Go for the new float X evol?I have the 29er version of that bike, it's so goddamn unrideable I can't even load it in the truck without crashing.
But in all honesty, don't tell anybody on Ridemonkey, the 29er rails, and it acceptably stiff with a 36 up front. Would love to try the 27.5.
Which RS shock is that and how do you like it? The Fox POS on mine is my only complaint aside from the stupid Enve "stiffer than a frozen rock" bars.
This sick is the monarch rt3 debonair. I like it so far (I think).. I just lowered the pressure a few psi from initial ride, so I'm around 32/33% sag now. Today's ride felt pretty good a little more plush but not as poppy. I might try like 5psi more. I'm still about a 1/4" away from using full travel but I didn't case anything real hard or do any large drops so that might be perfect. This bike climbs great with the shock in open. Tons of traction. No real need to switch it while climbing on the trails.
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