
>>>>Preemptive Strike Wednesday NZ/GMT<<<<


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
We aren't allowed to bill for alcohol, but you don't have to show an itemized receipt under $70. Spend $200 with booze on the receipt, prepare for an HR discussion.

When you work for a company with government contracts certain things are heavily scrutinized.
We have to provide receipts for any meal over $25.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Several years ago I was in Detroit on a project. The project manager was a wet behind the ears dipshit, I think this was his first time ever leaving Washington. He thought it would be a good idea to see how much money he could spend one night on his corporate card. I warned him against it and he ignored me. We all ran up a pretty good tab, I quietly paid with my personal card, he did not. He of course got caught, tried to deflect blame and said I had done it too. He got into pretty big trouble and from that point on every dime he spent or hour he billed was scrutinized.

A year later in a high level meeting he freaked out over some design changes, I explained that he had actually approved everything but was probably too busy playing Candy Crush to have actually understood what was going on. He didn't show up for a few days then ended up quitting.
We speculated that you got deported. I am glad you didn't. Kidwoo got scooped up.


free wieners
When I was running initial attack hand crews I would constantly have to pay for 20-40 employees when at establishments during travel from dispatch to dispatch. This usually meant we had to drop in without notice and usually meant places that could handle the rush so it was normally truck stops, pizza joints, or groups of fast food restaurants that had a few different joints in one location. It was known there was zero alcohol during any dispatch and had a few guys thought they could slip some past me, not only were they fired on the spot but had to walk to the bus station for their ride back to Oregon, but their tickets went to portland maine then to Oregon via greyhound. I had the last laugh. in case you were wondering pizza is by far the cheapest place to feed 20-40 firefighters.

I had a GSA card that I had to use in order to pay for 1,000 soldiers (my unit) worth of groceries from costco for the first night of chow at camp when I was the strike team leader for my nat guard unit that was deployed to a fire in eastern oregon. I got a call from the state general the next day saying I would be court-marshaled. After handing the phone off to my commander I was given a unit medal when we returned, lol