
Pros wearing body armor


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
I'm laying on my bed watching NWD 6 and then Earthed 2. I notice in NWD that these pro's are throwing down giant lines with no armor. Shin Guards and a full face. It might be my recent injury talking but it seems crazy. I know they are amazing riders but the risk is so big to get hurt. I also know body armor wont stop you from breaking a bone, but it will still save you from alot of pain. Someone shed some light on this.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 3, 2005
Maybe they just don't care? I don't wear body armor mainly because I find it uncomfortable. That could be their reason too.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
I see more and more of that too, and I don't get it either. I could guess the "core factor" accounts for some riders. Then there are those that aren't comfortable in armor. (like bballe336)

You know what is WAY less comfortable than Dainese? Fiberglass.
Nothing ruins your day like wearing a cast for 6 weeks.

I always armor up when I go to resorts, and even most of the time when I'm trying something for the first time. Even some bigger jumps. (I don't jump that well yet) It gives me some added confidence. That, and the fact that I currently don't have health insurance, make it a no-brainer.

black noise

Turbo Monkey
Dec 31, 2004
Santa Cruz
I guess they're not into it. I'm not sure exactly what armor like a Pressure suit actually does and what injuries it saves you from. At Whistler I rode without any armor, I liked the free feeling. But then at Mammoth the sharp rocks and freezing air convinced me to put it on.

I do notice the older riders like Schley, Watson, and Simmons wear it though. Maybe it takes a few hard crashes to wake younger riders up.


Pourly Tatteued Jeu
Mar 15, 2004
I'm homeless
Maybe they figure that if they are going to crash going that big it doesnt matter how much armor they wear (beyond a helmet) there ganna get messed up.


Dec 4, 2004
maybe they know how to crash like if there gonna how to get off the bike and land witout needing armor.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 27, 2005
Carlin Dunne was riding a trail here in SB Coldsprings and at the top coming down this one fun section right before the trail. coming down this there is this big hole from water damage were you usually have to hike your bike over to get to the trail head. Carline did not see this hole, he was going to fast and had to eject out of his bike. he pushed his bike down the hole and kinda spun, flew to the other side of this cliff where he landed on his feet. so yes he is either a 6 foot ninja or he just knows how to fall.


Friendly Neighborhood Pool Boy
Apr 23, 2002
Sand, CA
black noise said:
I'm not sure exactly what armor like a Pressure suit actually does and what injuries it saves you from.
are you serious?

i enjoy my wuss of an upper body enough to protect it. the dianese alum honey comb back piece has saved me many times


Aug 8, 2003
It's kind of unfortunate that the pros aren't wearing armor these days. A lot of younger riders will begin to consider armor as "stupid". I know several of my friends don't wear it because it just looks cooler. Being seventeen, I feel the same sort of pressure, but it's not enough to stop me from wearing it. I just hope it doesn't get to the point where people start ridiculing those who wear armor for looking funny. Everybody knows how self-conscious teenagers can be and they would gladly give up safety for looking cool.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2004
wine country
zmtber said:
dude you didn't know this, armor makes you fall more its a fact
Are you serious? A fact....from what evidence? :dead: You have no idea what you are talking about.

I wear my flak jacket most of the time when I downhill. I really don't care at all how I look with it. Its stupid that people don't wear armor to preserve their looks (pun not intended).


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
a-town biatches
hmmm maybee its just me but i saw tones of footage in the nwd 6 where riders are rocking armor. richie, wade, gulveich, watson, and numerous others (sorry only seen the vid a few times so dont know all the riders in it yet), but i do specifically remember all four of those rocking the armor. acctually there is footage of richie putting the armor on. i say armor is all an opinion matter especially with pro riders. if you feel you need it then well wear it. if you have guys that know the area and you dont tell you to wear it then wear it. thats about the only time that you dont need to use your judgement, but that of other more experianced riders. if you feel more comfortable and confident with it then go for it, but if its not a big deal for you then well dont worry about it.


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2005
I think for a lot of riders it's kind of an ego thing; riders showing everyone they have a lot of confidence in their riding ability.

In addition to DH/FR, you will be hard pressed to find moto guys who wear armor while racing supercross and outdoor races...


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
Armor will reduce the force of impact by 1/3 to 1/2, and spread the impact if it's from a smaller hard object (bike, bars, rocks). Secondly, and more importantly it spreads the force over a longer period of time. It could be the difference between rupturing a spleen and dying before your buddies can bring back help, or having some bruises. The last, and very important thing, it it prevents you from getting serious abrasions. How do you think you'd feel with a broken leg in a cast, and infected abrasions itching like mad....

