
PS CS4 project critique

Patrick L

Feb 14, 2010
Peoria/Kansas City/Bozeman
For my entry level photo shop class we had to create a set of cards; they could be playing cards, trading cards, whatever. I chose to base them off of Transition and their bikes as a playing card. Over all I'm feeling alright about them but I would love to know what some of the PS elite on here might have to say about it and what might I do to get more accurate detail. Note, my vision for it is not to replicate said frames to look realistic, but animated.



boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
Your typefaces makes my soul burn a little. Springs need to be redrawn. Color schemes in general suck.

And I'm good friends with the guy that designed the headtube badge you used on the first card.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 12, 2001
I think it's a pretty good start.

A few things

1. I suggest trying to match the font Transition uses for their downtube and make it the universal font for the cards. Currently, there's too much going on with the fonts - making everything one font will bring the designs together a bit.

2. Playing cards are rounded - giving the corners of your card a nice rounded look will make them look a bit more like playing cards.

3. Cards usually have numbers and a house on them. Make one the Queen of Hearts (not just the queen) for example.

4. Try some different color palletes on the bikes. Maybe even simplifying and using white or black decals. Another idea is to fill with a pattern. Grab some crazy pattern from the web & try it out. Use this for reference:

5. This is bonus, but once the cards are done, it's a nice presentation touch to lay them out like this:

As blue said, the springs are looking a little mushy. I suggest abstracting out the spring a bit & maybe just making it a series of straight lines instead of trying to hand draw the curves in. For example, this could be a spring: |\|\|\|\|

Hope that helps!