
Push Industries and why you need them

Gun Show

Apr 21, 2004
Southern California
If I was 100% F.O.S this thread would not have gone on as long as it did. I feel I have generated a point of interest that has generated genuine awareness that Push Industries is on to something that people want to know about. I have reached my technological threshold and would refer all questions directly to info@pushindustries.com and they will give you exact answers to specific questions.

There was another question raised about,"If its not available to the public, why talk about it." As a point of clarification, the remote reservoir is not available, but regular Fox shocks are available to be " Pushed" .


Turbo Monkey
Oct 8, 2002
Portland, OR
Originally posted by Gun Show
There was another question raised about,"If its not available to the public, why talk about it." As a point of clarification, the remote reservoir is not available, but regular Fox shocks are available to be " Pushed" .
Which begs the question, why push a shock that is supposed to be an improvement, and how are you helping your sponsor (fox) develop their product by having a third party modify it?


Feb 23, 2004
So since fox doesn't make any shocks that fit the dhr (at least not that you can buy from a store) Whats the point of the entire thread about DHRs then?
Originally posted by Gun Show
If I was 100% F.O.S this thread would not have gone on as long as it did. I feel I have generated a point of interest that has generated genuine awareness that Push Industries is on to something that people want to know about. I have reached my technological threshold and would refer all questions directly to info@pushindustries.com and they will give you exact answers to specific questions.

There was another question raised about,"If its not available to the public, why talk about it." As a point of clarification, the remote reservoir is not available, but regular Fox shocks are available to be " Pushed" .


Oct 13, 2003
Los Angeles
Originally posted by Hrelp
So since fox doesn't make any shocks that fit the dhr (at least not that you can buy from a store) Whats the point of the entire thread about DHRs then?
Fox isn't team Honda/Turner's sponser - Push is...

as for why they are here talking about a shock that isn't available to the public YET, it probably has a lot to do with excitement over some new technology - if you read previous posts, Push is looking to patent some of their technology before putting it on the market (a sensible move I'd think) - does it mean that YOU or others will never get one of those shocks? maybe, I think the Patent process is a lengthy one - and technology races ahead....does it mean that a Push shock incorporating those technologies will be available? probably...

also, there are a number of things that Push is working on which according to rumor will be announced soon that will be very exciting to the DH racing world

in the meantime, those of us with Push shocks (I have two of them - on my RFX & on my XCE - and no, I have no sponsership deals with them [although anytime Darren wants to sign me up!......] - so my support is based on the improved performance of my shocks on my bikes and interest in what Push has in the future)

I think Darren Murphy at Push and DW at Evil/E-13 are two of the most innovative people working in mountain bikes right now

Sgt Brown

Feb 19, 2002
Trabuco Canyon, CA
Originally posted by Gun Show
If I was 100% F.O.S this thread would not have gone on as long as it did. I feel I have generated a point of interest that has generated genuine awareness that Push Industries is on to something that people want to know about. I have reached my technological threshold and would refer all questions directly to info@pushindustries.com and they will give you exact answers to specific questions.

There was another question raised about,"If its not available to the public, why talk about it." As a point of clarification, the remote reservoir is not available, but regular Fox shocks are available to be " Pushed" .
What GunShow was saying in his post above was true. I don't know enough to expand on what he was saying, but I'm sure that push can explain if you give them a call or I think they may be posting here in a bit to clairify.

Oh, and what we run in our rear shocks is exactly what is availiable to the public. The only parts that won't be are the pieces for the external resevoir. And those are new pieces. The only difference is increased oil flow which makes for slightly better perfomance.

Hope that helps.


PUSH Industries (Duh)
Dec 5, 2003
Hey guys/gals,

Just thought I'd chime in real quick. I don't like to be pesky because I believe that everyone should be able to voice their opinion/experience, but I'll always participate if you guys have specific questions.

Anyway, to answer a few things that are going on:

1. Team DHR shocks. This is a two part program. First, the current shocks that are being raced by the Honda/Turner Team and Eric Carter from Hyundai/ Mongoose, use our current production "Race Systems" components that are available to the public. We did have to manufacture additional components to utilize the hose system for proper fitment on the bike. They do, however, benefit from more refined tuning due to the fact that we work so closely with both teams week in and week out.