And don't get me started on helmets.....


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
The guys who are throwing stuff like whips and 3's probably don't like armor because it restricts upper body movement.

As much as they are throwing big tricks on sick lines, it's not as dangerous as bombing through a rockgarden at world cup speed. It's a controlled environment and they are going into those lines on their own terms, at their own speed, confident in their ability to land that trick. Quite a bit different than DH racing.


Turbo Monkey
May 25, 2005
And don't get me started on helmets.....[/QUOTE]

To be honest, the lack of helmets seems to be more of an issue in the BMX/DJ/street world than with mountain bikes. Essentially, all BMX riders ride without helmets, and then the kids see that it's "cool" to proctect your head with a beanie or a hat turned side-ways.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
Echo said:
The guys who are throwing stuff like whips and 3's probably don't like armor because it restricts upper body movement.

As much as they are throwing big tricks on sick lines, it's not as dangerous as bombing through a rockgarden at world cup speed. It's a controlled environment and they are going into those lines on their own terms, at their own speed, confident in their ability to land that trick. Quite a bit different than DH racing.
Yep, you are right, it is different than DH racing. But then alot of the top DH guys do not wear armor either. Its actually just plain dumb.
I was standing at this rock garden at the US Open this year, and it was INSANE how fast the top guys were coming through. Even crazier when you see their elbows shining. Anything can happen at those speeds to anybody. Just a couple of weeks later, Sam Hill broke his elbow, and was out for months. Pros get hurt all the time, armor or not, no one is above it. So, it makes even less sense when
Sammy Sport races without armor because the pros do.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
In the post-pocalyptic world people will wear body-armour all the time. Esepecially when driving home-made vehicles.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 24, 2003
Left hand path
Westy said:
In the post-pocalyptic world people will wear body-armour all the time. Esepecially when driving home-made vehicles.
:D All disputes will be settled by combat in a metal dome. Two men enter one man leaves.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 16, 2005
I'm 34 now and have been in and out of DH since '93. Back in the day we would race world cups and nationals with lycra, road helmets and an occasional Hammer pads. Then Philip Perakis (from France I think) started wearing this Dianese stuff and it started to catch on. I wear it.

I notice a great deal of young guys who don't wear armor, but most of the old guys do. When I was younger I disregarded consequences and rarely got hurt, but as I got older time became more valuable and I didn't want to limp or nurse a sore elbow for a week when all I had to do is put on my hot, smelly armor. Now I feel naked without it.


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
I think it is a total style thing. Although armor is annoying as hell...I have to admit i dont wear it alot for that reason alone.


Mar 31, 2004
Denver, Colorado
I wear armor in races mainly. I will always wear a helmet and shin guards though. Echo, I still think that freeriders should be wearing armor. In NWD 6, Carlin is doing this gap at the beginning of his segment, and it's plain huge. He breaks his ankle and hand, but armor couldn't have stopped that. I would wear armor just looking at it. I just don't understand, it is either looking cool, or not getting hurt. The ego thing is plain dumb as well. I also understand about the dirt jumpers doing this whips and 3's. It's restricks their movement. It's still just silly to see all there guys either going WC speeds or dropping huge with only a full faces and some shin guards. Well, not even shin guards, more and more pros are just starting to wear knee guards.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
manhattanprjkt83 said:
I think it is a total style thing. Although armor is annoying as hell...I have to admit i dont wear it alot for that reason alone.
sounds like you need a different brand, or a different size, of armor.

i've done pseudo-XC rides (ie, pedal pedal pedal, get to huck zone, lather, rinse, repeat, ad inifinitum) w/ dianese armor on and not been bothered.


The RM Mad Scientist
Feb 19, 2002
berkeley, ca
bballe336 said:
I don't wear body armor mainly because I find it uncomfortable.
Body armor is somehow like Sex,, Well actually backwards if you do it and feel unconfortable you are just not doing it right..

I wear Dainese armor for the last 10 years for my motorcycle and bicycle riding and not even ones i feel it in my body, i do confess the asterix's knee braces can get a little clumssy for exept for that, no problems at all, i quess it also helps if you wear Norcon and rector knee pads from the time you are 8 years old, you just get use too .

