
questions about wooden jump ramps


Artisanal Tweet Curator
I'm looking to build some portable jumps kind of like a skateboard launch ramp but with landings obviously. With the landings in particular, does anyone know any bracing techniques to handle a full size adult pounding on them?

I've built many many skateboard ramps but I'm worried about the impact of two acute tire patch sized forces on just the standard template sides with 2x4s between them. I was thinking of double crossing the braces along the centerline of the "ideal" landing strip in the center of the landings but am not sure of hou to go about it.

Has anyone ever dealt with this?



Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
box jump landings are usually just your standard 2 x 4's with plywood over them. space the 2x4's every foot and put 1/2 ply and it should hold up just fine. it's gonna be heavy though.
Originally posted by Echo
Yup... "portable" is not exactly the term I would use :D

after you make it wide enough and long enough to land on (which will be quite large unless you never plan on tricking off it and only jumping totally straight) it will not be portable (unless you call 4-5 peeps helping move it portable)
every attempt at building a landing tranny that i have seen turns out to be so darn big, the only place to play with it in in the front yard.

there are a million and one natural trannies waiting to be used as a landing as we speak, all you need to do is simply go outside to see them.....


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Originally posted by WestCoastHucker
there are a million and one natural trannies waiting to be used as a landing as we speak, all you need to do is simply go outside to see them.....
Dude that is sweet! Looks like you need to move the ramp back though :D


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Originally posted by Echo
Dude that is sweet! Looks like you need to move the ramp back though :D
Very cool - he could also use a helmet too.

But props for creating your own natural transition to use your jump with!
Originally posted by Echo
Dude that is sweet! Looks like you need to move the ramp back though :D
hehehe......:D this was the first time my friend (the dude taking the pic) had come out to play on it and he was concerned about clipping the wall. so i had to test jump it to show him.....

it was the only pic that showed the ramp and the landing which is why it was picked. (not to show off my skillz:p )


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Originally posted by WestCoastHucker

there are a million and one natural trannies waiting to be used as a landing as we speak, all you need to do is simply go outside to see them.....
Weight isn't an issue because they will be assembled and disasembled at the site. The sole reason I'm building them is to place jumps somewhere that doesn't lend itself to anything but complete flatness. I've got cargo space, weight and size aren't an issue. I was just looking for any bracing designs that someone like that Dangerous Dan circus brigade might be using for the landings off their bigger ladder drops. If those guys are getting away with straight drops onto standard box designs then that would be fine. I'm just fishing for ideas but it must be a built landing.

Dirt Merchant

Oct 16, 2003
Hilton, NY
Go to NSMB.com and search hard enough, and I'll bet you
find his email address...ask him! I will say this: sometimes
good carpentry skills are more important than good engineering
skills, when it comes to these sorts of things!


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Originally posted by Dirt Merchant
Go to NSMB.com and search hard enough, and I'll bet you
find his email address...ask him! I will say this: sometimes
good carpentry skills are more important than good engineering
skills, when it comes to these sorts of things!
So true..........

I think I'm just going to build one and see how it holds up. They won't be seeing the heavy abuse for another 6 months. Thanks.