
props to the peeps, thanks for looking out!


free wieners
just wanted to drop a line to jimmydean and the rest of ya for looking out during the last week.

I thought the bleeding was done with according to the last doc and as was well ( I thought )

the thursday morning rolls around and bidnez as usual, had breakfast at the diner, launched the boat and was doing some fishing.

then I started to get light headed again and felt like I was going to do a face dive like last time. hauled ass in the boat to the dock, jumped on the harley and started the 50min ride to the hospital. didnt quite make it.

I was so out of it, I couldnt stay in my own lane and was getting lost in an area I grew up in. ended up pulling into a random fire dept and dropped in the bays.

spent several days in the ER. had some surgery and got another oil change (3rd in three weeks) apparently I was still bleeding pretty badly and had another combat related injury issue develop that compounded the problem.

the hospital were being dbags and discharged me at 0100 in the morning, had to get a cab and find out where my harley was and ride back to the stabbin cabin at night, I told them I dont right at night since it was difficult with one eye in the dark and coming off a morphine drip. but I made it. slept for quite a bit.

its all good, I am still kickin....

thanks monkeys


The Thing cannot be described
Sep 10, 2001
I'm sure you can always scrounge up a few spare parts from the lounge to keep you in business. I'm good for a couple of yards of intestine.


<b>WAY</b> Dumber than N8 (to the power of ten alm
Feb 21, 2008
Did you at least get yourself some implants on this stay? Maybe a nice pair of DD's would keep you off the street and out of trouble.


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Damn dude.... Stop almost dieing already.......

On another note... All the monkeys that voted GFF as the top for Zday, little did you know he seems he will end up being the start of Zday.... One day you guys will see.... He will bite someone and its all over for humanity... Im just sayin


Enthusiastic Receiver of Reputation
Jun 16, 2010
Renton, WA
Wow, glad you're still alive and kickin'. Maybe take it easy for a few days?

....naw, zombies don't ever really sleep, do they?