I'd like to see the science behind such a decision as my extensive googling and talking to our Pediatrician has turned up absolutely nothing scientifically concrete on the extensive risk of vaccination that is being touted.I know couples that have decided not to vaccinate their kids because of the dangers and side effects of some vaccinations. This wasn't a religious decision, and was based on the science. My only issue is that they can "get away" with this because everyone else DOES vaccinate, so their kids have a low likelihood of exposure. That seemed selfish, but understandable.
I'm seeing stuff in the range of 1:10,000 risk.
Also, you should tell the couples you know that EVERYONE with half a brain now knows about "herd immunity" and TOO MANY parents are choosing no vaccination based on HI... except that the herd is no longer immune.
The most famous recent story is a city in England in 2001 that had these concerns and stopped vaccinating... 70 children died of whooping cough.
Here in Colorado, it's estimated that 7% of children are unvaccinated... that's way too high.
Tell your friends they're making a mistake... and that's based on science.