
Props to the Southern shredders


Turbo Monkey
Nov 12, 2001
In the proper southern fashion of keeping in the family:

Chris Gibson Placed 1st in expert 25-29
Jeremy Raney placed 2nd in expert 25-29
Rebecca Gibson placed 3rd in expert women
Doug Ferguson (profro) placed 8th in expert 30-35
Kalan Bunch placed I think 4th in expert 25-29

The conditions were insane and I have to give it up to all of you who came out and clawed your way to victory!

I apologize if I missed anyone.

How did mud master butch finish up?


Turbo Monkey
Feb 25, 2002
Walden Ridge
Absolutely the worst excuse for a trail ever! How could they build a DH course at Snowshoe and not factor in rain and drainage? :mumble: I was going so slow it felt like I was riding in the Beginner category. NO offense to any beginners, but staying up was the only success, that and good fitness. Congradulations to all above, but shame on you Snowshoe. :mad:


Mental acuity - 1%
Jan 9, 2004
in a single wide, cooking meth...
More props to a couple North Carolina boys:

Nick Cobb (Beginner low 20 something class) - got 1st Place!

Darrel (Sport low 20 something class) - got 3rd Place!

Both hail from the great metropolis known as Hickory (or there 'bouts)...

Congrats to all who took the podium in such slippery conditions (btw Profro, I ended up not making it due to some family emergencies, but after seeing some pics and hearing some 1st hand accounts, I really wasn't too bummed about missing the mud bath...Most people can walk faster in the mud than I can ride :eviltongu )


Oct 10, 2001
OK, I'll toot my own horn here. :evil:

I was FIRST in the Marathon and SECOND in the Super D (40+ old women categories). However, those finishes were good enough to give me the following overall SERIES standings: FIRST in the Marathon 40+ and THIRD in the Super D 40+

Also, Psycle-On was SECOND in Super D 30-39, which puts him THIRD in the overall SERIES standings. :thumb:

Also, Ellen was 2nd I believe in her Expert Women age group, with Zappa I think 4th in hers! Congrats everyone!!!