
PS2 Audio Hookup

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
This might belong in tech forum, but I figured I'd make it visible...

I have a component video cable to hook up my PS2 to my TV.

I want to hook the optical audio to my stereo. The component video takes up the USB style jack on the PS2, the only other audio out is the optical. But my stereo only has an optical OUT and not an in. Same on my TV. Dang.

So I'm browsing home theatre systems, and don't see any that explicitly say they have an optical INPUT. just outputs.

What's the dilio? Thanks.

Da Peach

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002

What kind of bizarro-receiver do you have where it has an optical out but not an optical in? :confused: It makes sense on your TV but not on your receiver.

Optical ins are pretty common on receivers now. TOSLINK input is what you're looking for. Have you actually looked at the back of your receiver? Are you sure it's an output and not an input? What receiver do you have?

If you've got no optical input on your receiver, you're stuck with that 5-cord cable you were talking about in the tech forum.

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
So I guess what I really need is a receiver, not a DVD, CD, hometheatre audio comby dealies. I like the idea cause of the remote control elimination. But if I could find one of them with an optical input, then I'd be in business....

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Well, that Yamaha system you linked to is just a receiver and speaker set. It's one of their inexpensive home theater receivers, packaged with some compact speakers.

But I'd say that a seperate receiver would be a better way to do things - at least then, if you ever want to upgrade components or something dies, your whole system doesn't have to go in the trash.

I bought a Panasonic XR-55 and it's pretty compact and inexpensive. But lots of people buy those combo units so I'm sure they're not all bad :)

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
Yeah, maybe I'll go receiver. Then I could just hook up some older speakers from one of my old mini systems with the speaker wires. They ought to have the little pinchy speaker hook ups, don't they?

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Da Peach said:
They ought to have the little pinchy speaker hook ups, don't they?
Not if it's a good receiver :)

It'll have binding posts of some kind. But there are a lot of solutions for that - twisting the bare wire into the post, buying some clamping pins or banana plugs... Shouldn't be a problem.


Feb 13, 2004
looking for classic NE singletrack
not sure how much you want to spend, but I got this about a year ago, and have been quite happy: http://www.6ave.com/product.jsp?zipz=11001&x=HTS770B&w=1

it's been replaced by a 7.1 system, but the spec's definitely aren't as good as the 6.1 had (especially the sub). only issue is that it's rather large, but sounds great and haven't had any issues (other than having to turn off the subwoofer when the landlords are home, it makes various things in their house rattle and vibrate :rofl: ).

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van

Did a little research yesterday....

I can get a Denon DHT 10565XP system which comes with 7 speakers and a sub for CAN$688

Or, I can get a Pioneer 516 Receiver with a set of 5 Mission speakers with a sub for $655. I could also upgrade a little and get the Pioneer 1015 with the same Mission speakers, for around $800 CAN.

Any thoughts?

The Pioneer amps are definitely less sexy looking, but supposedly better....


Mar 31, 2006
Living the dream.
Da Peach said:
Any thoughts?

The Pioneer amps are definitely less sexy looking, but supposedly better....
Function over form. If you have the opportunity to listen to the setups you are considering in a home theater store, take a good movie with you and listen. Something with lots of surround effects to it, gunfights, airplanes and the like make for good testing, you get to hear how well the reciever blends the channels together as the sound source "moves" past your viewing position.

Da Peach

Outwitted by a rodent
Jul 2, 2002
North Van
MMike said:
So what happened with "Kramer and Mickey"?
Alas, one of the ladies was on call for work and had to. Fortunately, she works across the street. Rain cheque for fri...

Had an interesting evening on Tues. though...

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
If you can go listen to them, you should listen to the three setups and buy the one that sounds the best to you.

If you can't listen to them, I'd say go with the best spec'd receiver. In this price range, your speakers are going to be pretty cheap so you know right off the bat that if you're going to upgrade something, it'll be those first. So, you may as well get a receiver that will be flexible and won't require upgrading very soon.