
Quick! Anybody need a stem?

Ok, I don't want to put this in the for sale forum as I'd like to sell this locally. I just bought this stem: http://www.greenfishsports.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=484

It's the Silver 40mm/25.4mm bar clamp. I spaced and didn't realize it wasn't a 31.8. I paid more for quicker shipping, so my total cost was like $45 or something. I'd like an even $40 if anyone is interested. Also, I'd prefer not to deal with shipping it to someone, as I might as well just return it, you know? Anyway, this will be available for the next 5 days and if no one wants it by then, game over and it gets returned.

Thanks for looking!


Turbo Monkey
Feb 3, 2002

PM RaacerX (Max) he needs a short 25.4 stem...

If he buys it from you, you can borrow my Tioga cube (to tide you over) that he's currently borrowing, it can fit 31.8 or 25.4mm. It is a 65mm though...