


Turbo Monkey
Sep 9, 2001
So I have an 05' Haro Backtrail X24 on order, and I'm going to throw my old Z2 on it which should give it very similar geometry to the DK ux24. I'm really excited to start learning some more technical aspects of urban riding and dirt jumping so I was hoping that people could give their advice on how they progressed. Like a list of the first skills/tricks they learned and how they went about and practiced them, and where they went from there.

I've always done downhill and never did anything like this so I hope to use this bike as a way to hone in on alot of skills that I lack as well as have fun.

Maybe this thread could be used as a general thread on how to go about learning and doing tricks, so others new to this sport can use it as a reference as well.

In anycase any advice would be great.


Turbo Monkey
Just get comfortable moving the bike around in the air and on the ground. Try some whips, tabletops, etc. Then start doing stuff like tail taps, wall rides, nose bonks, x-ups, etc. Once you feel like you are comfortable in the air and everything is routine start taking your feet or hands off. That's about where I am with progression. Doing no-footers, but I haven't jumped into can cans or supermans yet. Practice no footers on the ground at first. Get used to looking for your pedals out of the corner of your eye. Oh and wear shinguards...