
PSA: In Stock / On Sale


¡Mira, una ardilla!
30% off tires.

Is there a translation table for their casing and whatever names?

In a nutshell:
T9=grippiest compound, moar or less Maxxis' Maxxgrip.
T7=intermediate compound, good for rear tires IMHO. Something like Maxxis' Maxxterra.
T5=XC rated only IMHO. Too plasticky for any serious riding. Maxxis' Maxxspeed equivalent moar or less .

As for casings, you have Grid Gravity (easy to understand), Grid Trail (something like EXO+), and Grid, which translates to EXO.

Just one not so unimportant note: Specialized makes the whole tire from the same rubber compound, so it doesn't just affect grip, but also the tire's rebound and general behavior.

Here is a good read about them: