
Race day thread...


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
Today I rode my first mountainbike race in over ten years, and first ever on a single speed...it was ugly. Some things never change...

Missed my start time by a few minutes when I followed the wrong guy on a warm up spin, ended up riding an extra lap and a half. Guy at the starting gate just said turna around and go get 'em! Got passed by about 60 HS students ripping up the course as part of the Cali HS race league. Cramped like hell on the final climb. Passed a few folks...may have placed in my division, but only because there was only a few of us!

I cant do the hyper competitive thing on the bike...I spin and have fun, smile at everyone and laugh at my faults and foibles. I only race against the clock, but I will do it again soon. Maybe with gears this time...

Cant wait til next race day!


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Good jorb mang !

It's been 10 years since I last raced as well. I'm with ya on the spin and have fun thing. These days I like to ride fairly easy until I come to a dh or tech section. Just not down with the go-go-racer boy attitude anymore.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
It's always so hit and miss for me. To show up race after race and have even 80% success rate where you feel like you and your bike are performing at the optimum level takes an immense effort and it seems like it's just down to random chance most of the time.

Last race, didn't sleep the night before, was coming off of a nasty cold (was definitely still feeling the effects before) and ended up nailing it with one of my best performances. Was standing around a few minutes before the start wondering if I should turn on my boot-heaters and to what level, which I selected 2 (winter fat bike race) and I was generally wondering : Am I just going to ride this 50 mile race at a moderate pace, or go all-out? If I go all-out, will I be embarrassed and will it seem like I'm just another slow person? I spent the first few minutes feeling out the field and then locked down to 2-3 other riders that hung in a group for nearly the entire rest of the race. The pace we set was crazy and we were going so fast. If one thing had gone wrong, I wouldn't have been anywhere close to where I ended up. If I had to stop to adjust one thing, I wouldn't have ended up close to where I did. I did the race because I thought it would be fun and it was, but all the times I've raced and didn't do very well, it was sometimes a little harder to justify when you looked at the results after and realized you simply never had "a chance".

I feel like that was some sort of fluke, not that I'm slow, just that it's always been so frustrating because there's almost "always something" or other issues holding you back that make it nearly impossible to perform at the level you know you are capable of.

Seems like it's so much more than just training and riding hard, it's always pre-riding the course, it's racing at every possible venue and race (throwing **** on the wall to see if it sticks), it's spending lots of money on stuff you are only going to use rarely, etc. Not just bike equipment, but all the things past simply working out and riding.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
The race I rode was part of a series that will continue in the same area if not the same course. I believe there are 6-10 races over the course of the year, along with biathlons and mtb fests...it sounds like a cool vibe and is family
friendly...and is alongside a very cool lake...will go back, and will go back a ride there on a recreational basis too.


year old fart
Mar 19, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
Should add when I was in Denmark this summer I took part in a race where the format was really cool. The mtb club my friend is part of has a race most weeks during the summer where they all meet up and a couple of people is responsible for the race course. So you all ride the course together and mark off turns during the ride and then race after that. Did not cost any thing, no waiting just fun times. I had a crappy bike and totally bombed and lost my way a couple of times since I did not know the area but I would totally do something like that if it was an option.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
I am about 45 minutes from the Downieville area. I tend to stay away from popular areas...dont care for crowds very much. I have ridden it in the past and will again, maybe soon...but for now looking around my area (Roseville/Beale/Auburn...) for trails.