
Problem with bleeding Hayes


Oct 8, 2003
Mt. View, CA
So my friend bought a used Hayes knowing that it wasn't working perfect but was told it probably just needs to be bled and cleaned. I opened up the caliper, cleaned it all, and closed it back up (did have seal in correct place). I made sure all the bolts and such were tight that connect the hose and then continued on and attempted to bleed it. Once I opened up the gold thing and started pushing fluid through, the fluid would not go anymore after I pushed almost none. I tried pushing fluid in through the lever to determine if there was anything blocking the fluids pathway near the caliper (since almost no fluid went in there). I tried pushing and as I pushed, it just leaked out of the hole in the lever (since it's an open system). It's kind of like there is a block at both ends of the hose but I highly doubt that there really is.

Please help me get this working for him.

Fast Freddy

Feb 12, 2003
Is the lever squishy? Sounds like it might be a hose to me too... if you have enough fluid you can take the system apart caliper, hose, lever... and try each one seperately... then reassemble it and go from there with a new bleed.

And just so I have this straight - if you removed the bleed screw completely from the caliper and pumped the fluid in from the top (lever) you couldn't get much out?



Turbo Monkey
Nov 29, 2001
Boston Area
Were you trying to describe some sort of problem with the actual 'plunger' part of the system? If so, the master cylinder has a bleed hole that sits immediately in front of the piston. As soon as you start squeezing the lever, the hole gets sealed off. If the piston sits just 1mm in, the hole is closed off and you won't be able to get fluid through. It is possible that you need a new plunger (just the plastic part w/ the o-rings, not a whole master cylinder). When the seals get worn, they get sticky. If they are old enough, the spring inside the lever may not be powerful enough to push the piston all the way back. If the compression olive has not been completely crushed already, you can remove the hose, push something inside the nipple and push the piston back and put the hose back on w/out having to cut/replace anything. Hayes supplies a tool for doing this with new brakes. Its basicly just a piece of wire. Give it a shot.


Jan 3, 2004
Ontario, Canada
First thing to check is the bleed nipple. Take it out and look at the hole in the bottom. Is there one still there? When they're over tightened the port gets crushed.

Second thing to check is The line and fittings for pinches or brakes.

If its still good, compleatly dissasemble the caliper and make sure(yes Again) that the O ring isnt covering the port.
May 13, 2004
Originally posted by crashnscar
So my friend bought a used Hayes knowing that it wasn't working perfect but was told it probably just needs to be bled and cleaned. I opened up the caliper, cleaned it all, and closed it back up (did have seal in correct place). I made sure all the bolts and such were tight that connect the hose and then continued on and attempted to bleed it. Once I opened up the gold thing and started pushing fluid through, the fluid would not go anymore after I pushed almost none. I tried pushing fluid in through the lever to determine if there was anything blocking the fluids pathway near the caliper (since almost no fluid went in there). I tried pushing and as I pushed, it just leaked out of the hole in the lever (since it's an open system). It's kind of like there is a block at both ends of the hose but I highly doubt that there really is.

Please help me get this working for him.
I had exactly the same problem with mine recently. One of the piston's had seized so I had my lbs replace it under warranty. When I got it back the brake lever would come back to the bars but would be OK after a couple of strokes, suggesting air in the system. I used the Hayes kit to bleed it - no air at all, so I took it back to the shop and asked them to sort it. It went away for repair and came back perfect, but it is still my original caliper and lever! They never did tell me what was wrong with it. I would recommend Goodridge hoses.