
Problem with Specialzed wireless computer


Feb 1, 2002
Washington, DC
I have a specialized wireless computer that had been working perfectly for me for the past few months. Today, on my morning ride, after three miles it just stopped recording anything. When I got home from the ride I adjusted the magnet and the transmitter to no avail, so just figured that the battery in the transmission unit must be dead. I got a new one at Radio Shack, but that didn't help at all.

At this point I was doing a little more testing and discovered that for some reason the range of the transmitter died for no apparent reason. If I hold the computer right up next to the transmitter and spin the wheel then it records my speed just fine. However, when I start moving the computer a little further away it dies very quickly and when I put the computer on the handlebars it gets no signal. This is crazy because the computer is only about a foot from the transmitter and it was working fine right up until this morning.

Anyone have any ideas?
