while kerry's answer was kind of weak, at least he started to answer it ($2.2B figure is from bush's lackeys, closing loopholes in tax code, + $800M from top-2% tax hike). bush did nothing except attack kerry in his "answer"...Damn True said:Wow, good question from the moderator dude.
"I haven't heard either of you say HOW you will cut the deficit."
...oh wait, Senator, how do you figure the recession is over?
you can't have it both ways...Damn True said:Any idea what a $5,500 S-Works Epic would cost if Kerry forced Specialized to build it in the US?
I think he was making a joke.Toshi said:plus kerry cited that malpractice insurance + suits only accounts for 1% of health care costs (or was it 1% of the increase? i should know this, oops).
"i own a timber company... that's news to me. want to buy some wood?" idiot.
He voted for it.Toshi said:i'm glad to see that kerry stood up to the patriot act. i thought he was going to rubber stamp it
http://www.aclunc.org/911/scorecard.htmlDamn True said:I am not aware of any rights usurped from me that I had before 9/11.
as did 99 of the 100 senators. post-9/11 hysteria was still in high effect, and no one even had time to review it thoroughly, let alone pick it apart.Damn True said:He voted for it.
true. it's a morality question. the scientific viewpoint is clearly that embryonic stem cells are irreplaceable. to be more technical, only embryonic stem cells have the ability to differentiate into _all_ cell types ("pluripotent"). other kinds of stem cells are either not pluripotent or they suffer from problems with early cell death (shortened telomeres).Damn True said:No right answer for this stem cell thing. True said:I think he was making a joke.
Bush dosen't own a timber company.
President Bush himself would have qualified as a "small business owner" under the Republican definition, based on his 2001 federal income tax returns. He reported $84 of business income from his part ownership of a timber-growing enterprise. However, 99.99% of Bush's total income came from other sources that year. (Bush also qualified as a "small business owner" in*2000 based on $314 of*"business income," but not in*2002 and 2003 when he reported his timber income as "royalties" on a different tax schedule.)**
seeking "approval" and giving the UN veto power are two distinct things. please do not conflate them.Damn True said:Wait, Kerry is saying he wouldn't cede our authority, yet he said less than an hour ago that we should not go into war without UN approval.
I wish they would both quit with the soundbytes that have nothing to do with the questions.Toshi said:i wish kerry would shut up about "winning the peace" tho
The series was won or lost in the late innings of game 2. Everyone knew it.Damn True said:The Yankees are leading the Twins 8-1
God forbid Vioxx get in from Canada and give US citizens heart attacks...Damn True said:Yea, though I think the FDA approval is important, you can't just let down the current testing standards.
haha i certainly hope so, i was in a discussion with my physical therapist this morning about who would take the vacated Mariners job. i blurted out Gordie Howe's name and he looked at me like i was smoking crack. i actually meant Art Howe of course, but we had fun mentally envisioning old Gordie running out and checking the umpire on a bad call.Damn True said:.....but in all likelyhood, the Boston Bruins will win a World Series before the Sox do.
Yah you never know if third world nations smuggle terrorists in those prescription bottles.xbluethunderx said:Bush's answer on Canadian drugs was the absolute WORST defense of pharmaceutical companies I have ever heard...I wanted to hit him with a stick when he said "BUT THEY'RE NOT SAFE!"