so, i had an 94 ford escort hatchback laying around that got totaled due to two small wrecks. basicly the front left and back right bumpers are messed up, everything else is golden. add to that that it would cost as much to tow it as the junkyard would pay for it. so.... sat night me and 3 friends stripped it down. we took off all the interior panaling, carpet and seats with a hammer, baseball bat, and one screw driver. we cut the exaust between the cat and the muffiler(soulds BAE, ghetto cat-back) and took out the left headlight + the bottom of the air filter box. we cut a scoop out of th hood and spun the top of the air filter box (with filter duct taped on) around so air has a clean shot from both the scoop and the hole where the headlight was. my guess is this thing came stock with 100ish HP and now has 120+ and we took off over 1/3 of the weight. we have acheived a go-cart power/weight ratio with out droping a dime!(found $2.45 in change) my question to yall is; what should we do to it next weekend? what else can we beat/cut/tear off to make it faster? air flow now is damn good, heck, it wasn't bad stock, and i think we've taken all the weight out we can. we're planning on spray painting it (to keep with the ghetto theme.) 2-tone. black on top and wheels and stock teal bottom with twin white racing stripes one the driver side. i'll post pic when i get home.
where do we go from here?
where do we go from here?