The second protion of the program is new product development. The reason that the new components aren't being used on "race day" yet is because of the lack of proven mileage. As more and more testing miles are put on the new prototype parts and, the bugs are worked out completely, they will be released into the Race Dampers. As we all now, you have to finish the race to win. Additionally, as the new components gain more race mileage, we'll begin to make decsions on what will be brought to market.

2. As for the tubes, eyelets, shafts, etc. they're all stock Fox pieces. In regards to the black eyelets that some people have mentioned, those are production for '04. The Fox shock is an awesome package to work with and the production components are very well manufactured. The pieces that we build are just to tweak them to maximize the performance.

3. Performance wise, our system does isolate the individual circuits of the shock. We do this with a series of one-way valves located at each respective piston or valve in the shock. There is no "free" or "common" bleed at the piston. Again, we use a simple shim stack built into the piston bolt head to direct all of the fluid flow into the piston on compression. At the same time, the displaced fluid from the piston rod is being metered through the adjuster and valve located in the reservoir housing. This is a secondary, low speed circuit allowing externall fine tuning. On the extension stroke, the compression adjuster has a valve closing off the bleed directing the fluid through a seperate circuit allwoing the main cylinder to replenish freely. At the same time that this action is happening, the compression face of the piston closes and the rebound bleed begins, opening the shim stack located at the bolt head. During high frequency, there's also a secondary rebound circuit built into the piston which allows the fluid to "dump" allowing the shock speed to increase to keep the wheel in contact with the ground. All of the circuits are being controlled with various valve stacks of configured shock shims.

Anyway, like I mentioned, I'll be happy to give you guys/gals any other info that you're looking for.

Sorry for the book.


Darren Murphy
Push Industries

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
The atmosphere here on the East Coast is different than out West, and if you want your shocks to work here, you are gonna have to send me one out to test. After I race it all year on my DHR, I will "Push" it back across the country for ya.:p ;)
Thanks, I will be checking my mail.:devil:

Ha, Good luck with your new company man!
I'll always remember how you hooked a brotha up
at Snowshoe that year!

Lexx D

Dirty Dozen
Mar 8, 2004
" Performance wise, our system does isolate the individual circuits of the shock. We do this with a series of one-way valves located at each respective piston or valve in the shock. There is no "free" or "common" bleed at the piston. Again, we use a simple shim stack built into the piston bolt head to direct all of the fluid flow into the piston on compression. At the same time, the displaced fluid from the piston rod is being metered through the adjuster and valve located in the reservoir housing. This is a secondary, low speed circuit allowing externall fine tuning. On the extension stroke, the compression adjuster has a valve closing off the bleed directing the fluid through a seperate circuit allwoing the main cylinder to replenish freely. At the same time that this action is happening, the compression face of the piston closes and the rebound bleed begins, opening the shim stack located at the bolt head. During high frequency, there's also a secondary rebound circuit built into the piston which allows the fluid to "dump" allowing the shock speed to increase to keep the wheel in contact with the ground. All of the circuits are being controlled with various valve stacks of configured shock shims."

Well I could have told them that:D


Feb 23, 2004
The only info i'm looking for is. If i call you up with my credit card info today and wanted a shock for my 04 DHR what will you sell me?
Originally posted by PUSHIND
Hey guys/gals,

Just thought I'd chime in real quick. I don't like to be pesky because I believe that everyone should be able to voice their opinion/experience, but I'll always participate if you guys have specific questions.

Anyway, to answer a few things that are going on:

1. Team DHR shocks. This is a two part program. First, the current shocks that are being raced by the Honda/Turner Team and Eric Carter from Hyundai/ Mongoose, use our current production "Race Systems" components that are available to the public. We did have to manufacture additional components to utilize the hose system for proper fitment on the bike. They do, however, benefit from more refined tuning due to the fact that we work so closely with both teams week in and week out.

Anyway, like I mentioned, I'll be happy to give you guys/gals any other info that you're looking for.

Sorry for the book.


Darren Murphy
Push Industries
Feb 20, 2004
Originally posted by PUSHIND
Hey guys/gals,

Just thought I'd chime in real quick. I don't like to be pesky because I believe that everyone should be able to voice their opinion/experience, but I'll always participate if you guys have specific questions.

Anyway, to answer a few things that are going on:

1. Team DHR shocks. This is a two part program. First, the current shocks that are being raced by the Honda/Turner Team and Eric Carter from Hyundai/ Mongoose, use our current production "Race Systems" components that are available to the public. We did have to manufacture additional components to utilize the hose system for proper fitment on the bike. They do, however, benefit from more refined tuning due to the fact that we work so closely with both teams week in and week out.

The second protion of the program is new product development. The reason that the new components aren't being used on "race day" yet is because of the lack of proven mileage. As more and more testing miles are put on the new prototype parts and, the bugs are worked out completely, they will be released into the Race Dampers. As we all now, you have to finish the race to win. Additionally, as the new components gain more race mileage, we'll begin to make decsions on what will be brought to market.

2. As for the tubes, eyelets, shafts, etc. they're all stock Fox pieces. In regards to the black eyelets that some people have mentioned, those are production for '04. The Fox shock is an awesome package to work with and the production components are very well manufactured. The pieces that we build are just to tweak them to maximize the performance.

3. Performance wise, our system does isolate the individual circuits of the shock. We do this with a series of one-way valves located at each respective piston or valve in the shock. There is no "free" or "common" bleed at the piston. Again, we use a simple shim stack built into the piston bolt head to direct all of the fluid flow into the piston on compression. At the same time, the displaced fluid from the piston rod is being metered through the adjuster and valve located in the reservoir housing. This is a secondary, low speed circuit allowing externall fine tuning. On the extension stroke, the compression adjuster has a valve closing off the bleed directing the fluid through a seperate circuit allwoing the main cylinder to replenish freely. At the same time that this action is happening, the compression face of the piston closes and the rebound bleed begins, opening the shim stack located at the bolt head. During high frequency, there's also a secondary rebound circuit built into the piston which allows the fluid to "dump" allowing the shock speed to increase to keep the wheel in contact with the ground. All of the circuits are being controlled with various valve stacks of configured shock shims.

Anyway, like I mentioned, I'll be happy to give you guys/gals any other info that you're looking for.

Sorry for the book.


Darren Murphy
Push Industries
I have a question,
I have an older model Heckler with a fox TC. One of the problems is the bushing on the rear eyelet wears out frequently. on your Webpage the race kit lists a bearing insert? Does this replace the rear bushing?


Turbo Monkey
Sep 9, 2001
Originally posted by Frankenschwinn
I have a question,
I have an older model Heckler with a fox TC. One of the problems is the bushing on the rear eyelet wears out frequently. on your Webpage the race kit lists a bearing insert? Does this replace the rear bushing?
Chances are it's the same thing that you consider to be a bushing. What alot of people call shock bushings are actually bearings.

Now what I would really love to see is for Push to offer a spherical bearing upgrade for the Fox Shocks. That would be tits.


Nov 25, 2001
Tigerstaden, Norway
Can a Vanilla fork be upgraded??


Originally posted by Lexx D
" Performance wise, our system does isolate the individual circuits of the shock. We do this with a series of one-way valves located at each respective piston or valve in the shock. There is no "free" or "common" bleed at the piston. Again, we use a simple shim stack built into the piston bolt head to direct all of the fluid flow into the piston on compression. At the same time, the displaced fluid from the piston rod is being metered through the adjuster and valve located in the reservoir housing. This is a secondary, low speed circuit allowing externall fine tuning. On the extension stroke, the compression adjuster has a valve closing off the bleed directing the fluid through a seperate circuit allwoing the main cylinder to replenish freely. At the same time that this action is happening, the compression face of the piston closes and the rebound bleed begins, opening the shim stack located at the bolt head. During high frequency, there's also a secondary rebound circuit built into the piston which allows the fluid to "dump" allowing the shock speed to increase to keep the wheel in contact with the ground. All of the circuits are being controlled with various valve stacks of configured shock shims."

Well I could have told them that:D
Feb 20, 2004
Originally posted by Inclag
Chances are it's the same thing that you consider to be a bushing. What alot of people call shock bushings are actually bearings.

Now what I would really love to see is for Push to offer a spherical bearing upgrade for the Fox Shocks. That would be tits.
Please explain how these are the same thing...


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Originally posted by Frankenschwinn
Please explain how these are the same thing...
Bushings are just a subcatagory of bearings, they serve the same purpose. A bushing is a type of bearing.


Feb 4, 2004
Originally posted by Gun Show

Yes, my bike is the one pictured with the external reservoir.
This shock will never be available for production. It is a one time race only production limited run of about 15 shocks that will ever be produced.
Really never? I think there are a lot of DHR riders who want to get their hands on one of those 'pushed-external-reservoir- shocks'!
And if you have a Fox Vanilla DH (older version w/ remote reservoir); is it possible to Push those?

Brian HCM#1

Don’t feed the troll
Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Originally posted by Acadian
for some reason I really don't like that mounting position! :(

the Turner Team Push shock is sooooo clean lookin'!!

Edit: you think that bottom bolt is gonna hold? ;)
That sucks you base a shock a lot on looks, not performance.


Nov 25, 2001
Tigerstaden, Norway
Like I have said before, my first choise would be an "inside the frame" location for the beercan sized reservoir. Unfornately, it's not possible.

Then, it all came down to performance and reliability.

Avalanche shocks are IMO the best out there, they feel awsome, they last, they give me confidence on my bike. It's allways nice to know that your shock will be there all season.

I think the setup and the routing of the hose became better that I expected.


Brian HCM#1

Don’t feed the troll
Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Originally posted by Acadian
oh brother..
That coming from a guy that rides a Karpiel!! ;)

but from what I hear...Push has both...looks and performance :thumb:
Push hasn't been around long enough for that comment, but they do look like a fox with different stickers. Avalanche has been around with a proven track record, so far better than anyone elses shock to date.

Jeremy R

Nov 15, 2001
behind you with a snap pop
You guys just need to go ride your bikes.
I have not touched my Romic on my DHR since I dialed it in in December. Its valved for the DHR and works perfect on it.
It pedals great, sucks up the bumps, and most importantly
it is not holding me back in any way.
Just Ride!


Nov 25, 2001
Tigerstaden, Norway
Luc, its allmost invisible;) The reservoir is 38x110mm. On the small frame, forget any other locations. If you have anything with the similar measures, try to see if there are other places on the medium frame.

Romics are great, when they work. All the guys I know with Romics on their bikes have blown the shocks.

We dont have any Romic service centers in Norway, so shipping to UK is the way to go. Costs money and time.



Nov 25, 2001
Tigerstaden, Norway
Bike will be ready within a couple of days. Cources around here are still pretty damn wet, and there are even snow some places. I have been building and riding my 5 Spot the last weeks.

Cant wait to ride some DH now.



Artisanal Tweet Curator
Originally posted by Espen
Bike will be ready within a couple of days. Cources around here are still pretty damn wet, and there are even snow some places. I have been building and riding my 5 Spot the last weeks.

Cant wait to ride some DH now.

I'm just jealous.;)

I'm with you on the snow melt dance. I'm getting tired of having to drive to lower elevations to ride.

Curb Hucker

I am an idiot
Feb 4, 2004
Sleeping in my Kenworth
Originally posted by Acadian

I'm not saying Push is the best
Mine is :D

Now that i ride a Nicolai you cant give me anymore of that and this is coming from a guy who rides a karpiel crap anymore :p

But seriously, i do love my rear shock, and never see me riding anything else, except maybe a pushed DHX :devil:

Brian HCM#1

Don’t feed the troll
Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Originally posted by ViolentVolante
Mine is :D

Now that i ride a Nicolai you cant give me anymore of that and this is coming from a guy who rides a karpiel crap anymore :p

But seriously, i do love my rear shock, and never see me riding anything else, except maybe a pushed DHX :devil:
Nah, you ride a Nicholi;) and we'll still give you crap.

binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
Originally posted by ViolentVolante
Now that i ride a Nicolai you cant give me anymore of that and this is coming from a guy who rides a karpiel crap anymore :p
No, now you'll just get the "This is coming from a guy who rides a Nicolai" crap just like every other Nicolai rider gets ;)

I think Nicolai's are only sold to those who have proof of purchase for a drill press...


Feb 26, 2003
South Bay Area, CA
Alright, I read through this entire thread. I think I'm going to give Push a shot since I need to have my Fox rebuilt anyway. But how strong is the Push? Will it eventually blow out like my Fox has, or are the seals and internals that much stronger? I'm going to be using my Avy soon, but I want to keep my Fox as a backup either way. Waiting on some other parts for my Disco, then I'll be gettin the Avy in, but I want to be sure I have something to ride in 2 weeks.

