
question for fitness people about whey protein


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
so i picked some whey protein up and have started mixing it in my smoothies which is very yummy. however shoul i take even on my rest days? my muscles are still dore from my workout yesterday and the previous day so i am guessing it would be benficial to take to provide the proteins for repair correct?


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
I Are Baboon said:
I agree.

Just out of curiosity, what'd you get? I use Optimum Nutrition Pro Complex (vanilla).

i got the ON 100% whey protein supplement. one serving is 23 grams of protein. its vanilla ice cream flavor.

my goal is to put on about 10 pounds of muscle. that will bring me up almost to a whopping 170 pounds!!!!!!woohoo.



Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
Well, to be on topic, I take a really good multi vitamin. In addition to that though, I wanted to find a good supplement that will utilize my cardio workouts better that would NOT run my blood pressure through the roof.

In other words, I want to burn MORE fat then I am now.

I'm up to 5.5 miles on the cross trainer 4 times a week, with three times a week regular weight training.



Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
stoney98 said:
If you are lifting on a daily basis, a protein supplement will allow your body to repair the damage done. But taken in excess it is unnecessary, and if you are training on a more cardio( lean/lung) based program rather than a lifting (power/mass) program you need not. You need to look more at you diet.
What I have is a more heart/build combo. I had a trainer set me up with the weight program.

The cardio I do is one hour with HR @ 145 -150. with cool down, I get to about 5.75 to 6 miles, although I maintain 6.7 - 7 mph pace.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
stoney98 said:
sk6, how old are you? I'd like to see the lifting program that corresponds to that volume of cardio. You might be consuming excessive protein unnecessarily. I do suggest the extra vit C to help prevent the breakdown of muscle due to the running though.
40. Gmail sent aswell.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
MtnBikerChk said:
Why are you taking a protein supplement? If you don't know when to take it, you probably don't know why you are taking it either.
wow why ya gotta be cold like that? i am taking it to provide axtra fat free protein to my diet to help put on more mass. I didnt know if i should take it on my rest day because i will not be working my muscles so i didnt know if i should take then as well.

dont get catty and treat me like i am dumb.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 10, 2001
Shut up and ride...
the reason for the cardio is the high inherited lipid problem I have, along with having high blood pressure. BTW, since I've been working out for over a year now, BP is a non-issue.

The weight workout is slimmed and trimmed. Time being an issue. when I do lift, I bulk QUICKLY! I do not want to bulk per se so much as tone. I do not use the bench press in the traditional sense, as I do dumb-bell presses, Arnold's, curls and hammer curls.

I would much rather do cardio for fat burn, but to maintain 120 BPM is GODawful slow.

I like the higher heart rate since I'm as strong as a damn ox; however I have been working on longevity as opposed to short bursts.

Single leg press is right at 235. I do 4-5 sets of 15 crunches, 3 sets 15 of side crunches on the 45 deg. assist. I use the ball to do roll-outs, 3 set 10

I do leg (reverse)curls in at 50 per leg. Ive just switched from the seated row to an inclined reverse press.

I do the reps slow, as opposed to blowing right through them.

cardio consists of mixed CD's .I burn, with Children of Bodem, Soilwork, Shadows Fall, Forevermore, Dimu Borgir and such...:p


Thats just a quick run down.