You just need to chose the proper equipment and the perfect size for your body to make it into a perfect exoesqueleton


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
narlus said:
sounds like you need a different brand, or a different size, of armor.

i've done pseudo-XC rides (ie, pedal pedal pedal, get to huck zone, lather, rinse, repeat, ad inifinitum) w/ dianese armor on and not been bothered.
I have an older dianese upper jacket, that doesnt fit me quite right...Every time i go out without it on i feel like a moron, being that it is just hanging in the closet.


May 30, 2005
I think it just depends on a lot of circumstances, when your a huckin a 40x40 roadgap a dainese isnt gonna help you if you eat it, sure it might save you from some scrapes but often it might be softer terrain and stuff.

personally i wear upperbody armor for hard packed or very rocky high speed dh stuff. for anything else its not really worth the heat or uncomfort. I use upper body armor to prevent minor injuries like scrapes and bruises.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
Mountain_Dewd said:
I think it just depends on a lot of circumstances, when your a huckin a 40x40 roadgap a dainese isnt gonna help you if you eat it, sure it might save you from some scrapes but often it might be softer terrain and stuff.

right....so if you were to ragdoll off a bad landing, and slam yr back into a rock or tree on the side of the trail, the hardshell armor isn't gonna help?


Jul 22, 2005
new hampshire
I started wearing body armor around 2000, it saved my spin, shines, elbows, face e.t.c multiple times... also my girlfrined thinks it hot...:thumb:


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
blt2ride said:
And don't get me started on helmets.....

To be honest, the lack of helmets seems to be more of an issue in the BMX/DJ/street world than with mountain bikes. Essentially, all BMX riders ride without helmets, and then the kids see that it's "cool" to proctect your head with a beanie or a hat turned side-ways.[/QUOTE]

I know, but I was watching the redbull urban rampage...whatever it's called this weekend, and at least half the riders weren't wearing helmets doing some pretty big stunts in practice. I didn't watch the whole thing, because of more pressing appointments.


Jul 22, 2005
new hampshire
I also believe its a fad, i dont believe it has to do with confidence becuase if you pay enough attention you will see some of the most fluid talented , also confident riders ( watson, simmons, e.t.c) all wear body armor, i think its more of a cocky/ego thing thats going on with the younger riders, simmons and all the veterans know what a bad crash can do to you and how long it can put you out ( simmons leg injury) so i think when the younger riders get more experience they will see contracts end when you dont ride for a year or so when your recovering and hopefully wear body armor so they wont play that risk.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 25, 2003
Around DC
One thing i have noticed is pros do armor up when testing something then de armor for the shot. I noticed it in Dropin season 2, steve romaniuk was wearing dainese when he first arrived at one of the road gaps then he hit it once and allt he shots after hes wearing the same clothes sans dainese.

I personally rarely wear upper armor and ive taken some bad wrecks but never broken a bone. I know its dumb but i feel more comfortable interms of my ability and safety without armor, with it i i find myself riding sketchy and worried about wrecking.


Old Bastard Mike
Feb 26, 2003
Richmond, VA
For me it's easy...

I crashed hard once without armor and busted up my elbow.

Since I've crashed just as hard if not harder with it and walked/rode away.

If someone else is more comfortable without it that's their choice and that's fine with me.



talks too much
Mar 19, 2002
Claremont, CA
When I ride or race DH, the majority of the time I am wearing a helmet, gloves and either moto kneegaurds w/warmers or Dainese Viking lowers. The only time I wore more this season was my first 2 runs down the Mt. Snow expert course. My third run, I took off the upper. I have had 2 different upper suits and about 4 or 5 sets of elbow pads. For the most part, I hate them all.

The heat doesn't bother me, but I can't stand the way it restricts mobility and binds me up.

Well, I don't crash that much and I don't know that I've ever crashed when armor that I could have been wearing would make much of a difference. In my experience, if it's enough to hurt you with armor on, it's enough to move the armor out of the way when you crash. I wrecked hard at Mt Snow this year and ended up with bruises on my hands and fingers (nothing I can do about that) and a huge one on my knee (hit just above the armor with my knee bent). I also wrecked at Diablo and ended up in the hospital with severely strained muscles and a wrecked bursa in my knee (armor must have shifted or I just hit from such a high angle it made no difference).


Future Turbo Monkey
Jun 1, 2004
Ballard 4 life.
Rockland said:
:D All disputes will be settled by combat in a metal dome. Two men enter one man leaves.
I believe it is called a Thunder Dome. Mel Gibson and a retarded giant enter, and Mel Gibson and a pompous midget leave.