Btw, how long did it take to get your shocks done? 2 weeks should be plenty of time I assume? Or has race season beaten the hell out of their schedule? Were they accurate on their return times? *Yes I will call them tomorrow, but just want to hear from you guys too*

Brian HCM#1

Don’t feed the troll
Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Originally posted by DLo
Alright, I read through this entire thread. I think I'm going to give Push a shot since I need to have my Fox rebuilt anyway. But how strong is the Push? Will it eventually blow out like my Fox has, or are the seals and internals that much stronger? I'm going to be using my Avy soon, but I want to keep my Fox as a backup either way. Waiting on some other parts for my Disco, then I'll be gettin the Avy in, but I want to be sure I have something to ride in 2 weeks.

Btw, how long did it take to get your shocks done? 2 weeks should be plenty of time I assume? Or has race season beaten the hell out of their schedule? Were they accurate on their return times? *Yes I will call them tomorrow, but just want to hear from you guys too*
Honestly, I think it will also blow because of the leverage ratio of the shock.


Feb 26, 2003
South Bay Area, CA
Originally posted by Brian HCM#1
Honestly, I think it will also blow because of the leverage ratio of the shock.
I wonder if I could blow the Avy.... but Craig does have alot of faith in his product :D I guess with the wrong leverage ratio, anything can blow :( We'll have to see.

Btw.. sent you a PM..... :D

Yeti DHer

I post here but I'm still better than you
Sep 7, 2001
The Foothills
Need some help here guys...

I've ridden a normal fox for 3 years and I don't have any experience with long travel romics,5ths or avys so I don't know how they ride.

I put my pushed shock on the bike and got it dialed to how I like it. I've noticed 3 things...

There is NO bob whatsoever, but this could be because...

1. The spring is too stiff now that I got the shock revalved. Its currently a 700lb but it feels extremely stiff. Do I need a new spring now? 600? 650? Any idea's?

2. The shock makes a big slurping sound. My other fox shocks were always silent unless they were blown or suffering from "cavitation". Is this just the sound the shock makes, or was it assembled wrong?

3. The shock clunks in between the shock being compressed and it rebounding up... Never felt that before... any ideas?



sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Originally posted by Yeti DHer
Need some help here guys...

I've ridden a normal fox for 3 years and I don't have any experience with long travel romics,5ths or avys so I don't know how they ride.

I put my pushed shock on the bike and got it dialed to how I like it. I've noticed 3 things...

There is NO bob whatsoever, but this could be because...

1. The spring is too stiff now that I got the shock revalved. Its currently a 700lb but it feels extremely stiff. Do I need a new spring now? 600? 650? Any idea's?

2. The shock makes a big slurping sound. My other fox shocks were always silent unless they were blown or suffering from "cavitation". Is this just the sound the shock makes, or was it assembled wrong?

3. The shock clunks in between the shock being compressed and it rebounding up... Never felt that before... any ideas?

how does the suspension feel? plush?(like an avalanche?) controlled?(like a 5th), better than before? or worse? Overdamped? Springy?

Brian HCM#1

Don’t feed the troll
Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Originally posted by Yeti DHer
Need some help here guys...

I've ridden a normal fox for 3 years and I don't have any experience with long travel romics,5ths or avys so I don't know how they ride.

I put my pushed shock on the bike and got it dialed to how I like it. I've noticed 3 things...

There is NO bob whatsoever, but this could be because...

1. The spring is too stiff now that I got the shock revalved. Its currently a 700lb but it feels extremely stiff. Do I need a new spring now? 600? 650? Any idea's?

2. The shock makes a big slurping sound. My other fox shocks were always silent unless they were blown or suffering from "cavitation". Is this just the sound the shock makes, or was it assembled wrong?

3. The shock clunks in between the shock being compressed and it rebounding up... Never felt that before... any ideas?

My Fox's never made noise, Romic does, Avy doesn't.

Yeti DHer

I post here but I'm still better than you
Sep 7, 2001
The Foothills
Originally posted by Jm_
how does the suspension feel? plush?(like an avalanche?) controlled?(like a 5th), better than before? or worse? Overdamped? Springy?
When the shock rebounds it sounds/feels like my 5th element but it just feels damn stiff at the moment.

Brian HCM#1

Don’t feed the troll
Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Originally posted by DLo
I wonder if I could blow the Avy.... but Craig does have alot of faith in his product :D I guess with the wrong leverage ratio, anything can blow :( We'll have to see.

Btw.. sent you a PM..... :D
That was really the only cure for blown shocks with the older Disco's, the Avalanche.