

LiVe 2 RiD3

Apr 26, 2006
Hey, Tell me what you think, if i turned up the preload on my dirt jam fork, could I get higher off a jump when I preload off it? Thanks


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2004
wine country
Much of a pump when goes off a jump correctly comes from your legs/back side of the bike. Maybe some can go a little more in depth.


Oct 11, 2005
Ashland Oregon
Hmm well you shouldn't have to rely on preloading to get you higher off a lip, especially if you ride a hardtail. I'm going to try to explain the basic idea of preloading your body and hopefully it comes out coherently! People call it different things, some call it pumping, some call it preloading, but what it all comes down to is where you compress and then release your body. If you are looking to get height then you will compress you body at the very start of the take off, or the base of the transition (tranny) if you will. So when your front tire starts to roll up the take off, you crouch your body on the bike, like a cat preparing to leap, and then just before your front wheel leaves the lip of the jump, you "release" your body. This part is sort of hard to explain. . .basically you extend your arms and your legs and you surge up with your body in a vertical motion, the point of which is to force the bike to follow as vertical a path as it can to attain more height. And while it is similar to the motion for a bunnyhop, the more you do it, you'll realize it's a bit different.

To suck up or "speed jump" a jump, it is just the opposite. Instead of compressing or preloading at the base of the tranny, you actually preload very near to the lip and then push the handle bars down.

Hopefully this helps and wasn't too confusing!