
Public restrooms


Turbo Monkey
Nov 3, 2004
A little rant and knowledge gathering here.

WTF is the deal with the fukking use of a half roll of toilet paper to create a ass gasket on the toilet seat in public restrooms?!?!? More so in public/private restrooms that are cleaner than most peoples homes? I have seen these ass gasket messes in places where I would eat off the floor.

I understand some pooper is all piss covered and $hit but do you really need to cover it with a 1/2" of moon tape! Do you think that really helps?

Are there that many momma's boy pussies out there? Do you carry moist baby ass wipes too?

Even worse are the few that not only use an ass gasket but aslo a splash damper in the water!!!! Actually my buddy is the only guy I know that uses a splash damper and he is a freak. He uses an entire roll of pooper tape when he takes a crap.

Any input on this would be appreciated. If the pooper is that nasty I just move on. Ass gaskets are for mysophobes and straight up pussies.
