
Proposed name change "RideGrumpy"


Sep 9, 2004
Toowoomba Queensland
Just been reading through the DH forum and once more there is even more:rant::rant:.
Maybe we should all go go to the medical cabinent, grab the oxycodone the doc gave you from your last huge e-stack down the e-track on your last sub 30lb e-bike and chill out a little?:D:D
Christmas time and all that you know. Let's see if we can ditch the ego's and attitude for 2010.

To make this thread a little less pointless and even more lame, post your most piss funny MTB experiences or some sh1t like that.


May 6, 2007
christchurch nz
Or how about BuckingMonkey???

I fully agree with MrPlow on this one:thumb:....but i might ad its (as usual) just a select few who are instigating the bad joo joo.:mad:


Turbo Monkey
No great stories, but I can tell people if they ever go to Mt. Hood Skibowl in OR that they should avoid the upper lift if it's really windy out. A couple of other people's bikes weren't so lucky at the last race in September. Maybe don't build your dh rig so light next time as well? One of the many assumed risks we take just to have some fun!!!

On the original topic, there have been a bunch of hostile folks on the boards recently. IFO will not post something here that I wouldn't say to that person's face. That is how it SHOULD be. Viva la internet!!!


Turbo Monkey
Jun 3, 2008
with the voices in my head
On the original topic, there have been a bunch of hostile folks on the boards recently. IFO will not post something here that I wouldn't say to that person's face. That is how it SHOULD be. Viva la internet!!![/QUOTE]



Jun 20, 2005
Morgantown, WV
Agree with Mr. Plow here. I very rarely respond to any threads anymore because most of them are just people complaining/arguing. Its getting a bit Pinkbikeish.


Jun 4, 2009
I have a funny, Last weekend 5 min into riding Lynn woods with the temp around 28`I notice my legs feel extra cold. I stop look down and notice my camel back (gatorade filled) is pissing all over me because I ripped off the bite valve. I find the bite valve continue on and at the end of the ride I have to laugh at the frozen, orange, crystals on my entire lower body.:)
So chill out all and dont forget to laugh at youself...merry x-mas.


Oct 1, 2006
west asheville
If you think this is hostile, you should visit the forums at audizine.com.

So...funny story - this one time I was riding a seasonal trail with JeremyR and there was a sign that said "bikes allowed "10/15 - 4/15." Jeremy read it aloud and my brain thought he meant "10:15am - 4:15pm" so I said "that's weird that they would choose such a random time to allow bikes." Hilarity ensued. :rofl:

*slowly exits room to go look at my 35lb Morewood Kalula*

John Jameson

Nov 12, 2009
Right side of the Sierras
so about two weeks ago, I was getting ready to drop into the trail that I have built near my house. The drop in point is only about 200-250 yards from I-80 west of Reno, so temporarily, I am very visible to the traffic. I am catching my breath from the grunt-push up the hill when an 18-wheeler gives a big honk. Guessing that it was directed towards me I have a Johnny Drama like "VICTORY" fist pump, and the driver returned two more honks. Put a big smile on my face. Good to see fellow dh'ers moving freight cross-country.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
fist pump
were you at the jersey shore?

have to agree with the OP. Some people just suck. I love reading the technical forum when somebody posts up "Do a search" or "this has been covered" or whatever when somebody asks a question. It takes you two seconds to post that, and four seconds to answer the question. Don't be a dick. If you're feeling assey, then just surf on back to bodybuilding.net and ask other people if you're good looking until somebody says yes.

I think some people just know everything, and therefore feel they have little to gain from being on a forum like this, where there are plenty of people with all varieties of experience, and therefore feel they can just act like dicks to everybody. I know I still have much to learn, but I'm happy to help where I can.

Ok, back to chest thumping about whether or not white bikes are cool!


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
so about two weeks ago, I was getting ready to drop into the trail that I have built near my house. The drop in point is only about 200-250 yards from I-80 west of Reno, so temporarily, I am very visible to the traffic. I am catching my breath from the grunt-push up the hill when an 18-wheeler gives a big honk. Guessing that it was directed towards me I have a Johnny Drama like "VICTORY" fist pump, and the driver returned two more honks. Put a big smile on my face. Good to see fellow dh'ers moving freight cross-country.
YetiDH lives!!:rockout:


Turbo Monkey
Nov 28, 2005
Spreckels, CA
I had my bachelor party at Northstar this past year. There were a couple of pretty retarded stories that came out of it but the best one by far had to be my brother in law.

