
Pre haloween eve party shots


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
Sorry I didnt get any of the party... but it was my work camera. Not fun carying around 2.5k of camera around a bunch of drunk people... anyway so here are some pre shots and a few post/next day hangover shots.

1 Megan shortly before putting on her costume. 2 Ally, the poker table spraying glitter on herself. 3 George Bush. 4 Billy Gram(sp). 5 Satan (me)

More to come.


golgiaparatus said:
Dat is Megan.

Can you start assigning serial numbers to their names when they are introduced here on the monkey??? I think I want to start a database. :D


dh girlie said:
Look at Gogli in his sexy super model pose...

Not to pat myself on the back, but I am not sure this is on par with the humor of the database line. :rolleyes:


golgiaparatus said:
Yeah :rolleyes: I call that pose "the nipple for westy" :monkey: or maybe "headache time".

I think you should call it "I photoshopped a sheet to not offend anyone". :D


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
dh girlie said:
I think he waxes his chest!
Heh... I have very little body hair (passed down from my grandpa)... even on my face I only have slightly more hair than it takes to grow a goatee(sp), cant really complain though.

and BB... dude I dont think I get it, why cant I turn left? Or are you saying I cant turn left because... :nope: [edit, no dude, I still dont get it]


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
dh girlie said:
You need to quit manwhoring so much (that or quit bragging about all your bishes :D) and go rent a movie called 'Zoolander'.
Is that the one about the male super models? Could one of them not turn left and that was his modeling downfall?!... LOL! I heard it was funny, just never got around to seeing it.

Maybe I'll rent it tonight. I'm so tired from manwhoring I'm ready to chill and watch some brain numbing box. Speaking of which... when does the new Simpsons Haloween episode come on? I'm pretty sure you are the one to ask eh?

dh girlie

golgiaparatus said:
Is that the one about the male super models? Could one of them not turn left and that was his modeling downfall?!... LOL! I heard it was funny, just never got around to seeing it.

Maybe I'll rent it tonight. I'm so tired from manwhoring I'm ready to chill and watch some brain numbing box. Speaking of which... when does the new Simpsons Haloween episode come on? I'm pretty sure you are the one to ask eh?

Yeah...it's Zoolander who cannot make left turns. That movie is just freakin hysterical, funny does not do it justice. Don't bother renting it, just buy it. You need to see it a few times cuz you will be laughing so loud and hard you will miss parts that are must see parts. Plus you will love the movie...everyone does.

And the Treehouse of Horror is on on the 7th...next Sunday night.


Out of my element
Aug 30, 2002
Deep in the Jungles of Oklahoma
dh girlie said:
Yeah...it's Zoolander who cannot make left turns. That movie is just freakin hysterical, funny does not do it justice. Don't bother renting it, just buy it. You need to see it a few times cuz you will be laughing so loud and hard you will miss parts that are must see parts. Plus you will love the movie...everyone does.

And the Treehouse of Horror is on on the 7th...next Sunday night.
Sweet. I'll check it out.
I'm pumped about this years T.H..... its gonna be badass methinks.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
How did your pumpkin turn out?

Ok, I'm a little bit bored today. :dancing: