
Quick way to lose 20lbs?


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Doing trail rides won't do it Dan. You need to get your heart rate up and keep it there for a good long time. Trail rides and XC rides are too sporadic. A good 20 mile road ride could do it. If you don't want to run, the best idea is a spinning class or even a trainer/rollers.

Personally, I would rather run then ride a trainer or spin at the gym.

Don't become some chick at the gym, obsessed over the numbers. They don't mean bubkus. What you need to do is increase your bodies oxygen carrying capacity. Aerobic excercise does this, anaerobic excercise does not (sprints, sporadic up down type trail ride, etc.)

You want more muscle then fat. Once you lose enough fat, you will start to gain muscle (it may seem like you never actually LOSE weight). Remember, muscle weighs more than fat does.


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
rockymt21 said:
I signed up on that site and set up a goal weight. It says for me to get to the goal weight I would need to lose about 4lbs a week for 6 weeks. Is that do-able?
2) cut back on calories. 3500 calories equal roughly 1 lb of fat. 2 pounds a week is a healthy limit. anything more, chances are you´d be loosing too much muscle. so cut 400-500 calories from your daily intake.
You are going to have to average a deficit of 2000 calories a day to lose that much weight a week. I don't think that is substainable if you actually want to ride.

What is the deal with everybody suggesting running? If Dan weighs 285, that just doesn't seem good on the knees to be running a lot. Plus, if you are trying to get in condition for racing, riding would be far better. Throw in a few intervals on the ride and increase the benefit.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Wumpus said:
What is the deal with everybody suggesting running? If Dan weighs 285, that just doesn't seem good on the knees to be running a lot. Plus, if you are trying to get in condition for racing, riding would be far better. Throw in a few intervals on the ride and increase the benefit.

Running sucks. YMMV. :)


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
SkaredShtles said:

Running sucks. YMMV. :)

YMMV. You got that right. Anything more than 15 minutes worth and I'd rather be at the dentist having root canal surgury.

I've been struggling with this weight loss thing too. Well not really struggling, just annoyed. I've tried the www.fitday.com thing and would enter in everything I ate for the day and try to estimate that my excerise level / activities as best as possible. I was always in a 1000 calorie deficit and should by every merit been either starving to death or loosing weight but I was neither. I'm sure that the problem lies in accounting for portion sizes but my wife and I tend to cook almost everything from scratch a nothing fits neatly into their preset stuff. Anyway I found it to be a pain.

I decided instead to say screw it and just eat as healthy as possible. Limited saturated fats, no transfats, and whole grain everything. I also stopped drinking sodas and cut out sugary snacks. Even if I'm not slimming down to my desired weight at least I know I'm eating pretty good. That's something.


I always thought those sweat suits or the vibrating belt machines were super cool.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
jdschall said:
Yeah, I prefer my eggs over-well.

<slingblade>Mmmmm I like french fried potaters.</slingblade>.
I can't stand...





Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
Wumpus said:
You are going to have to average a deficit of 2000 calories a day to lose that much weight a week. I don't think that is substainable if you actually want to ride.

What is the deal with everybody suggesting running? If Dan weighs 285, that just doesn't seem good on the knees to be running a lot. Plus, if you are trying to get in condition for racing, riding would be far better. Throw in a few intervals on the ride and increase the benefit.
havent made that math, you are right.

i assume a guy that big is probably eating 3000 calories a day. healthy speaking, cuting back 800, burn 700 on cardio... not quite there, but i guess a 1500 calories deficit is still a lot, dont know if too much.

i weighted 165lbs and i have been on a 800-900 daily calorie deficit, eating 1800 a day, loosing on average 1.1 kg a week.

edit. i forgot. you not only loose 100% fat. so the number of "calories per pound of weight lost" is a little bit smaller, muscle loss goes by 2500ish calories a pound (dont take my word on that, but i remember is was considerably less than fat).


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
Wumpus said:
What is the deal with everybody suggesting running? If Dan weighs 285, that just doesn't seem good on the knees to be running a lot. Plus, if you are trying to get in condition for racing, riding would be far better. Throw in a few intervals on the ride and increase the benefit.

The problem with riding anything but road, spinning or a trainer is that you don't sustain a high enough heartrate consistently. Even on those, you sometimes coast and don't pedal (hard as hell on rollers though).


The Real Dr. Science
Jul 12, 2004
Sleepy Hollar
havent made that math, you are right.

i assume a guy that big is probably eating 3000 calories a day. healthy speaking, cuting back 800, burn 700 on cardio... not quite there, but i guess a 1500 calories deficit is still a lot, dont know if too much.

i weighted 165lbs and i have been on a 800-900 daily calorie deficit, eating 1800 a day, loosing on average 1.1 kg a week.

Can't help but notice your location (lima, peru)...

Do you chew cocoa leaves to stave off hunger pains?:)

dG video

I blew a mod to get this title
Feb 25, 2004
havent made that math, you are right.

i assume a guy that big is probably eating 30000 calories a day. healthy speaking, cuting back 800, burn 700 on cardio... not quite there, but i guess a 1500 calories deficit is still a lot, dont know if too much.

i weighted 165lbs and i have been on a 800-900 daily calorie deficit, eating 1800 a day, loosing on average 1.1 kg a week.

edit. i forgot. you not only loose 100% fat. so the number of "calories per pound of weight lost" is a little bit smaller, muscle loss goes by 2500ish calories a pound (dont take my word on that, but i remember is was considerably less than fat).
Yeah, on that fitplan website it says I ate about 300 calories today. I went riding for a little bit and burned about a thousand calories so I think I might hop on the treadmill later tonight to get the rest off.

Rasin Bran w/ 1% milk.
Bowl of Strawberrys.
Glass of OJ

Lunch (split up into 2 diff times)
2 bananas and a bottle of water around 10:45
Bagel with creamcheese at 2:30

Now Dinner at 6:
Salad with:
Sliced Chicken
And Light Italian dressing....

That sounds fairly healthy to me.... right?


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
jdschall said:
Can't help but notice your location (lima, peru)...

Do you chew cocoa leaves to stave off hunger pains?:)
they are kinda hard to get in coastal lima. mostly an andes thing.

i dont get much hunger pains really. in fact i´m not hungry most of the time with this diet. i eat a lot of grapes though.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
rockymt21 said:
Yeah, on that fitplan website it says I ate about 300 calories today. I went riding for a little bit and burned about a thousand calories so I think I might hop on the treadmill later tonight to get the rest off.

Rasin Bran w/ 1% milk.
Bowl of Strawberrys.
Glass of OJ

Lunch (split up into 2 diff times)
2 bananas and a bottle of water around 10:45
Bagel with creamcheese at 2:30

Now Dinner at 6:
Salad with:
Sliced Chicken
And Light Italian dressing....

That sounds fairly healthy to me.... right?
burning 1000 calories biking is a lot. that like doing 20-25mph for 1 hour non stop.

there are a lot of calories in cream cheese and light italian dressing. you could replace them with something else. like lemon (vitamin c), salt and olive oil instead of dressing, or turkey breast (proteins) instead of cream cheese.

fat is like 9 cal per gram. protein is 4 cal per gram. if you are hungry, better to stock up on protein or light carbohidrates.
for fats, i take olive oil (1 tablespoon) with my salads. is not healthy to quit all fats at once. joints need them. olive oil is a good source of fat.

some extra protein wont hurt (so you dont loose too much muscle) and a bit of medium lift weight.
i dont know how much you´d need, but i´ve been taking about 110-120 grams of protein a day while loosing weight. yet i lost 30% of muscle from the 1.1kg of weekly lost weight. i had an appointment today, and i was told i should increace my protein intake by 20 grams to reduce the % of muscle loss.

dG video

I blew a mod to get this title
Feb 25, 2004
Alright so I have been look at what I have been eating the last few days and its a reoccurence that I eat way more carbs and fat then i do protein. Thats no good right? I am still eating really healthy but the stuff I eat just seems to be loaded with carbs and fat....?

Im also eating about 3000 calories a day, which seems high, and only burning about 2000 calories a day.....How am I supposed to burn more then 3000 calories?
Oct 8, 2005
manimal said:
that article on the diet soda does make sense as i usually associate diet coke with a meal. if i drink a diet soda i usually want something to eat with it, regardless of whether or not i'm actually hungry.
yes, but its kinda of physical oriented thing, sugar substitutes, especially those that are synthetic and non caloric (calories), also some people say that substitutes such as aspartame and sucralose may cause cancer... not sure, cause there are rumors saying companies pay the FDA to approve this subsitutes.

I took a nutrition course about a year ago, here are some things that might help you, if anyone needs anything else just let me know, i got some notes about how active you are, recomended dietary allowance.

How active you are (calories needed to mantain weight):
http://www.uploading.com/?get=SWFXO45R <<Excel file


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
rockymt21 said:
Alright so I have been look at what I have been eating the last few days and its a reoccurence that I eat way more carbs and fat then i do protein. Thats no good right? I am still eating really healthy but the stuff I eat just seems to be loaded with carbs and fat....?

Im also eating about 3000 calories a day, which seems high, and only burning about 2000 calories a day.....How am I supposed to burn more then 3000 calories?

According to the American Heart Association you should be eating around 4200 calories a day to maintain your weight.

AHA said:
To maintain your weight, balance the number of calories you eat with the number you use each day. To get a rough guide to how many calories you need, multiply your body weight in pounds by 15 (if you're active) or 12 (if you're not). If you're overweight or obese, multiply you ideal body weight by 15 (active) or 13 (non active) to find the number of calories you should eat to gradually achieve your ideal body weight.
Your calories should mostly be coming from carbs(50-60%), then protein(20-25% though weight lifter tend to go higher) and fat(<20%).

Edit-- I found this at the calorie calculator site -- Current recommendations for a healthy diet are fat 25 - 30%, protein 10 - 15% and carbohydrate 55 - 60%.

Dietary Guidelines for Healthy American Adults

Why high protein diets made be bad for you.

DH biker

Turbo Monkey
Dec 12, 2004
North East
For my size the site says 3,200 ish...
Try it out and see what you get...

Anyone know how Propel Fitness Water is supposed to be? 15 calories, tastes good. Supposed to be good for you?


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
DH biker said:
For my size the site says 3,200 ish...
Try it out and see what you get...

Anyone know how Propel Fitness Water is supposed to be? 15 calories, tastes good. Supposed to be good for you?
Mine is 2200 right now, but I'm chained to a desk at the moment. When I was sprinting in college, it was 6600....

And ya, what SS said - drink water.


Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
rockymt21 said:
I want to lose about 20lbs before the races this year. I have been trying to eat healthy, riding a lot etc... Running is the abosulte last thing I want to do, I would rather go on a trailride on my IH Sunday. So does anyone have any tips? Please no smartass remarks!

Give birth (LOL) atleast that's what I did :devil:
D'oh...I just read the "please no smartass remarks"

Seriously...drink more water, increase your fiber intake too...fiber fills you up fast and spin!!!