
Preparing for the Tour de Tucson... what to do?


May 2, 2002
Tucson, beatch!
Hey all... Going to ride El Tour de Tucson this coming Saturday. They are expecting about 8,000 riders. Wow!

This is my first Tour, and while I'm only doing the 70-mile loop (not the full 112) I want to ask how to preare physically. Stay hydrated this week, I know... but what about food? Should I carbo-load sometime this week or something?

What do you all do to prepare for a large ride? Thanks for the help.. I'm SO psyched for this experience... should be a blast!


Oct 17, 2002
What's your longest ride to date?

I'm guessing the weather down there should be awesome! I'm jealous :D

I assume it's fully supported? I carry two water bottles on such a tour (four when solo) and fill them both whenever I stop at an aid station... nothing worse than running out of water and getting to an aid stop only to find out they ran out of water too!! Then you have to wait 20 minutes for the supply truck to arrive. This happened indirectly to me on the Moab century ride... riding partner didn't keep her bottles full.

As for what to eat and such, sorry, no hard and fast rule. I have a friend -- whom after years of trial and error -- likes a lot more protein the night before than the average person.

Me too. I'll eat a fair amount of protein (jerky) while riding, as well as carbs. I try to eat 200-400 calories per hour. I think I'm burning 600-700 per hour, fyi fwiw.

I say if you don't need to urinate at some point, you're not drinking enough. Watch the electrolytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium) while drinking water!! The average person needs 2-3 grams of sodium per day, but the average athlete can burn as much as 1-2 grams per hour during a moderately/difficult exercise! You don't need to overdo the electrolytes, but make sure you're re-fueling enough.

I'll eat a banana or two and 12-24oz of V8 drink an hour or so before the start... good potassium source.

If you can ride hands free, bring a camera, take action photos and post 'em along with a ride summary :)

And here's the best advice that clifster5 gave me for my first century... don't forget to look around and enjoy the scenery and the day.

Have fun!


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I wouldn't knock myself out about this. When I rode 145 miles in a day, I brought a supply of gu shots and clif bars, but I ate apples, bananas, power bars at stop points. I was used to eating this things, and it went down well. I also a hostess apple pie when I was stuck for food in a remote section. I had to force that down.

I drank water on the bike, and gatorade when I stopped.

When I did the Vernon-to-Vernon century, an organized, supported ride, I was careful about not filling up at the rest stops. My buddy, who had never ridden a century, had a huge lunch at the halfway stop, where I left a little hungry but with my pockets full of food. About 20 minutes later, he was having severe digestion problems, but I felt fine the rest of the way.


May 2, 2002
Tucson, beatch!
Yeah, it's fully supported with water and bananas, bars, etc at each stop... apprx every 8 miles or so. I'm not too worried about that... I was more concerned with what I should eat the night before, etc.

I wish I had a camera that is easily transported, but I'm afraid I don't. This will be the longest ride I've done so far, but I've been training for it. I'm not to worried.

THanks all... If I get a chance to take pics, I will.


Oct 17, 2002
G-Cracker said:
I was more concerned with what I should eat the night before, etc.
A fat burrito and two margaritas! Well, that's what we had for the Santa Fe Century.

Seriously, I'd just stay away from anything that would upset you. In other words, eat like normal.


Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
I did my 1st & 2nd centuries this year....I had pasta the night before - I think its more important to eat/drink during the ride, I'd say something smallish to eat every hour.

My last one I had a turkey sub at the 2nd of 2 stops, the next hour it wanted to come back out!

I am still trying to decide if I am doing a century Sunday, I barely have been riding lately & suppose to be about 30 at start time and get up to 50 for a high (brrr)

ps: have fun !


May 2, 2002
Tucson, beatch!
It was a blast! I'll have a couple pics that my wife snapped of me uploaded when I get them developed. Went through 3.5 water bottles over the course of the 67-miles. My wife and two friends were my "support team" so I didn't even have to stop... just threw down my empty bottles and they handed me two full ones as I rode by. Kinda cool.

It was a great time, especially for my first "big" ride. Out of the 1100 cyclists that did the 67-mile, 890 finished. And out of the 890 that finished, I placed 106th with a time of 3 hours, 33 minutes, and 4 seconds. I'm pretty happy with that.

88-mile course had 500 cyclists
33-mile course had 1100
67-mile course had 1100
110-mile course had over 3,000

It was an insane day, but worth it!