Does anyone know where I can find the parts to a 2003 QR20... Everything fell of in a crash and I can't find em anywhere... I dont wanna go to a LBS ro Marz... Does anyone have any spares?
Depending on the attitude of your LBS, they might get them for you for free, just because they don't want to deal with the potential liability of knowing you are riding without them.
I don't think anyone with a brain will buy your "they fell off in a crash" story though
The sum of all the parts of your fork, if you bought them individually one at at time, would be many times more expensive than when you bought the fork whole. That is reflected in the price of one small part. You lost a part, now you have to pay for it.
Sorry I don't know of anyone who has spares around.
What parts are you looking for? If you are missing just a bolt, you are in good hands. If you are missing more than that (i.e., springs, etc), let us know. Maybe we could help you out if you give us a more detailed list of part(s) missing.
I bet he's missing the lil bolt that screws into the QR. That's what happened to me and I had to pay $35 and didn't even get the same QR... it's some wierdo thing that sticks out weird.
the bolts that connect the stanchions to the swing clamp.. suck. i personally don't like that design. i got teh bolt on kind on my jr.t , which is double dumb cause you still need and allen wrench to release the axle. they should stick with a dedicated 20 or get better hardware. i snapped one of the bolts in half and to replace it from marzocchi would be about $20, so i went to the hardware store, got a bolt that matched up for length, and drilled out the spacer the original bolt screwed into and slipped the new, higher quality bolt into the hole. used some grip glue to keep it in place, and voila, a better mounting system.
chances of finding some spare from someone on the board are slim if you're looking to get it cheap. your local bikeshop can order them direct from marzocchi or order through QBP
So you're missing the flap that closes over the axle, the bolt that acts as an axle that affixes the flap to the bottom of the slider, and the bolt that removably affixes the flap to the bottom of the slider, and is removed when you remove the axle. If you're missing those three parts, $20 ain't bad. I know it sucks, but people don't acquire spares - those are the things that people lose... like you.
Now to the confusing part:
In your first post, you said "2003 QR20," and now you say "not all the QR crap." So which is it? If it's QR20+, then that would make sense, and you should refer to my above description. But if it's QR20+, then it's a whole different ballgame, and you can PM me for "fixes," otherwise you're in the same boat of dealing with your LBS.
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