to camera with the blood from his cameraman's wounds smearing the lens was incredible. His translator was killed in the incident and his vehicle destroyed and he himself was slightly injured. Time to shake your head and mutter "there but for the grace of god...."