
pre-race rituals


Oct 29, 2003
For my breakfast in the morning I have to have a toasted bagel, egg and cheese. It has to be an egg bagel, extra sharp cheddar cheese and the yellow of the egg has to be cooked all the way. If it isn't just right, my race will be shot. :) I eat this about 4 hours before the race.


Pretty Boy....That's right, BOY!
Oct 7, 2002
pre-race rituals? I just got to get my lazzy a$$ out of bed, and that usualy does the trick:D %90 of the race is just being there.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
I wish I had some crazy superstition or something but no, I just eat breakfast and warm up. How boring that sounds. :dead: :(


Village Idiot
Dec 10, 2001
Fairbanks, Alaska
i dont mean anything superstitious, I just mean how do you prepare for a race. Like do you eat differently starting a few days before or do you go to bed earlier or anything like that.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Originally posted by Big_Papa1080
i dont mean anything superstitious, I just mean how do you prepare for a race. Like do you eat differently starting a few days before or do you go to bed earlier or anything like that.

Yep, I start a carbo load on Wednesday for my Saturday races. If it's an "A" priority race then I will have started a training taper that week too. I get 8 hours a sleep almost ever night anyway so I generally don't mess with my sleep schedule. Let me slip one of my sponsors in here...I take REM caps that are made by e-caps and those help me get enough sleep. They are primarily Valerian Root extract but have a few secondary ingredients as well:

Valerian Root Extract – 300 mg
· Melatonin – 6 mg
· 5-HTP (5-Hydroxy tryptophan) – 50 mg
· Magnesium (as Amino Acid Chelate) – 40 mg
· Enzyme Enhancement System – 38 mg
(proprietary blend of protease, amylase, cellulase, lipase, phytase)


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
i get really drunk and irie the night before. i go to bed no more than 5 hours before i have to get up. in the morning i eat copious amounts of greasy food, smoke a few cigarettes, drink some liquid anal crowbar ( coffee), take a crap. get irie. then forget what i was doing a couple of times. finally i ride after being up and moving for a couple of hours.


Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Originally posted by biggins
i get really drunk and irie the night before. i go to bed no more than 5 hours before i have to get up. in the morning i eat copious amounts of greasy food, smoke a few cigarettes, drink some liquid anal crowbar ( coffee), take a crap. get irie. then forget what i was doing a couple of times. finally i ride after being up and moving for a couple of hours.
Yah, thanks for your valuable input. :rolleyes: :monkey: :help:


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Originally posted by Heidi
Let me slip one of my sponsors in here...I take REM caps that are made by e-caps and those help me get enough sleep.
I have not had a single leg cramp since I started using the Endurolytes... e-caps kicks ass :)


Oct 8, 2003
los angeles
after my egg sandwich 3 hours before the race,
i jump up and down in front of the mirror
and yell:
"i wanna be like heidi!!!"
"i wanna be like heidi!!!"
"i wanna be like heidi!!!"
"i wanna be like heidi!!!"
"i wanna be like heidi!!!"
"i wanna be like heidi!!!"



Der hund ist laut und braun
Aug 22, 2001
Bend, Oregon
Originally posted by worm
after my egg sandwich 3 hours before the race,
i jump up and down in front of the mirror
and yell:
"i wanna be like heidi!!!"
"i wanna be like heidi!!!"
"i wanna be like heidi!!!"
"i wanna be like heidi!!!"
"i wanna be like heidi!!!"
"i wanna be like heidi!!!"

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Careful what you wish for.;)


Turbo Monkey
Feb 18, 2002
Originally posted by Big_Papa1080
i dont mean anything superstitious, I just mean how do you prepare for a race. Like do you eat differently starting a few days before or do you go to bed earlier or anything like that.
To be honest all I do is make sure I'm well rested in terms of my legs. I try to remeber to hydratea couple days before. The night before a race I have big early dinner that way it's fully digested when I wake up so I take a big **** in the morning. Than I eat breakfast 3-4 hours before the start usaully my musli I always have or oatmeal.

I like a good long warm up listening to Ice Cube. Just slip your CD player into one of your back jersey pockets.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 4, 2003
NOR CAL, Sac/CoCo County
In the morning before a DH race I'll have a beer or two to depending on how gnar the course is and eat some Goldfish snacks or leftover pizza. I don't really do much a few days before to prepare my health nutritionally. Its mostly mental to me not health wise so I just ride like any other week beforehand to keep the blood flowin' and the sweat pourin'. Oh and try to watch some mtb vids the night before to get all pumped up for the next morning. For a dual slalom race I'll do the same except drink a beer in between the rounds:D