
Pyongyang throws out the 'N' word...


Oct 17, 2002
South Korea and the United States, its key ally, are conducting major joint war games. The North says the military drills were preparations for a northward invasion and are driving the situation on the peninsula to the “brink of a nuclear war.”
Oh crap :(

I think we need to break protocol and assasinate their president cuz he's just fvcking psychopathic and I'm afraid we won't be able to reason with him.


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
North Korea is scary but what is even scarier is our country's refusal to talk with them. It is very possible that North Korea would calm down and even stop their weapons developement program if the current US administration would satisfy their requests for talks. Freakin' Bush will risk a "nucular" showdown with these guys rather than just talking with them. It makes me sad and afraid when our foreign policies can only be explained by personal financial gain and personal grudges. I just pray that for once a good candidate runs and makes a successful bid for the presidency in 2004.


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
As irrational as Kim Jong Il is, who would have thought that 1 year ago that we would be driving toward Baghdad right now?

And hey North Korea is part of the "Axis of Eeevilll." And we won't even open diplomatic talks with them, because "we don't negotiate with terrorists."

Ever get the feeling that this administration is looking for a gas leak with Clinton's cigar lit in their mouth?


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
Originally posted by Silver

Ever get the feeling that this administration is looking for a gas leak with Clinton's cigar lit in their mouth?
NO, because it is not possible to smoke a cigar with your head placed firmly up the ass.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Originally posted by Westy
North Korea is scary but what is even scarier is our country's refusal to talk with them. It is very possible that North Korea would calm down and even stop their weapons developement program if the current US administration would satisfy their requests for talks. Freakin' Bush will risk a "nucular" showdown with these guys rather than just talking with them. It makes me sad and afraid when our foreign policies can only be explained by personal financial gain and personal grudges. I just pray that for once a good candidate runs and makes a successful bid for the presidency in 2004.
Which is it? First the US gets bagged on about going it "alone" against Iraq. But when the US calls for Russia, China and the rest of the world to get involved with North Korea, they all go "well this really is an issue between you and NK." And every single thing the US has said or done as caused NK to react in a manner opposite what you would expect. They have even claimed that the Iraq war is a DIVERSION for a soon to be invasion from South Korea.

Where is the UN? Where is the international anti-war committee trying to work this out? How come the Pope hasn't made a trip to NK for talks?

Okay so we go ahead and give in and have talks, and this goes away? But then in 2 years, the NK decides it wants something else...... We are going to start our reactors, build some more nuclear warheads, or maybe I'll import more binary agents to create some more chemical weapons. Or here are some more missile tests across the Pacific in your general direction. When does it stop? Is that the precident for international relations that you want set?

It is exactly this attitude that got us in trouble with Iraq the first time and Germany in the 1930's.