
Quentin Tarantino,


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
I vow to never see one of his movies again. I saw kill bill and I personally thought it sucked, despite every one saying how "totally awesome" the movie was. Then i saw Hero, and i must say that this movie sucked as well. It was trying to be way to thought provoking for a kung fu movie and ended up being a plastic shallow 2 hr ordeal of a stupid conversation. How does any one see how these movies are so good?

I mean, his other movies like Resivoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction were awesome. I just think that Kill Bill and Hero were horrible.


leg shavin roadie
Jul 14, 2003
at a road race near you
mack said:
I vow to never see one of his movies again. I saw kill bill and I personally thought it sucked, despite every one saying how "totally awesome" the movie was. Then i saw Hero, and i must say that this movie sucked as well. It was trying to be way to thought provoking for a kung fu movie and ended up being a plastic shallow 2 hr ordeal of a stupid conversation. How does any one see how these movies are so good?

I mean, his other movies like Resivoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction were awesome. I just think that Kill Bill and Hero were horrible.

Have seen Resivoir Dogs sooo many times.One of my favs of all time :thumb:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
xbluethunderx said:
Kill Bill owns. Bitch.
What is so good about the movie? It is just loads of fake blood and stupid sword fighting accompanied by horrible acting.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Kill Bill is a movie for movie geeks. It only makes sense as something other than a gore-fest if you know all the hidden references, in the costumes, choreography, and plot that fueled Tarantino's imagination for all his other movies and to which he makes direct homage/reference in Kill Bill.

Watch some Akira Kurosawa chambara movies, and if you like them, watch KB again.



bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
You're probably the only person alive who didn't like Kill Bill Volume I and II. You are unique but not in a good way.....

but i'm with you on Hero, although for me, it wasn't so much that it was terrible. i thought the first half was spectacular. But just like Signs the movie began to piss me off something fierce. Changing the story over and over, and the ending really made me wanna puke. But like it was said before, Quentin Tarantino had nothing to do with the movie, he just brought it to theaters in the states....


This is not an active account
Sep 18, 2002
Toronto, Canada
mack said:
kung fu movie and ended up being a plastic shallow 2 hr ordeal of a stupid conversation

LOL!!! Grashopper...... Did I read once that you were in grad school? I MUST be thinking of someone else.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
i think it helps if you follow a little bit of chinese history...there were several warring states, and one dynasty tied them all together....it's a bit of an homage to that dynasty and that king.

yes, QT only brought it over here, he didn't make it. I don't really see why people didn't like the movie...then again, everyone who didn't like it was a girl...i thought it was cool...choppin body parts and ninja swords are sweet.

I liked both movies, but I can live the rest of my life without seeing another "flying people doing 90 backflips while kicking things" choreography. Please people, we have physics here on earth. in the matrix, it was cool/a good idea/groundbreaking. Now, it's annoying.


Turbo Monkey
mack said:
It was trying to be way to thought provoking for a kung fu movie and ended up being a plastic shallow 2 hr ordeal of a stupid conversation.
When I saw Hero, I had the advantage of seeing it w/ out the need for translation/subtitles. The depth of this movie didn't come across in the translation at all. I'm sure the next one, House of the Flying Daggers will be in the same situation as was Dragons/Tigers from a few year ago. Also, the fact that I'm first generation in North America I can honestly say the two cultures just simply have very different ideas of "cool." One is very old school, and then you have the US.

And yes, QT only intro'd that movie to the US.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002
Hero was the farthest thing from shallow. One day once life has actually affected you and made you truly live you will see the very strong message that Hero has to tell. Until then making negative comments about the film only serve to further make you appear incredibly childish. the funny thing is that there is nothing wrong with being naive, you just have to accept it and not pretend to understand things that you couldn't possibly understand at your early stage in life...

EDIT: oh yeah, Kill bill (1 & 2) own, and in a similar but at the same time very different way, you will need to grow a lot before you appreciate it fully (or at all).


can i lick your balls?
Dec 14, 2003
San Diego, California, United States
Sandwich said:
I liked both movies, but I can live the rest of my life without seeing another "flying people doing 90 backflips while kicking things" choreography. Please people, we have physics here on earth. in the matrix, it was cool/a good idea/groundbreaking. Now, it's annoying.
umm actually alot of the chinese/japanese style "kung-fu" movies have this in them its more of an artistic thing i beleive and i thought that the movie was very artistic and thougth provoking. but alot of us here 'mericans dont like tuh have tuh think wen we be seein us a film.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
punkassean said:
Hero was the farthest thing from shallow. One day once life has actually affected you and made you truly live you will see the very strong message that Hero has to tell.
meh... poop on that, you cannot divulge any information from peoples lives simply from whether or not they like the message from a movie.

i saw what they were trying to get to, but it seemed like a bunch of crap to me. It's like knowing the president of the United States really sucks, then re-electing him anyways.... oh wait a minute..... :sneaky:


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
mack said:
What is so good about the movie? It is just loads of fake blood and stupid sword fighting accompanied by horrible acting.

and a fantastic soundtrack. kill bill was fantastic overkill. it can be better apreacited if you will watch some sexploitation and blackploitation from the seventies. i'm talking about super b film type stuff. mix a little stereotypical ninja avenging in and you have a cornucopia of mixed genre entertainment all in one movie.

if you didn't pay attention to how the soundtrack fit into the movie, you missed one of the best parts, in my opinion.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
punkassean said:
Hero was the farthest thing from shallow. One day once life has actually affected you and made you truly live you will see the very strong message that Hero has to tell. Until then making negative comments about the film only serve to further make you appear incredibly childish. the funny thing is that there is nothing wrong with being naive, you just have to accept it and not pretend to understand things that you couldn't possibly understand at your early stage in life...

EDIT: oh yeah, Kill bill (1 & 2) own, and in a similar but at the same time very different way, you will need to grow a lot before you appreciate it fully (or at all).
No i got everything, i just thought it sucked. Maybe it is my ADD but I just got really bored during the whole thing. And sanwich is right, new age kung foo is kinda stupid.

I must be honest Kill Bill didnt make any sence to me at all, so i guess you can call me ignorant on that one.

If some one could actually tell me what makes the movie so great other than calling me childish for not liking it that would be nice. Because right now i think that none of you really understood why the movie was so great either.



Turbo Monkey
Feb 26, 2003
Now here is a movie with some real content. This is the only movie i ever cried in. So flame me bitches.:devil: But you watch it i bet you will be sad too.



Turbo Monkey
mack said:
Now here is a movie with some real content. This is the only movie i ever cried in. So flame me bitches.:devil: But you watch it i bet you will be sad too.

Where and how you connect with this movie and didn't w/ Hero or Kill Bill maybe exactly the opposite with others. If it's about say, death of a brother, and you have a brother, its meaning will go a whole lot deeper to you than me since I don't have any siblings. I came from that culture where Hero and Kill Bill were based so it'll definitely have a deeper meaning to me than you.