
Race Resume?


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
Since nobody ever checks the racing forum, I decided I'd post this here.

Does anyone have any good guidlines for writing a racing resume? I need to get some out to prospective sponsors (Please don't tell me to go to Sponsorhouse.com...I don't have 50$, yes, I really am that poor). I know it needs a cover letter, results, pictures, what you can do for the company, plans next year, etc, but does anyone have one they could send me as an example? I'm just trying to get a general idea here...


Sep 22, 2004
Man you must be oblivious to the bike world if you don't know how to write a resume. :D

Actually Mountain Bike Action has done two articles about this in the last year. Yeah I hate that magazine too but no one else does sponsorship articles.
On the amateur level sponsors like to see quantity over quality. When I first applied no one wanted me because I had ridden about 5 races. I was thinking WTF cause I won all the races. So I talked to some local guys and they told me that companies just you want you out riding their product as much as possible. Group sponsorship helps a ton. If you have some friends who go to the same races and get similiar results start a team with them and apply for group sponsorship. Those are just some things I did.


boob hater
Jan 24, 2004
Hmmm...I did a bunch of races in the regional series (Intermountain Cup), and did a twelve hour race at the end of the season. I've decided endurance racing is my calling, but such events don't happen regularly in Utah (I believe there are 4 total over the year) , so I need some of my gear to be paid for in order to afford travel fees. I do have sort of a team deal lined up with my LBS, but nothing is paid, it's just gear at cost, and thats still too much for me.

Would companies sponsor me individually if I was on a team?

Dirt Merchant

Oct 16, 2003
Hilton, NY
"Does anyone have any good guidlines for writing a racing resume?"

Yeah, don't waste your time. Meet these people in person and explain what you will bring to the table.