Anyone else think that Romney's 7-figure Olympics horse (that he took a $77,000 tax deduction on) is going to play just a TEENY part in the presidential election? I mean, we've heard for years that since Obama eats Arugula he's an elitist snob, but Mittens owns a horse that is going to be entered into the "Horse Ballet" at the London Games? Seriously?
The pushback has already started... Cavuto / Fox News is already trying to claim that dressage is necessary for Ann Romney's Multiple Schlorosis ("A ha! Making fun of a poor woman's suffering, how could you??!?"), even though Romney claimed the horse as a business/tax loss as opposed to any type of medical treatment. Right now the only ones pushing the story are left-wing blogs/media (like MSNBC) and Colbert, but I can't help but think that this is going to look really, really, really poorly on Mitt when the nightly news reports on his horse prancing about at the Olympics.
The pushback has already started... Cavuto / Fox News is already trying to claim that dressage is necessary for Ann Romney's Multiple Schlorosis ("A ha! Making fun of a poor woman's suffering, how could you??!?"), even though Romney claimed the horse as a business/tax loss as opposed to any type of medical treatment. Right now the only ones pushing the story are left-wing blogs/media (like MSNBC) and Colbert, but I can't help but think that this is going to look really, really, really poorly on Mitt when the nightly news reports on his horse prancing about at the Olympics.