He just started riding about a year ago, but is already pretty fast and seems to lack the fear that a lot of other riders have so his riding and especially his jumping has progressed really quickly. There is one cheese wedge style step down at the bottom of Gypsy that is directly under the lift and I could tell he had been eyeing it all day. As we're riding the lift up, he asks me "are you guys hitting that?" and I told him yeah, it was super fun and he should too. He goes on to ask me how fast you have to go and I could tell he thought he needed to hit it wide open to get anywhere. I told him not too fast, maybe get a one or two pedals in after the corner and let er rip.

So we ride down the trail, having a pretty good time considering hangovers and all that, and stop right after the step down to see if the soon to be bro in law makes it down ok. He comes out of the corner before the jump just as a bunch of lift hecklers are going up. Doing what lift hecklers do, they all start yelling "Pedal! Pedal! Pedal!" and the new bro, being a little nervous about hitting the jump in the first place takes off at a dead sprint as though he's about to cross the finish line at a world cup. About 10 feet from take off, I think the hecklers realize he's really going to do it and everyone gets real quiet. He hits the lip and launches himself halfway into orbit and it becomes obvious he's going to overshoot to flat by about a good 10 feet or so at which point his brain makes the executive decision to pull the eject lever.

Now separated, his bike comes down first, takes an impressively unlucky bounce and proceeds to head straight back up in the air where it came from hitting him square in the helmet on his way down. They both go down in a pile. I was pretty sure I was busted at that point, seeing as how this was my soon to be new brother in law AND he also happened to be the guy who was going to preside over our wedding... but as I'm running up the hill, he hops up and gives a freaked out "I'm ok!" Awesome.

Turns out the main thing that did get busted up was his knee, and that growing softball above his kneecap told us we'd be riding minus one more (even longer story about the other guy) the rest of the day.

He takes his bike and jumps on the gondola back down and I don't see him until our riding is done.

When I do, he's the happiest guy I'd ever met. Apparently on the way down, he shared a gondola with a woman who was a walking medicine cabinet. She dug around in her purse, and pulled out some vicodin for the knee. Once down and full of pain killers he then proceeded to locate a hot tub and long islands. So even though he was dragging his leg around like a zombie from a b horror movie, he had the giggles most of the time.

For the guys who get super worried about that kind of stuff, he was fine after lots of ice and a week or so.
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Apr 27, 2005
Auckland New Zealand
I've been thinking the sentiment of posters has improved of late, earlier this year it was pretty grim in here for some time and I was not posting a lot in here. I have hope for the future that RM wont go the PB or MTBR route.

A really good friend has just returned from living in OZ and brought himself a second hand SX Trail I for a bargin NZD2300. He was so stoked on the price and convinced his wife it was a great deal.

What he hasnt told her is that he has another NZD1000 in planned upgrades already saved in his wish list on a local website.

Gotta love sneaky upgrade syndrome. "Is that a new wheel-set sweetheart?" "Well no, of course not my love, I've just tidied the old ones up and put new stickers on them....."

Merry Xmas everyone.


RM Chief Ornithologist
Mar 14, 2005
Are the stories allowed to include copious amounts of aforementioned opioid haha
My packet says "controlled drug - possession without authority illegal".

My question is - how much can I sell the remainder for on the street?


ridiculously corgi proportioned
Aug 24, 2004
"all too familiar story for the DH crowd"
Loved that one mate. The 2009 season has been one of the worst I've season for injuries to my riding crew with everything from a dislocated shoulder, to a multiple broken neck, to a few missing internal organs.

Despite all the initial worry, regret and pain, when my mates see the lighter side of it all its just awesome. Being the supportive bastards we are, we've managed to turn even potentially life-threatening injuries into good humour on more than one occasion. I've got a couple of buddies counting down the days till they're back on the bike.