I've been looking at the new Troy Lee Designs TLD SD 7605 Base Protective Shorts. Has anyone tried these or do you wear protective shorts at all? Looking for feedback/opinions.
Well I ordered a pair and will update with review.
i wear the poc padded shorts. i've broken my pelvis before (not wearing padded shorts) and certainly wearing the protective shorts shouldn't hurt. they don't feel restrictive to me either.
I've gone back and forth with padded shorts- it sure is nice when I crash, but other than that, I hate the crotch oven feeling.
Previously, I used some Red brand vented shorts made for snowboarding with d3o pads at the hips, but they still required something under them. For that, I used a vented thin chamois short from REI. It worked, but was hot with three total layers.
For this year, I just bought a pair of the new POC padded shorts, which will eliminate one of my layers. They have a thin chamois, lots of venting, and their VPD 2.0 pads at the hips and very low profile. I predict they'll work well.
I don't know much about the TLD shorts above, but they appear to have pads for the quad muscles that the POC shorts don't.
I broke my pelvis too, and am interested in new developments in this type of protection. The 661 hard-plastic-shinguard-attached-to-thigh seemed dodgy.
I would have broke my pelvis if I wasn't wearing them a few years ago. I was wearing 661 pro bombers which have hardshell padding, I ended up with a black and blue mark the entire length of the pad. Now wearing POC, they are nice and not very restrictive.
This. I own dainese and I'd advice you to avoid them. For some reason they have the roadie diaper in them and it gets very hot. I like them though after a few hard landings.
I always wear protective shorts, either my 661 elite bomber short or Fox launch short. I prefer the Fox short because of the extra tailbone protection.
If you've ever bruised your tailbone, you will appreciate it.
I always wear protective shorts, either my 661 elite bomber short or Fox launch short. I prefer the Fox short because of the extra tailbone protection.
If you've ever bruised your tailbone, you will appreciate it.
I have a set of SUPER old Dainese bibs I've cut off above the knee, leaving just the femur pads. If nothing else it was a free set of synthetic underwear that doesn't get clammy on hot days. Plus, the bib keeps the gut in...
I have those TLD shorts. The protection seems good enough (haven't really crashed on my pelvis yet with these shorts), but they indeed are quite hot, I have noticed that even in Finnish winter weather.
I'd like them more without the chamois pad, but it is not that bad.
Hip/mid thigh is where I seem to get hits, so thinking of getting 661 evo or POC VPD 2.0. Any comparisons on those two? Besides wanting tailbone pro, I want breathability and ideally no diaper. Fvcking hate chamois even on 7 hr XC rides. Is there a snowboard version with all the same pads and mesh, but no diaper?
I've been riding with the TLDs for about 2 months now, no crashes to test padding, they are comfortable although hot but tolerable. Temps in NY 90+. I also have the TLD LS pullover which is tons better than the plastic upper protection (661 and Rincon by TLD). Same dea,l hot but not as hot as the plastic and so much more flexible and comfy while wearing the Leatt.
I wear the Fox Titan short. I took a digger last year with a baseball size rock directly to the hipbone at Whistler on B-Line haha. It was enough to knock my back out of alignment and needed some chiropractor when I got back after riding that week, not to mention my hip was seriously swollen and chipped the bone we found later in some x-rays. Im not sure what would of been the outcome without the shorts. I have also took some spills and these seem to minimize the damage. These shorts breathe well vs spandex XC short also, more like a net material.
Dainese Performance Shorts. Fortunately I've never had to test them, but the coverage zones aren't exactly perfect. I am pretty interested in the TLD and POC stuff though.
Yeah i wear under armour padded compression shorts that i use for football, their just as comfortable if not more than normal compression shorts that i would wear under my mtb shorts
I wear the Dainese Shuttle still which has though pads and little pads on the illiac crest. This is probably the part of the suit that sees the most "use" if/when I wear this thing out, I'll be rocking some shorts for sure.
I broke my tailbone snowboarding a few yrs ago, so I picked up some 661 protective shorts for FR/DH. These were the mesh ones with the hard plastic armor on the quads. They fell apart after a trip to the washing machine.
Then I started using the shorts I used for snowboarding, which were the RED D30 mentioned previously. I had a pair of the 1st gen and then a pair of the 2nd gens. They worked great for snowboarding, worn over my thin base layer, but not so great for mountain biking. As mentioned above, you still have to wear a layer beneath them and it's pretty hot. Sure you get used to it but it's still not comfortable. They also do not have nearly enough hip/thigh protection for falling on dirt/rocks/roots.
I stopped wearing them for all sports as of last year, but if I were to do it over, I'd get something with much more substantial hip/thigh padding like something from crashpads or Demon or something...
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