For any of youse monkeys who frequent the Fells north of Boston, take heed. If you are going to hit any of the trails up there and happen to ride through the Shepfold, watch out! Over the past two years or so, the Shepfold has turned into a dog park, which isnt necessairliy a bad thing. Most people pick up the turds and everyone co-exists with the hikers/skiers/bikers/ect. I was there yesterday with my dog as a matter of fact. When we were leaving I saw two dudes on their bikes riding through the field away from all the people and their dogs when this crazy blond lady came hollering at them and had her little, yippy terrier take off after the guys on the bikes. The dudes then dismounted as to not antagonize the dog/run it over, and she started berating them! She was saying crap like "you dont belong here, you distroy the environment" blah blah blah, normal econazi BS. Now, unfortunately, neither of them was totally in the right. The chick did not have any right to go over to them and give them the what for; technically you *are* supposed to have your dogs leashed in there, but there usualy arent any problems and there are anywhere from 10-30 dogs there off leash at any given time. But at the same time, the park isnt supposed to be open for bikes until the 15th (I doubt she knew that, but I digress)
So, if you are going to be riding through the Shepfold to get to the Fells trails, watch out for this psycho chick with her little brown dog. Youll hear her yelling "GETEM HEYHEYHEY GETEM" in a highpitched, screetchy voice. Im not sure if she is mildly retarded, too hopped up on the hooch, or just a bitch, but be warned. Be safe, if you have to go through the field, take the path down by the fence at the bottom of the hill. As I frequent the park with both my dog and my bike, I dont really want to lose privleges for either.
So, if you are going to be riding through the Shepfold to get to the Fells trails, watch out for this psycho chick with her little brown dog. Youll hear her yelling "GETEM HEYHEYHEY GETEM" in a highpitched, screetchy voice. Im not sure if she is mildly retarded, too hopped up on the hooch, or just a bitch, but be warned. Be safe, if you have to go through the field, take the path down by the fence at the bottom of the hill. As I frequent the park with both my dog and my bike, I dont really want to lose privleges for either.