
Prototype Interrupted seat tube 5 Spot


Turbo Monkey
Kornphlake said:
I saw the same thing happen to a huffy, maybe you should have bought a frame made in Tiawan.

You should tell him not to post that pic, it might get people thinking that Turners are bad or something ;) You member, member?:::

Kornphlake said:
You little troll, don't you know Turners never have any problems? Why would you post here before calling the company to see what they'll do about it. I'm sure they'll give you a new frame if you just call them. You're just trying to cause problems on our happy little message board... BAN HIM...

Sorry, my alter ego took over.... Call turner and let us know what they do about it. I've yet to hear any problems like this with DHR's, which probablly means that Turner takes care of their customers so threads like this don't end up hurting their business.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
Fonzie18 said:

You should tell him not to post that pic, it might get people thinking that Turners are bad or something ;) You member, member?:::

erm, I mean, hm, well, hu... shut up you dork!

Besides that was in referance to a DHR not a weiner 5 spot.

So how did this happen, I've seen where you ride and how you ride and that bike has seen less air than the inside of a tennis ball. Do share the epic story of the turner travel upgrade.


Mar 19, 2002
San Diego
Hmmm, looks like Turner saw all the folding frames Ellsworth could sell and decided to get into the market. :sneaky:

Bummer about the frame, but hey, you get a new one!!


Jan 5, 2004
Noble Canyon
OK, Here's an update...

The failure occured Thanksgiving eve day. I wasn't even "JRA", I was simply in a trackstand, kinda of hopping the bike "trials style", when "BAAANG!" Initially, my amigos and I thought that I had snapped a chain. Looking down at the bike, I knew that I had a long walk out.

Now, fifteen minutes prior, we had been riding some pretty insanely chunky stuff. I'm very fortunate that it let go where and when it did.

My frame is 13 months old. I ride it hard and fast. Usually about 3 times a week. Typical San Diego/Orange County stuff. I don't really do any big hucks, I kinda prefer to roll the steep chunky drops, that a lot of people simply jump. I weigh 180 lbs.

Anyway, I waited to post pictures of this until I had spoken with the crew at Turner. SImply out of respect, I wanted DT to have a look first, before the feeding frenzy commenced.

I first spoke to Casey, He didn't care how old the bike was, where I was riding it, how I was riding it, what I weigh, what my mother's maiden name was, NADA! He merely suggested that I contact Huffy.

Seriously, he simply said, "We will get you a replacement". That's it. A silver front triangle(red is no longer available) is on the way.

I also spoke to DT late yesterday. He acknowleged that there have been a handful of frame failures. Primarily with XL, and I believe Sasquatch(correct Dave?). Something about induced loads and the longer frame tubes are more prone to failure than the shorter tubeset found on the smaller fames.

DT: "Cool Huffy stickers, we all got a good laugh with that".

"Yeah, well, don't you think a snapped frame looks better with Huffy stickers than with Turner splashed across it?"

I asked him if he felt whether or not I should be on a Six Pack. He's familiar with the trails that I frequent and my riding style, and he quickly dismissed that idea. "Stay on the 5 Spot".

Me: "What do we do if it happens again?"

DT: It's not an issue....if you break it, I will fix it".

So, in the end, I'm OK with this. I was just thinking to myself last week about how long I expected this frame to last? Aluminum fatigue cycles and all that. I can break just about any component on a bike. I don't expect my frames to last a long time. For what I want/do out of my primary bike, 1 -2 years is reasonable.

But, here is the stark contrast. When I went through this with my '01 Truth a few years ago. I was treated in a complete opposite fashion. That whole experience left me with such a seething distaste for that company, and it's owner. As a result, I was led to Turner bikes. And, I've been stoked ever since.

In the meantime, until I get things sorted out, I'm going to explore the single speed scene. I stripped the beach cruiser down last night and threw some of the components from the Huff-Spot on it.


Hey little girl, do you want some candy?
Oct 18, 2001
Reno 911
Aquaholic said:
OK, Here's an update... <rightious stuff>
Wow, that kind of CS and a commitment to product and customer. This is the kind of thing that makes me want to buy a Turner, well that and they still use FSR.... and their bikes make me drool uncontrolably :drool: :).


Git yer dumb questions here
Feb 19, 2003
This customer service is why I'd buy a Turner bike as my next DH rig. You can't beat that. I love my Intense to death but I can't imagine waiting 4+ months to get a replacement. That is just wrong.

Props for Turner on taking care of this. These are the stories that we all want to hear.